
自由之民讨论 | 贡献2022年5月11日 (三) 03:16的版本 (2022年5月5日 (四) 19:14‎ Jack Cyber)

Relics are very powerful artifacts and trophies that an empire can collect if they defeat a crisis or own the required DLC. Every Relic has a passive effect as well as a powerful Triumph effect that requires resources. All Relics have a Triumph cooldown during which no other relic can be activated. Most relics have a cooldown of 10 years, but some (e.g. the Cybrex War Forge and the Surveyor) have a shorter cooldown.

If an empire invades and captures the capital of another empire during any war that isn't "Claim the Galatron" there is a 10% chance to steal one of the owned Relics. The chance is increased to 15% if the empire has the 野蛮掠夺者 Barbaric Despoilers 野蛮掠夺者Barbaric Despoilers civic.

Relics give large amounts of score, which can tip the balance in games with victory enabled. The If an empire conquers the capitalRelics Collected score for empires in the victory tab can be used to deduce which empire has relics.

Relic list

Relic Passive effect Triumph effect Triumph cost Triumph cooldown Source Score DLC
R unbidden warlock.png Extradimensional Warlock 速度 Speed +15% Sublight Speed 速度 Speed +100% Jump Drive Range for 10 years 凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Destroying the last Extradimensional Invaders portal 5000
R contingency core.png Isolated Contingency Core Mod pop robot build speed mult.png +100% Pop Assembly Speed 巨型结构建造速度 Megastructure Build Speed +300% Megastructure Build Speed for 10 years 凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Destroying the Contingency secret lair 5000
R prethoryn queen.png Prethoryn Brood-Queen 社会学研究 Society Research +30 Society Research Menu icon fleet manager.png Controllable Prethoryn fleet (6 Warriors and 16 Swarmlings) 食物 Food 10000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Capturing the Prethoryn Queen 5000
R dragon trophy.png Ether Drake Trophy 每月凝聚力 Monthly Unity +10% Monthly unity 幸福度 Happiness +10% Happiness for 10 years 凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Defeating the Ether Drake 1000 星神兽故事包 Leviathans Story Pack
R khans throne.png Khan's Throne 宣称影响力花费 Claim Influence Cost −20% Claim influence cost 舰船武器伤害 Ship Weapons Damage +20% Ship weapons damage for 10 years
军国主义 Militarist +25% Militarist Ethic Attraction for 10 years
凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Defeating the Great Khan's fleet a second time 3000 启示录 Apocalypse
R war forge.png Cybrex War Forge 合金 Alloys +5% Monthly Alloys
Army assault m.png Can recruit Cybrex Warform armies at the capital
合金 Alloys +5000 Alloys 凝聚力 Unity 3000
矿物 Minerals 10000
Mod relic cooldown.png 900 days Finishing the Cybrex precursor chain 5000 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R pox sample.png Javorian Pox Sample 领袖预期寿命 Leader Lifespan +20 Leader lifespan 贾沃疹 Javorian Pox 贾沃疹Javorian Pox Orbital Bombardment stance 凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Finishing the Irassian Concordat precursor chain 5000 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R orb insight.png Vultaum Reality Perforator 舒适度 Amenities −10% Pop Amenities Usage Random combat modifier for 12 months:
  • 装甲值 Armor Hit Points +40% Armor Hit Points
  • 护盾承受值 Shield Hit Points +40% Shield Hit Points
  • 船体值 Ship Hull Points +40% Ship Hull Points
  • 舰船武器伤害 Ship Weapons Damage +40% Ship weapons damage
凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Finishing the Vultaum Star Assembly precursor chain 5000 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R cryo core.png Yuht Cryo Core Extra pops when establishing colony +1 Extra pops when establishing colony 舰船维护费 Ship Upkeep −20% Ship Upkeep for 10 years 凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Finishing the Yuht Empire precursor chain 5000 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R zro crystal.png Psionic Archive Mod shroud unavailable.png −50% Shroud Cooldown
Unknown.png Better shroud odds
Choose one:
  • 500 Ruler experience
  • 舰船武器伤害 Ship Weapons Damage +20% Ship weapons damage for 5 years
  • 稳定度 Stability +5 Planet Stability, 法令花费 Edict Cost -10% Edict Cost, and Mod pop ethic shift.png +25% Government Ethic Attraction for 5 years
凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Finishing the Zroni precursor chain 1000 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R baol.png The Last Baol Mod pop growth req.png +10% Pop Growth Speed
社会学研究 Society Research +10% Society Research if machine empire
Decision resort colony.png Nu-Baol Life-Seeding Decision 凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Finishing the Baol precursor chain 1000 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R ancient sword.png Blade of the Huntress 陆军士气 Army Morale +25% Army Morale
探测范围 Sensor Range +2 Planet Sensor Range
速度 Speed +25% Sublight Speed for 10 years 凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Archaeology Site excavation 200 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R severed head.png Head of Zarqlan 唯心主义 Spiritualist +40% Spiritualist Ethics Attraction
评价 Opinion +150 opinion with Holy Guardians
Planet gaia.png Holy Worlds become colonizable
Menu icon fleet manager.png 3 Escorts and 1 Battlecruiser if the Holy Guardians exist
Menu icon fleet manager.png 4 Escorts if the Holy Guardians don't exist
凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Archaeology Site excavation 200 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R galaxy.png Miniature Galaxy 研究速度 Research Speed +5% Research Speed +50% Research progress in a random technology 凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Archaeology Site excavation 2000 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R mechano calibrator.png The Defragmentor 机器人维护费 Robot Upkeep −10% Robot upkeep
人口住房使用 Pop Housing Usage −10% Pop housing usage if machine empire
能量币 Energy Credits +20% Monthly Energy Credits for 10 years
研究速度( 工程学) Research Speed (Engineering) +10% Engineering Research Speed for 10 years
凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Archaeology Site excavation

Develop A Cure For The Ferrophage Special Project

1000 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R omnicodex.png The Omnicodex 特质点数 Trait Point +1 Gene Modification Points 人口 Pop 3 Pops from a new random species 凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Archaeology Site excavation 500 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R worm scales.png Scales of the Worm 研究速度( 物理学) Research Speed (Physics)、​ 研究速度( 物理学) Research Speed (Physics) +10% Physics Research Speed 研究速度 Research Speed +20% Research Speed for 10 years
稳定度 Stability −5 Stability for 10 years
凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Defeating the Worm 1000 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R rubricator.png The Rubricator 社会学研究 Society Research +20 Society Research 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts 30 Minor Artifacts 凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Defeating Shard 1000 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R surveyor.png The Surveyor 探测范围 Sensor Range +1 Sensor Range A celestial body within borders gains a random deposit:
  • 能量币 Energy Credits 5/7/9 Energy
  • 矿物 Minerals 5/7/9 Minerals
  • Engineering research 5/7/9 Engineering Research
  • 物理学研究 Physics Research 5/7/9 Physics Research
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 5/7/9 Society Research
  • Trade value.png 5/7/9 Trade Value (Unless Gestalt Consciousness)
  • 合金 Alloys 3-5 Alloys
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 3-5 Exotic Gases
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 3-5 Rare Crystals
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 3-5 Volatile Motes

50% chance to repeat this process in 360-1080 days.

20% chance to repeat this process again in 1080-1800 days.

能量币 Energy Credits 500 Mod relic cooldown.png 1800 days Defeating the Home Base Ore Grinder

(Ancient Mining Drone base)

200 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack
R galatron.png The Galatron 影响力 Influence +3 Influence
外交权重 Diplomatic Weight +100% Diplomatic weight
Random resources:
  • 能量币 Energy Credits 8000 Energy
  • 矿物 Minerals 8000 Minerals
  • 食物 Food 8000 Food
  • 合金 Alloys 5000 Alloys
  • 消费品 Consumer Goods 5000 Consumer Goods
  • 异星天然气 Exotic Gases 500 Exotic Gases
  • 稀有水晶 Rare Crystals 500 Rare Crystals
  • 易爆微粒 Volatile Motes 500 Volatile Motes
  • 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts 30 Minor Artifacts if 上古之遗故事包 Ancient Relics Story Pack 上古之遗故事包Ancient Relics Story Pack is installed
凝聚力 Unity 3000 Mod relic cooldown.png 3600 days Reliquary reward (0.5% chance)
Can be captured with the Take Galatron Wargoal
20000 寰宇企业 Megacorp

Minor Artifacts

稀有文物 Minor Artifacts 稀有文物Minor Artifacts represent small artifacts left behind by ancient civilizations. Unlike all other resources they are not gained passively at the end of each month but rather have to be found. Minor Artifacts are used in artifact actions and decisions. If the 寰宇企业 Megacorp 寰宇企业Megacorp DLC is installed they can also be used to upgrade a Mega Art Installation past its final stage.

Action Effect 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts Cost Requirements Time.png Cooldown (days)
Sell to Private Collectors 能量币 Energy Credits 500 Energy Credits 1 No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness 1800
Celebrate Diversity 凝聚力 Unity 100-500 Unity
亲外主义 Xenophile +50% Xenophile Ethic attraction for 10 years
2 No.png排外主义 Xenophobe极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe
No.png格式塔意识 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意识Gestalt Consciousness
Proclaim Religious Revelation 凝聚力 Unity 100-500 Unity
唯心主义 Spiritualist +50% Spiritualist Ethic attraction for 10 years
2 唯心主义 Spiritualist极端唯心主义 Fanatic Spiritualist Spiritualist 3600
Proclaim Superiority 影响力 Influence 40-100 Influence
排外主义 Xenophobe +50% Xenophobe Ethic attraction for 10 years
2 排外主义 Xenophobe极端排外主义 Fanatic Xenophobe Xenophobe 3600
Reverse-Engineer Arcane Technology Random reward:
  • 研究 Research 500-1000000 Research of a random type (58.8%)
  • 研究速度 Research Speed +10% Research Speed for 5 years (29.4%)
  • Menu icon technology.png Random technology research option at 20% progress (5.9%)
  • 建筑 Building Ability to build a single random Fallen Empire housing or resource building (5.9%)
5 奥术解密 Arcane Deciphering 奥术解密Arcane Deciphering technology 720
Discover precursor insight Precursor Insight special project on a random surveyed planet 25 Investigated a precursor anomaly 3600
Secrets of the Baol Delve into the Secrets of the Baol Special Project 50 Surveyed Grunur One use only
Secrets of the Cybrex Delve into the Secrets of the Cybrex Special Project 50 Surveyed the Cybrex Ring World One use only
Secrets of the Irassians Delve into the Secrets of the Irassians Special Project 50 Surveyed Irassia One use only
Secrets of the Vultaum Delve into the Secrets of the Vultaum Special Project 50 Surveyed Vultaumar Prime One use only
Secrets of the Yuht Delve into the Secrets of the Yuht Special Project 50 Surveyed Yuthaan Majoris One use only
Secrets of the Zroni Delve into the Secrets of the Zroni Special Project 50 Surveyed Zron Prime One use only
Secrets of the First League Delve into the Secrets of the First League Special Project 50 Cleared a Ruined Arcology Blocker on Fen Habbanis III One use only
Discover L-Gate Insight +1 L-Gate Insight 50 Encountered an L-Gate and L-Cluster has not been opened 3600


Researching the 奥术解密 Arcane Deciphering 奥术解密Arcane Deciphering technology also grants access to two Artifact Actions to find military or peaceful applications. Both actions cost 5 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts 稀有文物Minor Artifacts, have a cooldown of 900 days and allow the choosing of an empire modifier that lasts for 5 years depending on the empire Authority.

Artifact Action Modifier Effects 民主制 Democratic寡头制 Oligarchic独裁制 Dictatorial帝制 Imperial企业政府 Corporate 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 机械智能 Machine Intelligence
Military Applications Harmonic Isolation Shield damage +10% Shield damage Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png
Weak Point Analysis Armor damage +10% Armor damage Yes.png Yes.png Yes.png
Combat Drugs
  • 陆军伤害 Army Damage +5% Army Damage
  • 陆军士气 Army Morale +5% Army Morale
  • 陆军伤害 Army Damage +10% Army Morale Damage
  • 陆军连带伤害 Army Collateral Damage +20% Army collateral damage
Yes.png Yes.png No.png
Modified Safety Thresholds
  • 陆军伤害 Army Damage +5% Army Damage
  • 陆军伤害 Army Damage +5% Army Morale Damage
  • 陆军连带伤害 Army Collateral Damage +10% Army collateral damage
No.png No.png Yes.png
Peaceful Applications Ancient Fad 幸福度 Happiness +5% Happiness Yes.png No.png 失控机仆 Rogue Servitor
Efficient Manufacturing 消费品维护费 −5% Pop consumer goods upkeep Yes.png No.png 失控机仆 Rogue Servitor
Battery Miniaturization 人口舒适度使用 Pop Amenities Usage −5% Pop amenities usage Yes.png No.png Yes.png
Efficient Maintenance 舒适度 Amenities −5% Pop Amenities Usage No.png Yes.png No.png
Management Insights
  • 领袖等级上限 Leader Level Cap +10% Leader Experience Gain
  • 信任度增长 Trust Growth +10% Trust Growth
  • 领袖招募花费 Leader Recruitment Cost −10% Leader Upkeep
Yes.png No.png No.png
Pheromone Enhancement
  • 领袖等级上限 Leader Level Cap +10% Leader Experience Gain
  • 领袖招募花费 Leader Recruitment Cost −10% Leader Upkeep
No.png Yes.png No.png
Algorithm Refinement
  • 领袖等级上限 Leader Level Cap +10% Leader Experience Gain
  • 领袖招募花费 Leader Recruitment Cost −10% Leader Upkeep
No.png No.png Yes.png