Patch 3.0.X are all patches beginning with 3.0.
3.0[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- 主条目:Patch 3.0
3.0.1[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 3.0.1 was released on 2021-04-15[1] with the checksum c04b.
Features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Added several new diplomatic messages for Becoming the Crisis empires
Balance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- A wormhole now connects Scions to their Fallen Empire overlords.
- Aetherophasic Engine now grants increasing amounts of energy, minerals and Naval Capacity with each upgrade.
- Scaled down the Unity rewards of various espionage events which now award a value based on existing, monthly Unity income.
- Imperial Security Directorate updated such that it now offers the Emperor +2 to Decryption and +4 to Encryption only.
- Reverted change to special resource edicts' one-time costs: their costs now increase with empire sprawl as well as overextension, as opposed to just overextension. Also clarified the tooltip a bit.
- The new Special Projects for the final step in the base game Precursor event chains now take 30 days to research.
- The Indentured Servitude slavery type no longer applies Slavery based production modifiers if the pop is working in a Specialist job. Other slavery based modifiers such as reduced Housing and Amenity usage continue to apply.
- Lowered chance of Unbidden spawning as they can spawn early, so were appearing a lot more often than other crises
- Reintroduced Slave Processing Facility requirement to recruiting Slave Armies.
Performance and Stability[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Fixed potential CTD when partial failure to connect to host in MP view.
- Stopped research_all_technologies console command from crashing the game.
- Right click unassigning a spymaster envoy no longer desyncs the game in MP.
- Improved efficiency of the code for picking what to build via planetary automation scripts.
- Reduced the “destroy galaxy” performance impact by not destroying each pop individually.
- Remade destroy colony so it is destroying any pops before changing owner/controller to no country just to reduce the amount of per pop calculations.
- Removed ai_weight fields from buildings, as the AI was periodically evaluating whether they added up to less than -1 (which they never did) to see if they should be destroyed. (Note: ai_weights were replaced by economic_plans so were not used for evaluating which building to build; note 2: if for some reason as a modder you really want to use them, you can still do so by disabling economic_plans)
- Fixed crash on Linux when joining a game through steam friends while the game was running.
UI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Filter out ill suited empires from the top right target Empire drop down in the Diplomacy view. E.g. The Shroud and Curator Enclaves.
- Galactic focus selection window is now hidden when changing tab in the galactic community.
- Rename Build ship and Build Defensive Platforms buttons on Starbases and Megastructures to Open catalog, which better describes the actual action.
- Disable newly renamed Open catalog buttons in Starbase and Megastructure ship builder UI when they have no effect.
- The Special Deposit tooltip now lists the effects that the special deposits have.
- UX rehaul of the MP Game Lobby making it clearer what to do and who's ready.
- Excavation sites are now greyed out when fully excavated.
- Remade planet view locked building slot tooltip to refer to actual capital building name and district with highest building slot add modifier
- Details for fleet, pops, economy, and technology are now hidden in the breakdown of diplomatic weight if you don't have enough intel
- Tidied up the tooltip for a planet's habitability in the planet's interface to clearly state what each number is.
- Intel value text should now be displayed better in all languages.
- The espionage operation categories filter is now hidden if there are less than 2 operations available.
- Only showing espionage operation category filters for potential and/or ongoing operations
- You can now use "go to capital" on Marauders in the Contacts menu (it will take you to their home system).
- If you have sufficient intel, hovering over the button to form or cancel a research agreement will now tell you how many technologies you and the other country may learn from it.
- Hovering over the button to form or cancel a commercial agreement now tells you how many credits you will gain from it (rather than you having to propose the agreement to find out).
- When you are offered a commercial agreement, you will now hear about the energy credit benefits.
- Removed superfluous "Are you the baddie?" tooltip for the Crisis tab, only displayed when not Becoming the Crisis.
- Improved consistency of Diplomatic Stance policy options being hidden or unavailable; visibility is now determined by government type and DLC ownership, while other factors determine availability.
- Changed tooltip for starbase buildings/modules in starbase view buildables to show calculated value and hide base if value is not affected by modifier.
- The tooltip for Crisis Objectives now contains information for how much Menace you have gained from this Objective.
- Added variety to the "unknown species" cardboard cutout in the first contact interface.
- Fixed inappropriate line breaks in "Intel" labels for some languages,
- Show diplomatic pacts an Empire has even if they're only known via a second hand Intel source. E.g. You having high Intel on A and thereby knowing it has a Commercial Pact with B will now show that Commercial Pact in the diplomacy view of B even if you don't have full Intel on all of B's diplomatic pacts.
- Cost/upkeep/production breakdown tooltip should not show mult modifiers for "empty" resources.
- Opinion map mode now properly hides opinion breakdowns unless enough Intel is gained.
AI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- AI war strategies are now recalculated more often to make it respond better to changes in ally fleets.
- The AI now better accounts for the value of different resources when deciding what to buy on the market.
- Allow the AI to trade with Living Metal, Dark Matter, and Zro on the market.
- Added cooldown before AI considers responding to a proposal, set in define DIPLOMACY_RESPONSE_COOLDOWN_DAYS
- Increased randomness when AI responds to proposals, will still do a daily roll if it should but chance for responding starts at none and then rapidly increases each day until proposal expiration date.
- The AI now better take into consideration that Federation and GDF ships have no upkeep when deciding which ships to build.
- The independent GDF AI will now remember which capital systems it has visited upon reloading a save file.
Modding[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Added on_army_killed_in_combat / no_combat on_actions.
- Using "pop" scope change in army scope now takes you to the pop that spawned the army.
- Added export_resource_income_to_variable effect.
- Added export_trigger_value_to_variable_effect.
- Added trigger is_current_first_contact_stage.
- Fixed various issues with setting species archetype restrictions for government elements (civics, authorities) so that it is now checked in every case and can be used safely.
- Enabled triggered descriptions and gametext ([ ] commands) in espionage operation descriptions.
- Fixed a bug in scripted effects/triggers that meant that you'd get weird startup errors if you ever used more than one "[" in a scripted effect/trigger.
- Added is_total_war trigger.
- Fixed issue where owned_species and enslaved_species scope script lists would not always work in planet events.
- Added abort trigger on espionage operation type for killing of an active operation.
- Added has_active_building trigger (checks if a planet has the building in a non-ruined and non-disabled state).
- Added effect for postponing modifier calculations, useful when executing a lot of effects where individual result of them is not important.
- Fixed cases of missing modifier names (where a modifier would show up as "<blank>: +X") in pop jobs (triggered modifiers) and deposits (country modifiers).
- Fixed any_owned_species so it also works on day 1 of a new game now.
- Added remove_invalid_civics option to change_government effect to force incompatible civics to be removed from the government.
- Made is_majority_species make sense.
- Fixed some minor documentation issues brought to our attention by eagle-eyed modders.
Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Fixed rare case of frontend background not covering the entire screen.
- Fix occasional fullscreen flickering when running with the -dx11 flag.
- Zro Distillation now always becomes a tech option if Extradimensional Experimentation resolution is enacted.
- Removed superfluous information about default country types in the tooltip for forming a research agreement.
- Event "The Fumes Lie Thick" now tells you about the scientist's new trait.
- Fixed an issue where habitat auto-designation would not pick energy specialisation when that was clearly the right choice.
- Fixed some grammar errors in "Wind Back and Proceed" archaeology event.
- Molluscoid Integration event now no longer refers to "tiles" (what on earth is a tile?? :) ). It now also only gives you 6 new pops.
- Fixed an issue where the special project fail event "Smuggler Weapons Trade" would talk about a spaceship rather than a planet.
- Fixed Machine Synchronicity Traditions lacking a line break at the end, causing it to be fairly unreadable.
- Fixed an issue where you could break the Necrophage origin by having your prepatent species as a subspecies of the main species
- Random Spy Network event "An Operative Resurfaces" no longer refers to the empire's leader getting hands-on in extraction of operatives, and preparing security reports.
- Added a missing tooltip from random Operations event "Excess Noise".
- Corrected a missing tooltip from Spy Network event "Hostile Infiltration Detected".
- Leaving federations through events no longer generates opinion penalties unless we deliberately want those penalties set.
- Resolutions to repeal the banning of slave trade now have their correct icons.
- Corrected Fallen Empires in their mistaken assumption that they have 16 building slots instead of 12 on their starting planets.
- Added various government types which were not fully recognized by VIR during the first stage of the tutorial.
- Selecting an Oligarchic authority type with the Death Cult civic is now consistently recognized as a Grim Council government.
- Fixed several cases where Alloy Mega-Forges and other similar buildings providing +X jobs per Y district would sometimes be unspecific or wrong about how many jobs they'd get from you building which district.
- Fixed several fallen empires lacking housing due to having no city districts.
- You can no longer get the “Scandalous Insult” event on yourself.
- Improved tooltip for when a Spy Network has become overextended.
- Subjects that are in a federation with their overlord should now be able to declare a war for independence on them.
- Make diplo action positive/neutral/negative background shown in UI again.
- Reanimated Armies is now fully incompatible with Synthetic Ascension, rather than just quietly doing nothing as before.
- Cosmic Nudge arc site now no longer gives you 10% progress on a habitability tech way beyond what you have researched (essentially useless as it costs so much), but instead gives you progress on the next tech in that line that you can research
- First Contact event "A Terrible Sight to Behold" no longer shows a happy handshake as its event picture
- Guarantee independence now displayed properly in the diplomacy view (them guaranteeing our independence does not make it work the other way around).
- The tooltip for Society Management now correctly mentions the Crisis tab if the player has Nemesis installed.
- Fixed a reference to the "Traditions and Relics" interface in the tutorial (it is now "Society Management").
- Fixed AIs unintentionally spawning Advanced Empires through the Lost Colony origin even when Advanced AI Starts have been disabled by the player.
- Galaxy Generator now uses correct starbase types for marauders and FE when it needs to connect the empire through a non owned system.
- Fixed the AI sometimes having sectors with no planets in them.
- Operation Arm Privateers may only be conducted against the same target once every 3 years. The operation will conclude early if another empire has successfully armed the brigands before you have.
- If the other side finishes the first contact site before you, but you had successfully started a hostile first contact event chain and were merely awaiting the outcome (e.g. completing the vivisection), you will now get the rewards and flavour event anyway.
- Operation event "Smear Campaign Exposed" now makes references to the proper empires in its description.
- Reworked the final step of the Vultaum, Yuht, First League, Irassian, and Cybrex precursor chains. They now provide a one-day Special Project on the discovered homeworld rather than the last event being fired on-survey. This should improve visibility and increase robustness in situations where e.g. the star system changes ownership or is colonized.
- Added bespoke event descriptions for scenarios in which Operation Spark Diplomatic Incident is conducted against a target who, in turn, causes offense to your own empire.
- Fixed some cases of starbases incorrectly respawning on loading a save.
- AI will now give AI full rights in some circumstances.
- Fixed Adaptability Tradition "Survival of the Fittest" not using its own art.
- Fixes a bug in events not creating random outcomes properly in some cases.
- Fixed missing event title when declaring Tiyanki to be galactic pests (frankly uncalled for).
- Clarified some references to target Encryption in events "Contact Lost" and "A Surprise Catch".
- Votes now display as a popup so that they are not as easily missed and auto-declined.
- Empires who receive the event "An Operative Resurfaces" and who maintain a Spy Network on the empire in question are now able to attempt an extraction of said operative, assuming they have a sufficient Infiltration Level.
- "An Operative Resurfaces" events are now part of a more easily trackable event chain.
- Removed various instances of an extra exclamation mark appearing in notification messages.
- Added a prolog step to the tutorial for establishing First Contact. Players will now be directed to the Situation Log in order to begin the process.
- Fixed a case where you sometimes wouldn't get the Does Not Compute achievement if multiple countries' fleets were bombarding the last AI planet.
- Wipe Em Out war goal will now no longer destroy starbases that previously belonged to your vassals, but will instead return them.
- Fixes num_species and num_unique_species triggers. This affected, but is not limited to the Tourist Trap achievement not working.
- Fixed an edge case where The Surveyor relic would rarely fail to spawn a resource deposit.
- Fixed a trigger check in Operation Smear Campaign which may not produce the expected results for campaigns involving xenophilic empires.
- Refined script for Operation Smear Campaign such that it should now be able to handle multiple campaigns targeting the same empire at once.
- Fixed an error in which targets of Operation Smear Campaign who do not have an active Spy Network may fail to receive any event at all, and thus would not have any of their opinions changed.
- Fixed a faulty reference to the country being targeted by Arm Privateers in the notification event, "Privateers Already Engaged".
- Fixed broken Go To buttons in a couple of Caravaneer events.
- Fixed Xenophobes welcoming aliens with open arms in the "Caravaneers: A warm welcome!" event.
- Scripts which may apply reinforcements for the Galactic Defense Force on an annual basis are now only enacted so long as a playable country remains a member of the Galactic Community.
- Improved a tooltip on the Operations panel, explaining when and why Crisis Beacon is subject to a cooldown period.
- Fixed a reference to the Spymaster in localisation, for the finalé event in which Operation Crisis Beacon is set to work on the Unbidden.
- Fixed an error which caused the random Operations event "Snuffed Out" not to fire "Hostile Infiltration Detected", if the empire in question falls foul of their target's Encryption level.
- Auto-upgrade for Federation and GDF ship designs now properly applies the technology of all member empires when choosing components.
- Fixed planetary automation sometimes failing to build anything if there was unemployment but multiple free jobs.
- Fixed several edge cases where precursor systems could spawn outside of your borders.
- Fixed an exploit where you could mod the game to get a button giving 500 minerals for free without changing the checksum.
- Fixed dialog references to the Great Khan's vanquisher in "The Great Khan Meets Defeat", such that even an unknown empire is referred to by its proper name.
- Fixed the tooltip for the event when you Become Emperor showing erroneous information if you did so as a Gestalt of Megacorp empire.
- Updated modifier names when switching ruler since title is depending on ruler and heir roles.
- Fixed a scripted check which is used to ascertain whether or not the empire in question has an active Spy Network.
- Fixed missing modifier name for tradition swap tr_diplomacy_insider_trading_megacorp (Insider Trading as a Megacorp) - made it correctly inherit the parent's modifier name.
- Fixed envoy event "Gone Native" sometimes missing a description entirely.
- Fixed the tooltip for Pop Assembling Capacity (below Pop Assembly in the planet interface) not showing all information and not taking into account organic assembly.
- Fixed a bug where buildings that increased the number of jobs offered by other buildings or districts would do this even if they were ruined or disabled.
- Fixed it being possible to recruit Imperial Legions infinitely (it is now capped to 12).
- Fixed event icons in event for opening communications presenting wrong information when concerning Fallen Empires.
- Fixed Subterranean Refugees event failing to create a pop.
- Fixed information for resource gain from Commercial Pacts while proposing it showing the information the wrong way around, i.e. it would say the other side would get what you would get and vice versa.
- Curbed the Galactic Emperor's extreme paranoia - not everyone is a seditionist (i.e. the Emperor can now only run the Operation Target Seditionists against rivals and countries actually undermining their authority).
- "Leviathan Down" anomaly event now gives the planet a Metal Boneyard deposit if it is inhabited, instead of granting an unlocalised one meant for orbital deposits.
- Made the "Falling Intel" alert more helpful.
- Improved a descriptor for relatively weak encryption/decryption.
- Fixed the Mineral Extraction Operation's mining stations proving an insurmountable obstacle to AI expansion.
- You now no longer gain menace per month while purging, but instead upon a pop finishing being purged.
- Enabled the overlay for assigning envoys in Spy Network view.
- Fixed a Crisis Beacon operation event falling back to the wrong event text in a certain situation.
- Added indicator for recurring menace objectives.
- If you have the "Lost Amoeba" anomaly event, you no longer need to establish communications with space amoebas. That event's options now give you the space amoeba buffs/projects in that case.
- Fixed some cases where you could not interact with a colony because it was occupied by factions such as the CARE Mechanocalibrator.
- Having claims on a subject now means you can use the Claims casus belli on their overlord.
- The "Form Galactic Council" resolution will no longer appear as active after the Galactic Imperium has fallen
- When forming the Galactic Council again after it has been abolished, the time until the next election will be the expected 180 days instead of the longer time that is normally between elections
- Fixed tutorial sometimes opening and closing in rapid succession.
- Fixed an issue where government data of Custodians and Imperium rulers would not be restored when they lose their position.
- The AI and player default for very strong syncretic servile slaves is to have them as Chattel rather than as Battle Thralls.
- Fixed Isolationist faction's first contact policy demands to be for not having a Proactive policy, rather than for explicitly having an Aggressive one.
- Inwards Perfectionists' Materialist faction will no longer demand Research Agreements (since that demand cannot be fulfilled).
- Slaves that are working Specialist jobs now gain Specialist production modifiers rather than Worker production modifiers. (Necrophages will no longer suffer penalties in the Specialist tier as Indentured Servants, and the Authoritarian worker bonuses will no longer apply at the Specialist tier either.)
- Fixed the Shoot to Kill achievement (its logic was flipped, so you had to be the victim to get it!).
- Fixed Sic Semper Tyrannis achievement.
- Forming the Galactic Imperium no longer triggers a government cooldown.
- Script controlling the expansion of Ancient Mining Drone fleets has been reworked so as to no longer create excessive event scope backlogs.
- Mining Drone Expansion Fleet and Aggressive Drone Expansion Fleet have been reworked such that every 10 years, for as long as the Mining Drones persist, 3 fleets will spawn and seek out suitable systems into which they can expand. The fleets favor systems which lie within 1-6 hyperlane jumps from their system of origin.
- Fixed an issue where the government would not reform properly when the Imperium is formed if the government had civics that were incompatible with the "Imperial" authority.
- Recruitable leaders may no longer possess the Psionic or Chosen trait directly alongside either the Synthetic or Cyborg trait.
- Fixed (Become the) Crisis Level 5 sharing one trigger condition with Crisis Level 4.
- Script controlling the expansion of Ancient Mining Drone fleets has been reworked so as to no longer create excessive event scope backlogs.
- Portraits in the empire designer should now animate properly.
- Fixed spawned Star-Eaters having too many shield components instead of armor components, and made sure the owner receives the relevant armor technologies.
- Fixed Mass Extinction Through the Ages breaking sometimes in MP.
- Fixed duplicate colons in espionage operation tooltips.
- A conditional event description for "Final Disavowal", part of the "Disavowed Operative Resurfaces" chain, now displays correctly more often for those who have an active Spy Network, and for those who do not.
- Subjects are no longer able to become presidents of federations through rotation or random succession.
- Fixed Diplomatic Map Mode leaking information you do not have intel on.
- Fixed various error log messages relating to Crisis Objectives, along with several edge cases where the rewards were not granted when they should have been.
- Fixed an issue where the acceptance breakdown for diplomatic actions was available even if you didn't have sufficient intel.
3.0.2[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 3.0.2 was released on 2021-04-20[2] with the checksum 91c1.
Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Fixed an issue with the Big Red Button achievement not triggering before the game ended.
- Fixed an issue where players couldn't play as the pre-scripted Human Empires.
- Fixed an issue with Criminal Syndicates branch offices producing super negative trade due to crime, then multiplying it because of crime.
3.0.3[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 3.0.3 was released on 2021-05-20[3] with the checksum d281.
Balance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Increased the minimum growth of planets near the top of the logistic growth curve to 10% from 1%.
- Significantly reduced the effect of empire pops on the required growth of new pops to 0.25 from 0.5.
- Reduced the number of pops required to upgrade capital buildings to 10/25/50 from 10/40/80.
- Hive Worlds now also have +1 Spawning Drone job.
- Machine Worlds now also have +1 Replicator job. Resource Consolidation homeworlds begin with a blocker negating this extra job until removed.
- The Constructobot civic now also grants +1 Building Slot.
- Slave Processing Plants now also enable automatic resettlement for slaves on their planet, but reduce the rate at which the planet does so. (Which can be offset by Transit Hubs or other modifiers.)
- Ceramo-Steel Infrastructure and Durasteel Infrastructure technologies now also grant +25% Colony Development Speed.
- Increased the duration of the Prosperous Unification planet modifier to 20 years.
- Espionage related edicts that lowered operation difficulty now instead increase Codebreaking (which will still reduce difficulty, but will also have other benefits.)
- Replaced +10 Maximum Infiltration on Ruthless Competition and Shadow Council with +1 Codebreaking.
- The Criminal Syndicate civic now also grants +1 Codebreaking.
- Reduced the alloy discount of GDF ships to 25% but added an extra 10% discount to the resolution that expands the GDF.
- You can now no longer permanently lose your Aetherophasic Engine. However, losing control of it will wipe out all progress you had made in upgrading it.
- Slowed down purging by about 50%, as we have significantly fewer pops in the game now. The exception is Neutering, which has increased in speed from 500 months per pop to 10 months per pop.
- You now get four months' worth of their purge output every time a pop is purged via Forced Labor, Processing or Chemical Processing.
- Slowed down First Contact investigation times by about 50%.
- Ion Cannons, Perdition Beams, and Titan Lasers are now considered energy weapons and benefit from repeatable technologies.
- Reduced Criminal job effect on trade to -5 from -10.
- Rogue Servitor bio-trophy buildings now also increase Planet Capacity to compensate for the trophies within.
- Bio-Trophies now provide 1 Unity instead of 2, and 1% Complex Drone Output instead of 0.25%, but only provide any benefits when at or above 50% happiness.
- Increased the effect of the Rogue Servitor Expanded Breeding Program to 20% from 10%.
- Terminal Egress is now a black hole (which cannot be cracked)
- Resolution Extra Dimensional Exploration is now again a dangerous resolution (which lets you get the Unbidden a bit early)
- Medical Workers now also increase Organic Pop Assembly by 5%, and increase habitability by 2.5%
- Significantly reduced the up front energy cost of espionage operations.
- Increased the power of starbase reactors. Fully upgraded bastions should be better at actually using all their weapon slots.
- Espionage edicts unlocked by Quantum Hacking now also grant +10 Maximum Infiltration Level.
- Pops will not automatically resettle away from newly founded colonies until 5 years have passed, so your habitats will no longer have one worker flee before you can give them something to do.
- The Gather Information operation now also grants +5 Maximum Infiltration Level for 10 years, stacking with itself up to +20. (Continuing to perform the operation will restart the 10 year timer if it's at +20 Maximum Infiltration Level.)
- Espionage operations no longer gain 1 Insight no matter how bad the roll, contrary to what is stated on the UI. They now need a score of at least 2 to gain an insight. If the die rolls 10 and the score is below 2, an insight will still be gained to prevent operations from freezing entirely.
- Made Menace Rewards scale with the number of empires in game.
- Reverted the behavior that shipyards in occupied stations could be used to upgrade and build ships.
- Reduced the number of Clerk jobs provided by buildings and districts by 40%.
- Clerk trade value has been increased to 4.
- Crime Lord Deal now also adds criminal jobs.
- Manufacturing focus buildings (factories and foundries) are no longer exclusive from one another, and no longer add jobs to Industrial Districts. They instead increase the base production of alloy or consumer goods producing jobs by 1 or 2, with a corresponding increase in upkeep.
- Buildings that increased basic resource production and added jobs to basic resource producing buildings or districts (Energy Grids, Mineral Purification Plants, etc.) now increase the base production of the relevant jobs by 1 or 2 based on tier instead of their previous modifiers. Machine empires still gain the extra resource district slots as before. Yes, things like "livestock" counts as a "relevant job".
- Reduced base automatic resettlement chance to 5% per month (46% chance per planet to resettle per year).
- Reduced logistic growth ceiling from 2.0 to 1.5.
- Sliders have been added in Galaxy Generation for the planetary Logistic Growth cap and Empire-wide Growth Required scaling values. Please note that adjusting these can have significant effects on game balance and performance.
Performance and Stability[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Optimised spawning the L-Gate to not freeze the game.
- Fixed CTD in opengl that might happen when kicked from an MP while empire selection screen is open.
- Further optimised yearly tick from assimilation.
- Slightly reduced the performance burden of the auto-migration system.
- Fixed crash on sector colony development update.
UI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- The Necrophage Chamber of Elevation description now explains why the jobs provided by that building may vary.
- Added a tooltip in diplomacy view for civics when you do not have sufficient intel to see them.
- Fixed some instances of text and UI overlap in the (become the) Crisis view for some languages.
- Appended assign and unassign tooltip to espionage asset in create espionage operation view.
- Added right click to unassign espionage asset in Espionage Operation view.
- The best species for a habitable planet is now shown in the galaxy view tooltip and not only in the system view tooltip.
- Added tooltips and hidden/disabled some UI elements to show that an occupied shipyards cannot be used.
AI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Fixed Lithoid Tree of Life AI not ever colonising or using the decision to transplant the Tree of Life to conquered planets
- Fixed AI reserving food for planetary decisions even though no decisions require food
- AI now cares more about energy & alloys. Added a building limit define.
- AI now waits 10 years to fully take over players.
- Improved AI human takeover behavior
- Code
- bWasHumanRecently added to weighting stuff in CalcBuildingWeight
- "HandlePlanets" now checks for AI_FREE_JOBS_BUILDING_BUILD_CAP in order to build misc buildings
- Removed the Upkeep check for approximation because of locking itself out of building certain stuff in deficit
- AI stops building armies after takeover
- AI stops building starbases & starbase modules after takeover
- AI stops buying & selling pops after takeover
- Added some comments to pop.h and pop.cpp
- Script
- Reduced amount of jobs allowed to build new stuff
- Increased scores for deficit, focus & amnetie building weights
- Reduced weight for pop buildings
- Increased AI takeover timer to 10 years
- Updated economic plans to not change as much through the game time
- Economic plans now favor less research and more stability and economic balance
- Added a job weight for low income for artisan jobs
- Increased job weight for technicians for low income situations
- Reduced low income threshold for miner jobs
- Economic plan fix for hive & gestalt
- Fixed case where AI logic was countering itself. This also solves the single largest AI performance drain
Modding[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Trigger has_population_control and has_migration_control are now no longer simple booleans, but follow the format of has_colonization_control instead.
- Added intel_effects_surveyed attribute to country type for handling intel system toggle surveyed/unsurveyed planet status, was previously handled by the primitives attribute.
- has_intel trigger now works.
- Added dissolve_alliance effect.
- Fixed on_first_contact_stage_1_no_path using the wrong scope.
- Fixed a crash if you used an invalid starbase design in create_starbase; added error logging instead.
- join_war and join_war_on_side effects no longer allows you to join a war if you're already at war against one of the war participants and will log an error if it is attempted.
- "From" in the "active" trigger of resolutions now refers to the target, if valid.
- Added galactic_emperor and galactic_custodian scope changes.
- Added an "effect" field to declare_war effect.
- Menace rewards can now have modifiers to scale the reward.
- Added should_remove_response_message_when_not_possible property for diplomatic actions, to remove response messages of the diplo action type if the possible check fails.
- LOGISTIC_POP_GROWTH_CEILING, REQUIRED_POP_GROWTH_SCALE, and REQUIRED_POP_ASSEMBLY_SCALE defines have been removed as they have been replaced by sliders in galaxy generation.
Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Organic Pop Assembly now respects population controls.
- Fixed cases where destroying an empire through war would not grant you the Menace from Destroy Empires.
- Fixed various error log messages relating to Crisis Objectives, along with several edge cases where the rewards were not granted when they should have been.
- Fixed an issue where Galactic Community resolution categories would not be hidden if they contain targeted resolutions that there are no valid targets for.
- Fixed an issue where the acceptance breakdown for diplomatic actions was available even if you didn't have sufficient intel.
- Fixed an issue where an already proposed Galactic Community resolution could be passed even if not all of its conditions were fulfilled.
- Fixed scripted trigger scope validation.
- Fixed scripted effect scope validation.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to invite others to a federation if you were a Custodian while a crisis was ongoing.
- Systems previously made visible no longer become unknown when your intel on a country is too low.
- Fixed tooltip of active operation in spy network view to show the operations modifiers and not only the spy networks.
- Fixed an issue where the capital location of special empires, such as the caravaneers, would not be revealed after establishing communication.
- Fixed long tooltip for war goal to close branch offices if they have multiple branch offices in your borders.
- Increased chance for Auto-Research to pick certain strategic techs.
- Fixed it being possible for the Caravaneers to request one of your systems when they lost theirs even if you have never met the Caravaneers.
- Fixed an issue where tooltips mentioning joining a war would sometimes be missing empire names and be oddly formatted.
- Fixed it being impossible to repeal the Pax Galactica.
- Fixed an issue where the name of your ally wouldn't be displayed in a notification when joining a war as the Galactic Imperium ruler.
- Made ketling country intel not affecting their planets surveyed status for other empires.
- Fixed so aggressive stance does not trigger the wrong animation state to be set on ships.
- Fixed edge cases where the event to prompt you to consider first contact protocols happened quite late.
- Fixed cases where event rewards granting progress in a technology would not save that as a permanent research option.
- Fixed an issue in the diplomacy view where the Closed Borders icon would also appear when you were the one that had closed borders to the other empire.
- Fixed some scripted localization functions in German.
- Fixed some minor intel leaks when finding out why you cannot make a pact with an Inwards Perfectionist country, and similar.
- Fixed base value for upkeep/production/cost sometimes missing in tooltip.
- Fixed excessive and unhelpful messages upon completion of a Galactic Rebellion (whether it fails or succeeds).
- Fixed an issue where the Fleet Manager showed that Federation and Galactic Defense Force fleets had command limits.
- Fixed an instance of a broken event title when an Aetherophasic Engine has been destroyed.
- Unemployed Lithoids will no longer move back to a Doomed homeworld through auto-migration, even if there *are* plenty of good jobs and housing available. (can_planet_receive_auto_migration added to Game Rules.)
- Purging a pop now gives Menace even if the pop runs away to another empire.
- Updated Cradle of Life event text to account for intel levels.
- Fixed an issue where Galactic Defense Force ship sizes would just be shown as '(GDF) Name' when adding a design to a fleet in the Fleet Manager.
- Corrected an event option which follows a successful completion of Operation Sabotage Starbase. If an opportunity to also destroy a Defense Platform arises, this action will no longer consume (or attempt to consume) a Military Asset on the relevant Spy Network. Also corrected a minor grammatical error.
- Aggressive stance set on a transport fleet is now reapplied to it after an invasion is completed.
- Fixed it being impossible to abduct pops to Necrophage purge them once their species is already set to Undesirables who are to be Necrophaged.
- Winning a Crisis vassalisation war no longer gives an additional notification that the war ended because the opponent was vassalized.
- Fixed strange occurrences when a starbase is reconstructed on the monthly tick when fighting a Wipe them Out war and the system has multiple colonies of which the assailant only controls some.
- Changing species rights of a cyborg/psionic species now works properly, instead of using the species rights requirements of the base species.
- Added scrollbar to victory view summary to avoid text overflow.
- Fixed First Colony event firing (with inappropriate text) when settling Tomb and Relic worlds.
- Modifiers from Crisis perks now show up with names.
- Further fixes to Finders Keepers event.
- Planet colonizations that can never be finished will now be properly aborted on a monthly basis.
- Fixed a broken First Contact notification in Brazilian Portuguese
- Fixed an integer overflow in border distances where if two countries had no possible connections they would have 1000 reasons to be your vassal (mainly happening in modded games)
- Modifiers from Relics should show up properly.
- Fixed a bug where if you captured the Aetherophasic Engine in a Total War, it would not be destroyed (and would carry on any in-progress upgrade)
- Fixed ownerless megastructures not cancelling upgrades
- The area of the envoy portrait in the envoy selection view should be correctly clickable.
- Determined Exterminators, Fanatic Purifiers and Devouring Swarms now remain true to their purity ideology, and may no longer adopt lost Space Amoebae.
- Fixed the event for establishing communications with Caravaneers inappropriately referring to them by their pre-comms code name.
- Fixed excessive rounding on species rights indicator for speed of purging.
- Fixed an error which would prevent Operation Arm Privateers from successfully spawning a Privateer fleet inside a valid target empire.
- Fixed a typo in the purging code that meant that you could have negative progress in purging the month after a pop is purged.
- Fixed Contingency worlds wiped out by Star Eaters not counting as destroyed.
- Fixed a large number of events, particularly in espionage, where failing to account for gender-neutral Plantoids and Fungoids would cause mistakes in English grammar. In other words, occurrences of "they is" are now correctly rendered "they are".
- Grammar fixes for descriptions of the "Master's Teachings" edicts.
- Fixed oddities when a Machine Uprising is given a planet that is under colonisation.
- Fixed Hive Worlds not getting the full benefit from Food Processing Centers.
- Fixed some typos in German.
- Acceptance breakdown is now hidden when proposing diplomatic actions if intel level is not high enough.
- Fixed it being possible to pass most of the Custodian and Imperial Resolutions multiple times when they were already active.
- Fix for crash on destruction of the last planet of the Galactic Custodian.
- Fixed the Unbidden Crisis' dimensional portals and anchors being destroyed by Star Eaters.
- Fixed a bug with being unable to survey an anomaly in foreign territory.
- The Imperial Crusade resolution can no longer be proposed against Fallen Empires or Awakened Empires.
- If two countries reach crisis level 5, the Galactic Community will now correctly declare war on both.
- The very first pop colonizing a planet will no longer feel strangely compelled to abandon their duties to go work in that... Odd Factory.
- Fixed the final event in the Cybrex precursor chain firing at the wrong time.
- Fixed typo in Nemesis Main Theme name in the music player.
- Fixed bug when fleet icon appears far away from ships.
- Removed some event script that was deprecated four years ago.
- Robots can no longer be acquired as assets unless the targeted empire has unlocked droids
- Megastructure icon is now shown on the galaxy map for L-gate systems.
- Fixed bug when fleet icon appears far away from ships.
- Fixed scopes in "Caravaneers: Local Franchise" event so that the event text correctly refers to the country rather than the species.
- Fixed an issue where brain slugs would not impact colony stability as intended
- If the initiator fails to win an Imperial Crusade, the resolution is no longer left active into perpetuity
- Fixed cases where the Galactic Community would fail to declare war on the empire Becoming the Crisis because the potential war leader was already at war with them. The crisis is now removed from all wars with Galactic Community members, and a new war is created.
- Fixed various oddities where passing the resolution to Declare a Crisis by vote would lead to federation members of the newly-declared crisis fighting against them (despite remaining federation members). They will now support the Crisis in this case (note: countries reaching Crisis Level 5 will continue to not keep their federation allies).
- Fixed an issue where if the galactic community declared war on one country as the Crisis, and then passed the resolution to declare a subsequent country the Crisis, various issues would ensure e.g. the war ending immediately, or the Galactic Community's leader having to face the crisis alone without the members to back it up.
- Fixed tooltip for why you can't replace a building saying there were too few pops.
- Fixed the confirmation message for commercial pacts and research agreements showing the information on their benefits reversed.
- Fixed an issue where Extradimensional Exploration would not let Gestalts learn about Zro.
- The Superconductive robot trait no longer requires Droid technology since Robots can now work Technician jobs.
- Fixed certain First Contact stages getting stuck and never progressing
- Neutronium Armor will now properly upgrade to Dragonscale Armor.
- Fixed it being possible to target Genocidal empires with the Imperial Crusade. Better just Declare Crisis on them...
- Sapient robots like Synthetics (including those created Synthetic Ascension) can now utilize the auto-migration system. AI Servitude policies will restrict their migration as if they were slaves (in which case they will relocate if a Slave Processing Plant exists on the planet).
- Fixed Mistaken for Food espionage random event permanently stopping the operation's progress
- Envoy Substance Abuse events can now no longer happen for gestalts either as the source of the envoy or the source of the substances)
- Fixed the confirmation message for commercial pacts and research agreements showing the information on their benefits reversed (simplified statement)
- Fixed Menacing ships not displaying weapon models properly.
- Spawned Star-Eaters now use correctly-dimensioned thruster components.
- A Galactic Custodian or Galactic Emperor will now always be able to propose Council resolutions, even if the Council has been abolished.
- Replaced references to 'Spy Power' in trigger localisation, instead referring to a spy network's 'Infiltration Level'.
- Fixed Mercantile diplomatic stance being visible to Gestalt Consciousness empires, taunting them with the tantalizing yet impossible promise of internal trade.
- Wrong advisor voice is removed from available ones for the case when a planet is successfully invaded.
- Vassals created by the Galactic Sovereign no longer get the Galactic Sovereign civic
- Espionage operation asset category icons now show tooltips with category names.
- The Pax Galactica is now correctly binding on the Emperor
- Notifications for refused peace offers are now properly removed when a war has ended.
- Some country modifiers that were removed much too slowly should now be removed faster.
- Updated numbers in espionage operation roll tooltip to show correct information
- Fixed a too-long string cutting off invader power values in ground combat view in French
- Fixed an issue where destroying the Contingency's final world with a Star-Eater would not not properly end the Contingency Crisis
- Further fixes to the end of the Cybrex precursor chain
- The tooltip when you can't reinforce a fleet shouldn't duplicate the cause.
- Fleets can be reinforced even if one ship type in the fleet can't be built.
- Fixed a crash upon mousing over a system with planets in as an observer
- Fixed a couple of Edicts having wrong deactivation cost
- Thought Enforcement tech is now researchable with Utopia.
- Fixed an issue where Nomads would keep asking for a Planet over and over, before establishing communications
- You can no longer invite someone you are at war against to join your side in a new war
- Corrected opinion text placement in the Declare War view.
- The Manifesti faction should no longer reform after it has disbanded, either through suppression or lack of popularity.
- Fixed the Research Institute building not properly converting to Planetary Supercomputer when conquered by Gestalt empires, and vice versa.
- Fixed auto-resettlement for Void Dweller habitats and certain other planets (needs a new save, though).
- Fixed an issue where Branch Office value tooltips could be displayed based on the wrong Branch Office owner.
- Branch Office value generated from Criminal jobs for Criminal Syndicates is now properly shown in the tooltip for Branch Office value.
- Fix for planetary designation icons being offset.
3.0.4[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 3.0.4 was released on 2021-08-20[4] with the checksum 67e7.
- Replaced PDXMP multiplayer backend layer with Nakama.
References[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- ↑ Forum, [Dev Team] 3.0.1 Patch Released [checksum c04b], 2021-04-15.
- ↑ Forum, [Dev Team] 3.0.2 Hot Fix Released (Checksum 91c1), 2021-04-20.
- ↑ Forum, [Dev Team] 3.0.3 Patch Released (Checksum d281), 2021-05-20.
- ↑ Forum, [Dev Team] 3.0.4 Patch Released (Checksum 67e7), 2021-08-20.