Console commands/Planetary features examples and descriptions

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主条目:Console commands

All planets have a random number of planetary features which increase the number of districts a world can support. With no planetary features, a planet will have no districts.

You can add specific deposit (i.e. from the list below):

  1. Go to the system view and select a planet.
  1. Use console command: effect add_deposit=d "deposit name"
  2. like this: :
  3. effect add_deposit=d_geothermal_vent
  4. effect add_deposit=d_rich_mountain
  5. effect add_deposit=d_tropical_island
  1. The UI will not update in real time, but the planetary features will update to show changes.

Useful link with a longer script for filling an empty planet

Useful commands[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • effect reroll_deposits
  • effect clear_blockers
  • effect clear_deposits
  • effect add_deposit = d_rich_mountain
  • effect remove_deposit = d_rich_mountain
  • effect reroll_planet_modifiers
  • effect add_modifier = { modifier = ultra_rich }
  • effect remove_modifier = ultra_rich

Common features[1][编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Feature Key code Planets Effects Description
D arid highlands.png Arid Highland d_arid_highlands Planet desert.png Desert, Planet arid.png Arid, Planet savannah.png Savannah 发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts +1 Max Generator Districts An elevated, dry ecoregion bearing sparse vegetation of desert grasses and scrubs.
D hot springs.png Hot Springs d_hot_springs
  • Planet ocean.png Ocean, Planet continental.png Continental, Planet tropical.png Tropical,
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic, Planet alpine.png Alpine, Planet tundra.png Tundra,
  • Planet nuked.png Tomb
发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts +1 Max Generator Districts Groundwater heated by geothermal processes steams from the surface of these springs.
D rushing waterfalls.png Rushing Waterfall d_rushing_waterfalls
  • Planet ocean.png Ocean, Planet continental.png Continental, Planet tropical.png Tropical,
发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts +2 Max Generator Districts Picturesque vistas formed when rivers flow over the cliff-sides of steep mountainsides.
D searing desert.png Searing Desert d_searing_desert
  • Planet desert.png Desert, Planet arid.png Arid, Planet savannah.png Savannah,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia, Planet nuked.png Tomb
发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts +2 Max Generator Districts With little precipitation, extreme temperatures and limited vegetation, these sandy deserts are hostile to most forms of life.
D frozen gas lake.png Frozen Gas Lake d_frozen_gas_lake
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic, Planet alpine.png Alpine, Planet tundra.png Tundra
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts +2 Max Generator Districts Formed under immense pressure in a bygone age, deep-freeze temperatures have kept the gases dissolved in these rimey lakes in a solid state.
D geothermal vent.png Geothermal Vents d_geothermal_vent
  • Planet desert.png Desert, Planet arid.png Arid, Planet savannah.png Savannah,
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic, Planet tundra.png Tundra
发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts +3 Max Generator Districts These fumaroles vent steam and noxious gases from deep within the planet's crust.
D underwater vent.png Underwater Vents d_underwater_vent
  • Planet ocean.png Ocean,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia, Planet nuked.png Tomb
发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts +3 Max Generator Districts Metalliferous sediments react with superheated water in the planet's crust, venting chemicals along the seabed where tectonic plates diverge.
D tempestous mountain.png Tempestuous Mountain d_tempestous_mountain
  • Planet continental.png Continental, Planet tropical.png Tropical,
  • Planet alpine.png Alpine,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
发电区划最大建造数量 Max Generator Districts +3 Max Generator Districts Wind-torn vegetation clings to the high crags and stormy cliffs of these rainy mountains.
D veiny cliffs.png Ore-Veined Cliffs d_veiny_cliffs
  • Planet arid.png Arid, Planet continental.png Continental,
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic, Planet alpine.png Alpine,
  • Planet nuked.png Tomb
采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +1 Max Mining Districts Bands of valuable mineral ores run like veins through these exposed cliff faces.
D mineral fields.png Mineral Fields d_mineral_fields
  • Planet desert.png Desert, Planet savannah.png Savannah,
  • Planet ocean.png Ocean, Planet tropical.png Tropical,
  • Planet tundra.png Tundra
采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +1 Max Mining Districts Geological upheaval exposed these useful minerals to the planet's surface long ago.
D prosperous mesa.png Prosperous Mesa d_prosperous_mesa
  • Planet desert.png Desert, Planet savannah.png Savannah,
  • Planet continental.png Continental, Planet tropical.png Tropical
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +2 Max Mining Districts This flat-topped hill has steep sides lined with useful resources.
D ore rich caverns.png Ore-Rich Caverns d_ore_rich_caverns
  • Planet arid.png Arid, Planet ocean.png Ocean,
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic, Planet alpine.png Alpine, Planet tundra.png Tundra,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia, Planet nuked.png Tomb
采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +2 Max Mining Districts These deep caverns are rife with metallic and mineral ore deposits.
D rich mountain.png Rich Mountain d_rich_mountain
  • Planet desert.png Desert, Planet arid.png Arid, Planet continental.png Continental,
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic, Planet alpine.png Alpine, Planet tundra.png Tundra,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +3 Max Mining Districts These mountainsides glint with rich ore resources and precious stones.
D submerged ore veins.png Submerged Ore Veins d_submerged_ore_veins
  • Planet savannah.png Savannah,
  • Planet ocean.png Ocean, Planet tropical.png Tropical,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia, Planet nuked.png Tomb
采矿区划最大建造数量 Max Mining Districts +3 Max Mining Districts Useful ore deposits line parts of the ocean floor, providing opportunities for deep-sea mining.
D lichen fields.png Lichen Fields d_lichen_fields
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic,
  • Planet nuked.png Tomb
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +1 Max Agriculture Districts Dewy moss, lichens and fungi form a plush carpet that stretches across these rocky lands.
D bountiful plains.png Bountiful Plains d_bountiful_plains
  • Planet arid.png Arid
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +1 Max Agriculture Districts Fertile soils and tall grasses cover these sweeping plains, providing rich potential for farmlands.
D rugged woods.png Rugged Woods d_rugged_woods
  • Planet continental.png Continental
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +1 Max Agriculture Districts Cold, rocky woods with herbaceous understories.
D green hills.png Green Hills d_green_hills
  • Planet ocean.png Ocean, Planet tropical.png Tropical
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +1 Max Agriculture Districts Rolling hills covered in greenery and fertile soils.
D forgiving tundra.png Fair Tundra d_forgiving_tundra
  • Planet alpine.png Alpine, Planet tundra.png Tundra
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +1 Max Agriculture Districts Sedges, shrubs and lichens cover this high-latitude biome, where the subsoil permafrost is nevertheless covered in more fertile sediment.
D boggy fens.png Boggy Fens d_boggy_fens
  • Planet ocean.png Ocean
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +1 Max Agriculture Districts These low-lying wetlands provide a wealth of plant nutrients.
D nutritious mudland.png Nutritious Mudlands d_nutritious_mudland
  • Planet desert.png Desert
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +1 Max Agriculture Districts A watery slurry of clay, silt, and loam stretches across the horizon, where low vegetation flourishes.
D fungal caves.png Fungal Caves d_fungal_caves
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic, Planet alpine.png Alpine, Planet tundra.png Tundra,
  • Planet nuked.png Tomb
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +2 Max Agriculture Districts These extensive cave networks are covered in many species of edible fungi, which require neither sunlight nor fertile soil to flourish.
D lush jungle.png Lush Jungle d_lush_jungle
  • Planet ocean.png Ocean, Planet tropical.png Tropical,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +2 Max Agriculture Districts With a dense canopy and nigh-impenetrable vegetation density, these jungles are poor in soil quality, but rich in plant-life and fruit-bearing trees.
D fertile lands.png Fertile Lands d_fertile_lands
  • Planet arid.png Arid, Planet savannah.png Savannah,
  • Planet continental.png Continental,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +2 Max Agriculture Districts This vast stretch of open plains provides ideal farmland.
D great river.png Great River d_great_river
  • Planet desert.png Desert, Planet arid.png Arid
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +2 Max Agriculture Districts A slow-flowing river of enormous volume provides water and vegetation for a rich abundance of life.
D black soil.png Black Soil d_black_soil
  • Planet savannah.png Savannah,
  • Planet continental.png Continental,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +3 Max Agriculture Districts With a remarkably high moisture capacity and high amounts of chemicals integral to plant life, these soils promise impressive agricultural yields.
D teeming reef.png Teeming Reef d_teeming_reef
  • Planet ocean.png Ocean,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +3 Max Agriculture Districts A vibrant ecosystem brimming with corals, fish, mollusks, mammals, invertebrates, and all kinds of edible marine life.
D marvelous oasis.png Marvelous Oasis d_marvelous_oasis
  • Planet desert.png Desert, Planet arid.png Arid
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +3 Max Agriculture Districts A shimmering jewel of water and greenery in a barren wasteland.
D tropical island.png Tropical Island d_tropical_island
  • Planet desert.png Desert, Planet arid.png Arid,
  • Planet tropical.png Tropical
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +3 Max Agriculture Districts From fruit laden trees to plentiful fauna, the bounties of this paradisaical island promise a rich harvest.
D fungal forest.png Fungal Forest d_fungal_forest
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic, Planet alpine.png Alpine, Planet tundra.png Tundra
农业区划最大建造数量 Max Agriculture Districts +3 Max Agriculture Districts In lieu of trees, towering mushrooms dominate these fecund forests, the enormous caps of fungal giants blotting out sunlight to create the perfect environment for a rich variety of smaller specimens.

Rare features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Rare Planetary Features allow the construction of a limited number of buildings that can extract advanced resources directly. They are twice more likely to appear on Gaia Worlds and cannot appear on homeworlds.

Feature Key code Planets Effects Description
D dust caverns.png Dust Caverns d_dust_caverns
  • Planet desert.png Desert, Planet arid.png Arid, Planet savannah.png Savannah,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
Mod building mote harvesting traps max.png +1 Max Mote Harvesting Traps Rare Volatile Motes condense in these sandy caves and hidden hollows.
D dust desert.png Dust Desert d_dust_desert
  • Planet desert.png Desert, Planet arid.png Arid, Planet savannah.png Savannah,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
Mod building mote harvesting traps max.png +2 Max Mote Harvesting Traps A vast expanse of sand that covers scattered pockets of rare and valuable Volatile Motes. Extraction is possible with the right equipment.
D bubbling swamp.png Bubbling Swamp d_bubbling_swamp
  • Planet ocean.png Ocean, Planet continental.png Continental, Planet tropical.png Tropical,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
Mod building gas extractors max.png +1 Max Gas Extraction Wells A hotbed of aquatic plants, insects, and swamp gas, this wetland is characterized by slow-moving water and rich vegetation.
D fuming bog.png Fuming Bog d_fuming_bog
  • Planet ocean.png Ocean, Planet continental.png Continental, Planet tropical.png Tropical,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
Mod building gas extractors max.png +2 Max Gas Extraction Wells A noxious quagmire covered in low vegetation, mosses and fungi, where gases steam from the water's surface.
D crystalline caverns.png Crystalline Caverns d_crystalline_caverns
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic, Planet alpine.png Alpine, Planet tundra.png Tundra,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
Mod building crystal mines max.png +1 Max Crystal Mines Like enormous geodes, these caves are filled on all sides with rare crystals.
D crystal forest.png Crystal Forest d_crystal_forest
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic, Planet alpine.png Alpine, Planet tundra.png Tundra,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
Mod building crystal mines max.png +2 Max Crystal Mines Glittering crystals grow like hoarfrost in these exotic forests.
D crystal reef.png Crystal Reef d_crystal_reef
  • Planet arctic.png Arctic, Planet alpine.png Alpine, Planet tundra.png Tundra,
  • Planet gaia.png Gaia
Mod building crystal mines max.png +2 Max Crystal Mines Crystal lattices glimmer amongst the rocks and corals of this sandy reef.
D betharian deposit.png Betharian Fields d_betharian_deposit Any Mod building betharian power plant max.png +1 Max Betharian Power Plant Thousands upon thousands of valuable Betharian stones glint like stars in these fields.
D alien pets deposit.png Isolated Valley d_alien_pets_deposit Any Mod building xeno zoo max.png +1 Max Alien Zoo This pristine valley lies sheltered amongst the surrounding mountains, its fauna shielded from roving predators.

Special features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Some features are created by some colony events or certain planet modifiers.

Feature Key code Created By Effects Description
D tribal settlement.png Abandoned Primitive Homesteads d_abandoned_primitive_homesteads Broken Union event chain 社会学研究 Society Research Society Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +10%
Max Agriculture Districts: +2
These abandoned homesteads were once inhabited by a society of reptiles. They still populate the planet, but have since lost all capacity for sentient thought.
D organic landfill.png Ancient Battlefield d_ancient_battlefield Unknown Engineering research Engineering Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +20%
Researcher Jobs: +2
The civilization that once inhabited this world was destroyed by an invading force from somewhere beyond their solar system. This ancient battlefield is littered with ancient debris from their desperate last stand.
D crater.png Ancient Bombardment Craters d_ancient_bombardment_craters Unknown 物理学研究 Physics Research Physics Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +20%
Researcher Jobs: +2
This world was subjected to intense orbital bombardment long ago. Parts of the surface are still pockmarked with impact craters.
D building complex.png Ancient Mining Site d_ancient_mining_site Unknown Max Mining Districts: +5 The site of an ancient mining operation. Despite its age, much of the equipment can still be operated
D fungal forest.png Ancient One d_ancient_one Unknown Produces: 社会学研究 Society Research4 An ancient being, living beneath the waves, is the dominating life force on this planet.
D building.png Ancient Particle Accelerator d_ancient_particle_accelerator Unknown 物理学研究 Physics Research Physics Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +20%
Researcher Jobs: +2
This old particle accelerator was built using a novel design, and the surviving terminals within the structure contain a massive amount of research data composed by what must have been a brilliant theoretical physicist.
D monument.png Cryonic Clones Monument d_cryonic_clones Unknown Produces: 社会学研究 Society Research6 Hundreds of alien clones were left sealed in cryostasis chambers when this Ring World was still a ruin. Now fully restored, the clones have been preserved in this monument
D monument.png Dragonslayer Monument d_dragon_monument Kill the Ether drake Produces: 凝聚力 Unity22 A monument commemorating the defeat of the Ether Drake.
D teeming reef.png Flooded Mounds d_flooded_mounds Unknown 社会学研究 Society Research Society Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +20%
Researcher Jobs: +2
Thousands of thousands of interconnected termite-like mounds can be found far beneath the ocean on this world, the last remnants of an ancient species of sapient arthropods
D fertile lands.png Harvester Fields d_harvester_fields Unknown Max Agriculture Districts: +6 Vast fields of dense, edible vegetation where ancient solar-powered harvesters assist in gathering crops.
D alien pets deposit.png Hyperfertile Valley d_hyperfertile_valley Unknown Max Agriculture Districts: +5 The soil in this valley is extremely fertile, and it is covered in intense greenery.
D crater.png Impact Crater d_impact_crater Asteroid Sighted event Max Mining Districts: +3 A crater from a large meteor impact. Minerals from the meteor itself can still be found at the site.
D metal boneyard.png Irradiated Ruins d_irradiated_ruins Unknown 社会学研究 Society Research Society Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +20%
Researcher Jobs: +2
Remnants from a massive nuclear war waged by the two global superpowers that once inhabited this world.
D fertile lands.png Loop-Plowed Farm d_worm_farm Horizon Signal: The Waiting World Max Agriculture Districts: +4 The food crops lean into the wind, somehow.
D huge tree.png Migrating Forests Reserve d_migrating_forest_reserve Migrating forest event chain 社会学研究 Society Research Society Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +20%
Researcher Jobs: +2
The entire region has been set aside for the migrating forests that are native to this world. Here they can roam in peace, without causing damage to urban areas.
D organic landfill.png Mutant Landfill d_mutant_landfill Unknown 社会学研究 Society Research Society Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +20%
Researcher Jobs: +2
A putrid mass of dead mutated horrors. Their volatile organic matter has twisted together to form a structure of sorts.
D geothermal vent.png Numa's Breath d_numas_breath Numistic Order caravan deal Max Generator Districts: +3
Max Districts: +2
This stable vent reaching into the planet's crust was created by The Numistic Order.
D building.png Odd Factory d_odd_factory
d_odd_factory_wreckage_1 / d_odd_factory_wreckage_2
(I am not sure, test it out some one :C)
Odd Factory event Job foundry.png +1 Odd Factory Worker job A well-crafted facility that produces high value resources. left on the planet by a different civilization.
D tradestation interior.png Party Fever d_disco_planet Dancing Plague event +1 Gas Extraction Well, +15% Pop Growth Speed Gas = Dance
D crystalline caverns.png Portal Research Area d_portal_research_zone Portal research event chain Dimensional Portal Researcher Jobs: +1
+1 Dimensional Portal Researcher Job per 40 Pops
A secure complex has been built around the Dimensional Portal to house research staff dedicated to probing its mysteries.
D quarantine zone.png Processing Pens d_processing_pens Wild Eukaryotes event chain Produces: 食物 Food16 The fungoids native to this planet were genetically engineered to be docile... and delicious. In these vast processing pens, the fungoids are nourished and then harvested.
D dangerous wildlife blocker.png Savage Wildlands d_savage_wildlands 遥远繁星故事包 Distant Stars Story Pack Alien Life anomaly 社会学研究 Society Research Society Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +10%
Researcher Jobs: +1
The indigenous creatures who inhabit this region appear to operate as a single organism.
D crystalline caverns.png Spiral-Hewn Mine d_worm_mine Horizon Signal: The Waiting World Max Mining Districts: +4 Narrow shafts twist around spiraling mineral veins.
D quarantine zone.png Subterranean Contact Zone d_underground_contact_zone Subterranean Civilization event chain (Establish Communications) Max Generator Districts: +2
Max Districts: +2
Subterranean Liaison Officer Jobs: +1
+1 Subterranean Liaison Officer Job per 20 pops
An area were Subterranean dwellers and Surfacers can work together towards peace and prosperity.
D fungal caves.png Subterranean Farming Caverns d_underground_farm Subterranean Civilization event chain (Destroy/Preemptive Strike) Max Agriculure Districts: +3
Max Districts: +2
A network of vast caverns which contain numerous fungal farms, hunting areas, and lakes teeming with edible flora and fauna.
D underwater vent.png Subterranean Generator Areas d_underground_generator Subterranean Civilization event chain (Destroy/Preemptive Strike) Max Generator Districts: +3
Max Districts: +2
Subterranean rivers and the geothermal energy from the molten core of the planet offer vast potential for energy generation.
D crystalline caverns.png Subterranean Mining Sites d_underground_mine Subterranean Civilization event chain (Destroy/Preemptive Strike) Max Mining Districts: +3
Max Districts: +2
Underground tunnels lead to a variety of mineral-rich ore veins inaccessible from the surface.
D building complex.png Toy Factory Complex d_toy_factory_complex Unknown 社会学研究 Society Research Society Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +10%
Engineering research Engineering Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +20%
Researcher Jobs: +2
Complex machinery ceaseless molds complex polymers into small items of varying shapes and inscrutable purpose.
D bunker door.png Underground Vault d_underground_vault Unknown 社会学研究 Society Research Society Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +20%
Researcher Jobs: +2
A massive underground vault, intended as a bomb shelter by this world's original inhabitants. The vault's occupants turned on each other when their food ran out.
D toxic kelp.png Wetware Computer d_wetware_computer Unknown Engineering research Engineering Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +20%
Researcher Jobs: +2
The oceans of this world are almost completely covered in a fine network of algae that appear to be a primitive wetware computer
D levitating rocks.png Zone A d_the_zone Unknown 物理学研究 Physics Research Physics Research from Pop job.png Jobs: +15%
Researcher Jobs: +2
Produces: 凝聚力 Unity4
A thirteen-by-thirteen kilometer stretch of land on this planet is a ruin of unknown origin, littered with many bizarre and unique alien artifacts. Bafflingly, it also produces sensations of deep contentment in its visitors.

Unique features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

A number of unique planets in the galaxy come with special Planetary Features.

Feature Key code Planets Effects Description
D alien pets deposit.png Valley of Zanaam d_valley_of_zanaam
  • Planet gaia.png Zanaam
研究 Research +30% Research from Jobs
Researcher Jobs: +4
This Valley is home to a mysterious obelisk that is covered in letters from a dead alien language. It hums with power and those in its proximity suffer headaches.
D organic landfill.png Junk Canals d_junk_canals
  • Planet nuked.png Junk Rattlings planets
+3 Max Agriculture Districts These narrow canals shake around the junk piles, and some adjacent soil is surprisingly fertile.
D organic landfill.png Junk Hollows d_junk_hollows
  • Planet nuked.png Junk Rattlings planets
+3 Max Generator Districts These hollows deep beneath the surface junk would serve well as isolated reactor chambers.
D organic landfill.png Junk Wastes d_junk_wastes
  • Planet nuked.png Junk Rattlings planets
+3 Max Mining Districts The wastes stretch as far as one can see, with occasional pieces of larger junk jutting up out of the ground.
D metal boneyard.png Metal Boneyards d_metal_boneyard
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 同化斗士Driven Assimilator and 铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator 铁心灭绝者Determined Exterminator homeworlds
  • +4 Max Mining Districts
  • Pop resource society research mult.png +10% Society Research from Jobs
The hollowed-out metal skeletons of fallen infrastructure seem almost to groan as the wind whistles through them.
D organic landfill.png Organic Landfills d_organic_landfill
  • 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 同化斗士Driven Assimilator and 铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator 铁心灭绝者Determined Exterminator homeworlds
  • +4 Max Generator Districts
  • Pop resource society research mult.png +10% Society Research from Jobs
Toxic biohazard waste rots and fumes in vast heaps under the sun.

Earth features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Earth will always feature 9 unique Planetary Features instead of randomized ones. Their description also reveals part of humanity's history before the events of Stellaris.

Feature Key code Effects Description
D city.png Delhi Sprawl d_delhi_sprawl +2 Max Generator Districts Lakshmi Commerce Tower was the tallest building on Earth for the better part of the 22nd century, and its unique shape remains an iconic feature of the Delhi skyline.
D city.png BosWash Metropolitan Axis d_boswash_metropolitan_axis +3 Max Generator Districts The BosWash Riots traumatized an entire generation and led to sweeping legal reforms. Never Forget!
D building complex.png Pearl River Agglomerate d_pearl_river_agglomerate +3 Max Generator Districts The first region on Earth to be officially designated a megacity. Several other developing urban regions would eventually adopt their own versions of the Golden Delta's successful anti-pollution policies.
D quarantine zone.png Mauritanian Security Zone d_mauritanian_security_zone +1 Max Mining Districts Unexploded munitions are still occasionally found near the compound where Colonel Tetchu and the remnants of his brigade made their famous last stand.
D marvelous oasis.png Mesopotamian Urban Corridor d_mesopotamian_urban_corridor +3 Max Mining Districts The megalopolis that stretches along most of the Fertile Crescent is in itself a monument to this ancient birthplace of civilization.
D crater.png Great Albertan Crater d_great_albertan_crater +3 Max Mining Districts When 711494 Satis approached Earth and triggered the Great Panic of '72, everyone thought this was it - the Big One had finally arrived. Fortunately, it wasn't big enough to cause an extinction event. Unfortunately, it wiped out much of Alberta.
D radioactive wasteland.png Scandinavian Reclamation Sector d_scandinavian_reclamation_sector +1 Max Agriculture Districts Reclamation efforts in the late 22nd century eliminated all but the most stubborn pockets of radiation, and mutation levels are now at an all-time low since the Containment Breach.
D green hills.png Saharan Irrigation Project d_saharan_irrigation_project +4 Max Agriculture Districts Few today remember the vicious ridicule that Operation Green Sahara faced when it was first proposed by Professor Izquierdo.
D toxic kelp.png Pacific Algae Tracts d_pacific_algae_tracts +3 Max Agriculture Districts Invisible until you plunge beneath the waves, the algae tracts seem to stretch into infinity.

Blockers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Blockers are obstacles that block Planetary Features. Until a Blocker is cleared the obstructed Planetary Feature cannot be exploited. Each also reduces the maximum number of Districts on the planet by 1 or more, so they are worth clearing even if the extra possible districts are never built. Blockers can be cleared for a modest cost in minerals, energy, and time, if the player has researched the required technology. There are 9 such technologies, one for every normal blocker type, and they are all relatively easy to research. All normal blockers cost the same amount of resources to remove.

Taking the Ap mastery of nature.png Mastery of Nature ascension perk will reduce the cost of clearing blocks by 33%.

Blocker Key code Spawn chance Removal cost Required removal tech Description
D active volcano.png Active Volcano d_active_volcano
  • x0.5 if Planet alpine.png Alpine
  • x0.5 if 行星规模 Planet Size 行星规模Planet Size < 15
  • x0 if world is a moon
能量币 Energy Credits 1000 Time.png 270 Tile Block Removal Tech tb volcano.png Deep Crust Engineering There is an active volcano in this region, spewing forth lava and volcanic gases.
D crater.png Bomb Crater d_bomb_crater
  • x0 if not Planet nuked.png Tomb World
能量币 Energy Credits 800 Time.png 270 This massive crater was created by the detonation of a particularly devastating hydrogen bomb.
D city ruins.png City Ruins d_city_ruins
  • x0 if not Planet nuked.png Tomb World
能量币 Energy Credits 1200 Time.png 360 Once a great city, now just a metal boneyard stretching as far as the eye can see.
D dangerous wildlife blocker.png Dangerous Wildlife d_dangerous_wildlife_blocker
  • x2 if Pm dangerous wildlife.pngPm frame 1.png 闹事的动物Hostile Fauna modifier
  • x10 if Pm titanic life.pngPm frame 1.png 泰坦巨兽Titanic Life modifier
  • x0.5 if 行星规模 Planet Size 行星规模Planet Size < 15
  • x0 if world is a moon
能量币 Energy Credits 500 Time.png 270 Tile Block Removal 清除危险野生动物 Dangerous Wildlife Removal 清除危险野生动物Dangerous Wildlife Removal The wildlife in this region is particularly lethal, with many dangerous predators and poisonous plants.
D deep sinkhole.png Deep Sinkhole d_deep_sinkhole
  • x2 if Planet arid.png Arid
  • x2 if Planet savannah.png Savannah
能量币 Energy Credits 500 Time.png 180 Tile Block Removal Tech tb deep sinkhole.png Subterranean Colonization A colossal sinkhole covers most of this region.
D dense jungle.png Dense Jungle d_dense_jungle
  • x2 if Planet tropical.png Tropical
  • x2 if Planet continental.png Continental
能量币 Energy Credits 500 Time.png 180 Tile Block Removal Tech tb dense jungle.png Selective Defoliants This entire region is completely overgrown with thick, impassable jungle.
D massive glacier.png Massive Glacier d_massive_glacier
  • x2 if Planet alpine.png Alpine
  • x2 if Planet arctic.png Arctic
能量币 Energy Credits 500 Time.png 180 Tile Block Removal Tech tb massive glacier.png Climate Control Network An immense body of dense ice covers this region.
D mountain range.png Mountain Range d_mountain_range
  • x2 if Planet alpine.png Alpine
  • x0.5 if 行星规模 Planet Size 行星规模Planet Size < 15
  • x0 if world is a moon
能量币 Energy Credits 1000 Time.png 270 Tile Block Removal Tech tb mountain range.png Planetary Resurfacing A vast range of tall and impassable mountains stretches across this region.
D noxious swamp.png Noxious Swamp d_noxious_swamp
  • x2 if Planet tundra.png Tundra
能量币 Energy Credits 500 Time.png 180 Tile Block Removal Tech tb noxious swamp.png Xeno-Hydraulic Mastery Treacherous swamplands and bogs surrounded by putrid gases.
D quicksand basin.png Quicksand Basin d_quicksand_basin
  • x2 if Planet desert.png Desert
能量币 Energy Credits 500 Time.png 180 Tile Block Removal Tech tb quicksand basin.png Soil Remediation A vast body of quicksand covers this region, making construction impossible.
D radioactive wasteland.png Radioactive Wasteland d_radioactive_wasteland
  • x0 if not Planet nuked.png Tomb World
能量币 Energy Credits 800 Time.png 270 Few organisms can survive in this desolate, irradiated wasteland.
D toxic kelp.png Toxic Kelp d_toxic_kelp
  • x2 if Planet ocean.png Ocean
能量币 Energy Credits 500 Time.png 180 Tile Block Removal Tech tb toxic kelp.png Ocean Ecology Management A thick forest of kelp that is toxic to most forms of life covers the ocean in this region.

Special blockers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

These blockers are not generated randomly. They are either a result of particular actions, other are tied to events or created in preset systems. A few blockers cannot be removed, with the upside being that they add adjacency bonuses or unique effects.

Blocker Spawn chance Key code Tile Block Removal Clear cost Notes Description
File:Ancient ruins.png Ancient Ruins PLEASE_FILL_ME_UPI was too lazy to search by hand, when simple searching name in file gives no record... Keepers of Knowledge ringworlds without Synthetic Dawn 能量币 Energy Credits 300 Time.png 180 Once a great city built with highly advanced technology, now just ruins and rubble that has been abandoned for centuries.
D crater.png Impact Crater d_crater Planet nuked.png Tomb world 能量币 Energy Credits 300 Time.png 100 Can appear on tomb worlds with the orbital debris modifier Something collided with the surface of this world at some point, creating this massive impact crater.
D deep sinkhole.png Rifts d_egg_crackingNot sure...
  • Planet arid.png Arid
  • Planet desert.png Desert
  • Planet savannah.png Savannah
能量币 Energy Credits 100 Time.png 120 Generated by the Voidspawn event Seismological phenomena are causing the planet crust to crack, spewing out sulfuric gases and toxic slime.
File:Ancient ruins.png Ruined Stasis Chambers PLEASE_FILL_ME_UPI was too lazy to search by hand, when simple searching name in file gives no record... Ancient Caretakers ringworlds 能量币 Energy Credits 300 Time.png 180 A sprawling, partially ruined complex containing millions of stasis chambers. The complex is unpowered and only trace biomatter remains in the chambers' occupants, who appear to have come from dozens of distinct biological species.
D deep sinkhole.png Subterranean Entrance d_living_subterraneans / d_dead_subterraneans Any 能量币 Energy Credits 300 Time.png 100 Generated by the Subterranean Civilization event A large hole in the ground that leads into the extensive cave network stretching beneath the surface of this world.
D dangerous wildlife blocker.png Titanic Lifeforms d_titanic_life_blocker Pm titanic life.pngPm frame 1.png 泰坦巨兽Titanic Life No.png Generated via events Numerous Titanic aliens make this area their home, it would be wise to avoid it.
D infestation.png Toxic Wasteland d_radioactive_wastelandNot sure... Planet gaia.png Gaia 能量币 Energy Credits 60 Time.png 120 Generated by the Paradise Lost event A noxious slush of chemical solvents and dissolved organic matter make this area uninhabitable.
Dense jungle.png Wandering Forest Reserve PLEASE_FILL_ME_UPI was too lazy to search by hand, when simple searching name in file gives no record...
  • Planet arid.png Arid
  • Planet continental.png Continental
  • Planet savannah.png Savannah
  • Planet tropical.png Tropical
  • Planet tundra.png Tundra
  • Adjacency.png 社会学研究 Society Research +3 Society research
  • Created by choosing to study the Migrating Forests
A nature reserve that covers the vast expanse of territory where the wandering forests range.
Dense jungle.png Wandering Forests d_wandering_forests
  • Planet arid.png Arid
  • Planet continental.png Continental
  • Planet savannah.png Savannah
  • Planet tropical.png Tropical
  • Planet tundra.png Tundra
  • Generated by the Migrating Forests event
  • Will move periodically to any free space
The mobile forests of this world frequently migrate en masse to new regions, disrupting efforts at building roads, power lines and other infrastructure.
Xeno preserve.png Xeno Preserve PLEASE_FILL_ME_UPI was too lazy to search by hand, when simple searching name in file gives no record... Planet gaia.png The Preserve No.png
  • Can be replaced with a building as a result of Enigmatic Observers requests
This entire region has been set aside as a reservation for endangered alien species.
D infestation.png Exofungus Infestation d_exofungus_blocker
  • Pm unstable tectonics.pngPm frame 3.png Exofungus Infestation
能量币 Energy Credits 300 Time.png 100 Generated on planets with the Exofungus Infestation planet modifier The exofungus that has invaded this planet spreads like a cancer, choking the terrain and interfering with infrastructure.

Homeworld blockers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Two or three of each of these blockers are automatically generated on every empire's homeworld. They don't require technology to be removed and all cost 300 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits and take 120 days to remove.

Blocker Key code Clear rewards Source Description
Sprawling slums.png Sprawling Slums d_decrepit_dwellings 人口 Pop 1 Pop
  • Organic homeworlds
  • Can also appear from the Lost to Bureaucracy event
This region is covered by vast shanty towns and slums filled with the poor and the outcast. It contributes nothing to society.
Metal boneyard.png Industrial Wasteland d_failing_infrastructure
  • Organic and homeworlds
  • Can also appear from the Lost to Bureaucracy event
This region is covered by ruined industrial complexes and toxic soil; detritus from a past age of progress.
Deep sinkhole.png Collapsed Burrows d_collapsed_burrows 人口 Pop 1 Pop 蜂巢思维 Hive Mind 蜂巢思维Hive Mind homeworlds This site once housed extensive underground tunnel systems inhabited by the Hive, but was abandoned due to overexploitation of local resources and wildlife.
Crater.png Abandoned Strip Mine d_strip_mine 机械智能 Machine Intelligence 机械智能Machine Intelligence homeworlds This area was heavily strip mined in the past, by older and more primitive machine models that unfortunately were not programmed to take future development of the region into account.
Sprawling slums.png Unsupervised Settlement d_unsupervised_settlement 人口 Pop 1 Pop 失控机仆 Rogue Servitor 失控机仆Rogue Servitor homeworlds A pocket of organic society on this world still exists outside of machine supervision. Violence, disease and starvation runs rampant inside the settlement's walls, whose inhabitants have regressed technologically by several centuries.
City ruins.png Silent Ruins d_assimilators_ruinsNot sure... Organic landfill.png Organic Landfills Planetary Feature 同化斗士 Driven Assimilator 同化斗士Driven Assimilator homeworlds This once major settlement is now a crumbling ruin, occupied only by the decaying bodies of those organics that chose self-termination rather than be assimilated.
City ruins.png Former Organic City d_irradiated_ruinsNot sure... Metal boneyard.png Metal Boneyards Planetary Feature 铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator 铁心灭绝者Determined Exterminator homeworlds The charred and irradiated ruins of what was once a major organic population center. Those buildings that still remain standing contain nothing but ashes now.
Radioactive wasteland.png Battlefield Remains d_exterminators_ruinsNot sure... Organic landfill.png Organic Landfills Planetary Feature 铁心灭绝者 Determined Exterminator 铁心灭绝者Determined Exterminator homeworlds Tens of thousands of burnt warmachines and the twisted skeletal remains of organic soldiers litter the ground at this former battlefield. Residual pockets of radiation interfere with most electronics.
City ruins.png Settled Ruins d_tomb_world_ruins 人口 Pop 1 Pop 后启示录 Post-Apocalyptic 后启示录Post-Apocalyptic homeworlds A scattered population of scavengers are eking out a desperate existence in the ruins of this once major city.
Radioactive wasteland.png Radiation Zone d_tomb_world_wasteland 后启示录 Post-Apocalyptic 后启示录Post-Apocalyptic homeworlds A region that was the target of numerous nuclear warheads. Though the radiation in this area has gone down since the initial impact, it is still unfit for habitation barring a major clean-up effort.
Boggy fens.png Great Pacific Algae Tract d_great_pacific_garbage_patch Toxic kelp.png Pacific Algae Tracts Planetary Feature Earth A swirling miasma of plastic refuse covers a good portion of Earth's largest ocean.
  1. List obtained from common/deposits/01_planetary_deposits.txt file.