Patch 1.0.X are all patches beginning with 1.0. Including the release version, 1.0, there have been four 1.0.X patches.
1.0[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
1.0 was the release version, and as such had no changelog. The game was released on 2016-05-09.[1]
1.0.1[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
1.0.1 was released on 2016-05-10 as a beta patch[2] and on 2016-05-11 as a regular patch.[3]
- Fixed CTD[4] when showing tooltip for an ambient object that gets destroyed
- Fixed CTD when an ambient object gets destroyed while selected
- Fixed fleets getting stuck trying to use wormhole stations belonging to other empires
- Improved performance issues and fixed issues with stuttering in early game
1.0.2[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
1.0.2 was released on 2016-05-12.[5]
- Fixed exploits in species customization which allowed players ignore limits to trait and ethic points etc.
- Improved performance for war demands view
- 'Hostile fleet detected' is now only shown when the fleet is heading towards one of your colonized systems, preventing massive spam in large wars.
- UI fixes in server browser
- It is now possible to connect directly to a server id
- Fixed CTD when renaming sectors
- Fixed CTD when fleets were traveling too far away from the galaxy center
- Fixed CTD when a country was destroyed as a result of combat
- Fixed CTD caused by ships shooting at ships that are not visible
- Fixed an issue where you could not build space ports with some screen resolutions
- It is no longer possible to build robot pops on uncolonized planets
- Game pads are now turned off by default as this caused stuttering on some configurations. Game pads can be enabled again with the -gamepad launch option or the "gamepad" console command
1.0.3[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
1.0.3 was released on 2016-05-17 as a beta patch[6] and on 2016-05-18 as a regular patch.[7]
- Fixed Planet capital modifier being spammed.
- Fixed CTD caused by ground combat side containing invalid armies.
- Fixed issue with disabling everything in Outliner would render it unusable.
- Fixed issue with orbital bombardment of swarm invaders.
- Removed shortcut from "help" button to avoid colliding with fleet "hold" shortcut.
- Performance optimizations caused by huge amounts of resource stations.
- Ship designer: List of designs is sorted according ship sizes.
- Transport ships are now designable. (was not in the beta patch)