Summary[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The Zann Consortium is a Criminal Organistation with Criminal Mastermind Tyber Zann as its Leader. His right hand man is Urai Fenn, ferociously loyal and willing to go any length in Order to support Tyber Zann and his Plans. The Organisation uses Corruption and Hired Guns to establish themselfs all over the galaxy in order to spread Zanns influence and power. The Consortium mostly works in the Underground establishing Blackmarkets, abducting Officials and doing other Criminal actions to further their control over a System. In addition Tyber Zann does not hold back from conquering Worlds by force with his Massive Fleets of Starships (His ships are a mix of Stolen Mandalorian Designs and Pirate ships) and Groundforces consisting of Mercenarys, Pirates and other hired Guns. After having some run inns with the Hutt Cartel and the Empire Tyber Zann was arrested and put in the Kessel Mines destined to rod there for ever.
The Zann Consortium in its existance is from legends, its only appearence was in the Real Time Strategy Game Star Wars: Empire at War Forces of Corruption DLC by Lucasarts where you are able to play a full Campaign alongside Tyber Zann and his Companions.
How to Play as the Zann Consortium[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
You are able to create the Zann Consortium as part of the formable Empires in the game. So you can`t start with it, but if you want it you need to follow these steps:
- You start as Ryloth
- You build up Fleet
- about 40k plus Power should be fine, just remember your enemy has T3-4 Tech
- You go to Kamino
- Take the long route, else you need to fight a way stronger 60k Fleet
- Other Empires can't deny you the access, so what is there to worry about?
- Whipe out the Pirate Fleet above it
- Wait for the Bothan Clans (Or any other Empire) to Build a Starbase in the Kamino System
- Wait to be contacted
- Agree to everything, tho it should be obvious
Important: Taking Kamino yourself will not trigger the Event, even when you gift it away afterwards
Effect of becomming the Zann Consortium[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- You will become a Criminal Megacorp Empire
- This means you can build branch Offices on others Empires Planets similar to the Black Sun or Hutts
- Your Ethics will be Authoritarian and Fanatic Materialist
- Your Civics will be Criminal Heritage and Technocracy
- When you reform your Goverment you get the normal Megacorp Civics to choose from
- Your Tradition Tree changes
- You can Choose Domination now and Vassalize other Empires
- Previous choosen Traditions change to what is at their place now
- ATM you don't get a new Ship set
- but you get the Merciless with 6.5k Fleetpower and lv. 3 to 4 Tech equipped
- it is said this will change in a future update
- The other Zann Consortium Armadas will still be hostile towards you
- "They're renegades, they've betrayed their loyalties to the Consortium. They're fleets of Zann's ships that've mutinied." Thronebane [Spud] on the Pdx D.G. Community Discord