Patch 2.2.X are all patches beginning with 2.2.
2.2[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- 主条目:Patch 2.2
2.2.1[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 2.2.1 was released on 2018-12-07[1] with the checksum bbf4.
- Fixed a freeze on starting a new game on certain dual core systems.
2.2.2[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 2.2.2 was released on 2018-12-20[2] with the checksum 5b48.
2.2 ‘Le Guin’ free features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Ether Drake Shrine/Monument has been converted to a special Planetary Deposit with the same effects as before
- Improved Nanite Transmutation description for tech/building
- Art Monument has now been revamped into a planetary Decision
- Hive minds will once again have unemployed drones rather than a Scavenger drone job
- Renamed Empire Size to Empire Sprawl, and renamed Administrative Cap to Administrative Capacity (previous wording did not make it clear enough that they are soft caps)
Balance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Reduced effectiveness of Bio-Reactor
- Increased cost of Unity buildings
- Reduced mineral cost of roboticist and fabricator jobs
- Increased base alloy job production from 2 to 3
- Resource stockpiles have by default been increased from 10000 to 15000. Default stockpile for Energy Credits increased to 50000
- Drone Campaign and Robot Campaign effects reduced from +20% to +10%
- Synthetic Evolution ascension perk now gives +10% robot output
- The chance of criminal Branch Offices getting shut down has been reduced slightly, and the cooldown between shutdown events has been reduced to 10 years
- At least one year with little or no crime must pass for a colony's criminal Branch Office to potentially get shut down (increased from one day)
- Different kinds of Unity buildings are now more consistent in how many Jobs they create
- Betharian Power Plant building now creates Jobs in addition to its flat Energy Credits output
- Bunker Bot's scrap value increased
- Massively reduced point defense weapon damage against armour
- Democratic Crusaders now also take a dim view of corporate authority
- Caravaneer home base will only be re-established if at least one Caravaneer fleet is still alive
- Rescaled the Consecrated World Worship modifier: it now goes higher, with smaller value increments between each step
- Shared burden Civic and Living standard allow pops to demote in social strata much more rapidly
- Ruined arcologies take longer to clear and cost more
- Reduced Gateway cost
- Increased rate at which admirals and ships get XP from suppressing pirates
- Science nerd faction is no longer jealous of the Successor Khanate
- Ship upgrade cost reduced by increasing the refund amount from older components, and upgrade time reduced
- Mega Art Installation restoration build time increased from 3600 to 4800
- Strategic Coordination Center restoration build time increased from 3600 to 4800
- Strategic Coordination Center effect on naval cap reduced from to 50/100/150, effect on starbase cap reduced from to 2/4/6, and effect on platform capacity reduced to 4/8/12
- Science Nexus effect on research output increased from 75/150/225 to 100/200/300, and increases research speed by 5%/10%/15%
- Science Nexus build time increased from 2400 to 3600, and alloy cost increased from 12500 to 15000 for all levels
- Proles know their roles, are less likely to be researchers
- Synthetic Evolution ascension perk now also reduces modify species cost by -50%
- Administrative Efficiency (repeatable) tech effect on Admin Cap increased from 10 to 15
- Mitigated some Machine Uprising issues slightly
UI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Building and District tooltips are now more informative in regards to what resources they use and produce from their jobs
- Fixed the missing "Megacorp" ownership icon in the MP lobby
- Added a warning when you try to colonize a very low habitability planet directly with a colony ship
- Piracy is now shown for non trading nations (if within their borders)
- Fixed the UI shattering hilariously if you clicked the population tab on an uncolonized planet
- Fixed Expansion Planner wrongly revealing rare deposits on unsurveyed worlds
- Fixed tooltip for Aristocratic Elite to show the building it unlocks
- Added a popup to tell player when resettlement will cause building destruction
- Adjusted the resource deficit notification to pop once you are down to 12 months' reserves
- Small tweaks to the Planets and Sectors screen
- Fixed tooltip wrongly stating planet had no rare planetary features if they were covered by a blocker
- Fixed overlapping GUI elements for Science Nexus Megastructure
- Updated production/upkeep GUI elements in Megastructure view
- Faction issues now display as red or green depending on if the demand is fulfilled rather than if the effect of the issue is positive, negative or neutral
- Fixed so that all decimals of amenities and trade value are shown in the UI
AI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Improved AI planet building priorities
- Improved AI market trading
- AI no longer bounces a single scientist around multiple ships, choking their exploration and growth
- AI now manages to correctly assess budget for building upgrades on planets
- Made sure AI is not blocked from building things that decreases budget deficits if deficit is too large, because you gotta have money to make money, champ
- Scriptable possibility to use parent economic category for AI budgeting. AI now has a single pool for energy upkeep for most things, making it much better at building up its empire
- AI is now budgeting some exotic resources to planet development, allowing them build upgrades and buildings that require them
- Made AI a bit less maniacal about stomping out every iota of crime to allow the criminal megacorp playstyle
Performance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Fixed performance drop in the resettlement view
- Fixed one source of lag on daily ticks
- Reduced needless daily job related calculations
Modding[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Add num_uncleared_blockers trigger - checks the planet's total amount of uncleared blockers
- Renamed old "can_resettle_pop" game rule to "can_resettle_planet", Add a new "can_resettle_pop" game rule that works on Pop scope
- Added on_slave_sold_on_market on action
Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Number of districts required to enact Arcology Project is no longer reduced by uncleared blockers
- Fixed overlapping UI elements in Megastructure view
- Authoritarian faction is now also OK with Academic Privilege and Robotic Servitors
- Tech drones and Technician jobs now correctly look for the Ingenious trait rather than Thrifty (which was changed to trade value)
- Starting on Earth as Life-Seeded now properly gives you a 25 size planet with rare deposits
- Fixed an OOS on hotjoin due to MIA ships reappearing in different places on server and client
- Fixed status quo peace not spawning new empires in ideology and vassalization wars
- Fixed ship alloy costs being truncated in the choose design window of the fleet designer
- Fixed first wave scourge invasion fleets being led by admirals using robot portraits for some bizarre reason
- Fixed massively out of date credits in the Chinese version, because Jamor is a human that exists in the universe apparently
- Fixed out of synch event related to special projects
- Added missing effects to the description of the Trium Caravaneer's atmospheric deodorizer deal
- Gateways will no longer spawn in directly adjacent systems on galaxy creation
- Fixes the issue of people not able to hot join a multiplayer when too many players are present
- Made tweaks to Galactic Market that should prevent an infinite profits exploit from flooding the market, then rebuying, you shameless tophat-wearing capitalist exploiters, you
- Fixed a graphical display bug with shielded worlds
- Fixed an incorrect modifier being applied by the "Alien Drag Racing" anomaly
- Improved the text truncation in longer planetary Decision descriptions, should avoid spillouts
- Reduced number of calls to CalcMaxEmployed done in DailyUpdate by up to 50%. Should improve performance
- Fixed literally unplayable grammar issue in the Horizon Signal event chain
- Fixed leader portraits being slightly off-center in level up windows
- Fixed OOS due to Leaders not being reregistered when changing class (Scientist to Empire Leader, etc)
- Fixed potential CTD when loading market and certain empires no longer exist, because all those empires will be lost, in time, like tears in rain
- Empire size modifier on leader cost and upkeep is now multiplied on the total and not added to the other mult modifiers
- Fixed OOS due to Galactic Market cache
- Fixed Master's Teaching: Warring States edict not affecting army upkeep as it should
- Fixed Gospel of the Masses civic not applying trade value bonus
- Fixed event spam when gaining access to the Galactic Market
- "Free at last" modifiers are now removed from the planet after it's reconquered (or conquered by anyone else)
- Prevented abandoned terraforming project or underground civilization events on an Ecumenopolis
- Added a check so that servitude robots cannot become criminals. We'll miss you, serial killer auto assembly claw.
- Khan, "berserker" and "invader" AI personalities should no longer get stuck considering targets they cannot reach
- Fixed empire size tooltip with literally unplayable missing % signs
- Fanatic Purifiers, Determined Exterminators, and Devouring Swarms now have a tooltip properly explaining why, as generally antisocial genocidal murderers, they are not welcome in the Galactic Market
- Fixed issue where the Marauder Horde was not dealt with properly if the Khan died of old age
- Reworked refugee pop effect script to eliminate faulty event spam
- Fixed a situation with total wars. If a player takes a planet that has the same name as a planet he already owns, a new sector would be created with that name, but with no planets in it
- Effects of "Survival of the Fittest" tradition now include a "%" character where needed
- Fixed broken tooltips for Gang Wars and Mob Rule events
- Fixed a bug where presapient pops on a planet would distort the necessary number of fully sapient pops required to unlock the next building slot
- Fixed some missing resource icons in various screens and tooltips
- Fixed robot pops being unable to resettle
- Fixed the Consecrated World Worship modifier disappearing when a certain combination of planets are consecrated
- Caravaneers should not join a colony before it is fully established
- Some moon-related events had their triggers improved after the startling realization that Habitats also count as moons. That's no moon...
- Fixed Aberrant and Vehement lacking starting anchor starbase rendering their portals indestructible
- Fanatic Materialist Fallen Empire is no longer wrongfully DLC-locked behind Synthetic Dawn
- Fixed broken text for Dark Matter deposits
- "Pollen Aphrodisiac" event chain is no longer available to Ecumenopolis worlds
- Fixed an event option tooltip relating to the Science Nexus reporting incorrect resource amounts
- Fixed Automated Colonization Units tradition not granting an extra pop on colonization for machine empires
- Fixed issue with the Artisan troupe dialogue windows not popping up
- Fixed crash when trying to reroute a trade route
- Totalitarian faction demands should be satisfied by either having a stratified living standard on everyone, or by purging/enslaving pops
- Fixed a crash when opening the megastructure build list with a Dyson Sphere you cannot afford at midnight on the Summer Solstice atop Barad-dûr
- Fixed text grey out function to actually grey out texticons instead of only cheekily putting "_grey" into the text
- Fixed a crash when tooltipping power in diplomacy view while not observing as a country
- Fixed duplicate Simplified Chinese ship design names
- Fixed a possible crash when showing event windows
- Fixed issue where system ownership change on actions were executed in a unsafe environment potentially causing CTDs and/or OOSs
- Fixed an OOS at game start when the client is playing in a different language than the host
- Fixed a crash related to extremely long trade routes
- Fixed CTD from trying to update invalid planets
- Fixed the Caravansary Home Station being indestructible after it is re-established, because that which has died once can die again
- Fixed a missing ship design name for the Caravansary starbase
- The Numistic pops sold by the Numistic Order will now have the same traits as their original owner but the ideal planet class of their buyer
- Fixed Vassalization Wars unhelpfully not creating Vassals
- Subsidiaries can now have branch offices and open branch offices in their overlord's territory. Commercial pact trading is also done automatically just as when in a federation when you're a subsidiary
- Merchants now properly produce Unity for empires with Merchant Guilds civic
- Fixed a number of Special Projects occasionally displaying unintended event images in the Situation Log
- Fixed some Governor traits that were wrongly empire-wide in their effect
- Hyperplanes are now correctly colored on OSX
- Drone Megastorage now correctly checks that you are a Machine empire
- No resettlement policy now actually means no resettlment
- Fixed Observation Posts producing no science
- Sector automation now includes hives and nexus
- Technologies for lvl 2 buildings no longer appear before you have the resources to build them
- Fixed the Numistic Order fleet having the wrong name
- Alleviated some issues with Caravaneer fleets getting "stuck", as their jump distance when escaping hostiles is now randomized
- Fixed an edge case where Consecrating a world would not result in a modifier, making the planet impossible to un-consecrate
- Fixed literally unplayable typo in Cyto-Revitalization Center tooltip
- Fixed Solid Liquidity faction issue stating the wrong amount of Energy Credits
- Private Prospectors civic effect description now shows the correct Administrative Cap increase
- Fixed Empire rulers spawning without any traits
- Fixed busted trade value collection range
- Fixed an issue where Gestalt Consciousnesses would not colonize due to not budgeting enough alloys for colony ships
- Fixed an exploit where you could give orders to NPC/other empire ships
2.2.3[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 2.2.3 was released on 2019-01-18[3] with the checksum 746c.
2.2 ‘Le Guin’ free features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Added a new decision to stop or continue Robot, Droid, and Synthetic Pop assembly, and made this work independently of organic population controls
- Added Nanite Actuators edict, which increases research speed
- Null Void Beam now has its own icon
Balance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Zro is now significantly more likely to appear in the galaxy, although still being very rare
- Planetary modifiers now affect the district cap for mining/farming/generators if they affect its output
- Nexus Districts now provide 1 tech drone job and 1 maintenance drone job
- Machine empires no longer start with a maintenance depot
- Maintenance Drone effect on amenities reduced from 5 to 4
- Fanatic Purifiers can no longer draw the Uplifting or Xenomorph Armies techs. Devouring Swarms still can, because sapience enhances the flavour of your food
- Set minimum market fee to 5%
- Removed bulk discount on Internal and Galactic Market
- The dense urbanization of city planets is repellent even to the Worm, and it will no longer take them into its nuclear embrace (Ecumenopolises excepted from Tomb Worldification)
- Fixed Tomb Worlds created by the Worm not having any planetary districts at all, as harsh and brutal and heavy metal awesome as that was
UI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Fixed superfluous line break in technology power number in federation view, if over 4 digits
- Fixed truncation of fleet capacity display when it gets to 4 digits
- Fixed incorrect doubled amenities value displayed when viewing the tooltip of a strata
- Fixed missing description in market fee tooltip
- Fixed stability tooltip for Gestalts
- Fixed Deviancy stat being listed as "Crime" when a Criminal Heritage empire views the worlds of Gestalt
- Fixed pop status icon being misaligned in Resettlement view
- Fixed trade value text not being wide enough to display 1000+ trade value
- Fixed so that monthly trade resources don't overlap with the amount box
Performance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Made some changes to trade calculations that should improve performance
Modding[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Added define for minimal trade fee on market
- Added define for max base amounts that can be traded in one single trade
Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Xeno-Zoo no longer wrongly available for nonstandard empire types
- Disabled replacement of buildings the planet cannot currently support
- Fixed missing flavour image on the completed Strategic Coordination Center
- Fixed martial law decisions staying permanently activated on planets captured in war by empire types that cannot use the martial law decision
- Exalted Priesthood civic now properly increases unity output for all priest jobs
- Fixed some Planetary Features getting deleted when terraforming to Gaia World
- Fixed superfluous line break in technology power number in federation view, if over 4 digits
- Fixed truncation of fleet capacity display when it gets to 4 digits
- Added missing localisation for Voidspawn planet rift deposits
- Fixed broken "go to" option for the Enigmatic Cache
- Added a missing response text for enigmatic cache interaction
- Fixed literally unplayable typos and grammatical/formatting errors
- Fixed egalitarian faction "free movement" issue referring to a concept that no longer exists ("Core Worlds Access")
- Fixed a nasty one where you could start building an ecumenopolis, then have all the progress lost and no resources refunded if the planet gained an extra district by event/tradition/etc
- Fixed Nerve Stapled not giving the correct 10% bonus to resource job production
- Fixed the weight of the Mega-Engineering tech not being increased by having any of the new megastructures within your borders
- Added a more robust fix for galactic market buy and sell exploits
- Fixed a wrongly appearing monthly trade deficit alert appearing if you max buy price was set lower than the current market price
- Fixed misleading phrasing of claims opinion modifiers that swapped the places of the claimant and the claim...ee? Is that even a word?
- Fixed restoring an Interstellar Assembly not granting the intended opinion modifier
- Underground trade zones now give drone jobs for gestalt empires, and the Portal research zone now correctly switches job types if the planet changes hands between gestalt and non-gestalt empires
- Fixed an issue introduced in 2.2.3 beta where building a Ministry of Culture would remove itself on every monthly tick
2.2.4[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 2.2.4 was released on 2019-02-07[4] with the checksum 0019.
2.2 ‘Le Guin’ free features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Added some missing localization for new 2.2.2 features/fixes
- You can now choose not to care about brain implant problems
Balance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- 50 years must now pass before the Galactic Market can be founded
- Xenophile faction now cares about whether any pops are actually enslaved, rather than slavery policy in general
- Increased delay before Caravaneer fleets start roaming the galaxy
- Increased Alloy production for relevant Branch Office buildings from 2 to 3
- Significantly lowered the priority of drone maintenance jobs as they were always chosen before other simple jobs
- Fixed so that newly promoted pops can be instantly demoted if fired within a year of promotion. This should help with cases of pops abandoning basic resource production jobs to take on more specialist roles when the buildings that provide them are activated, crippling your economy
- Lowered Tidal Locked modifier on total available planetary districts from -50% to -30%
- Syncretic species do not increase xenophile attraction
- Biotrophies are now quite upset if they don't have the Bio-Trophy "job" of laying about being pampered
- Changed the size of all sectors to be 3 hyperlane jumps
- Drone Storage building now increases amenities instead of adding a maintenance drone job
- Upgraded Drone Storage building now increases amenities instead of adding 2 maintenance drone jobs
- Drone Storage building effect on housing reduced from 5 to 4
- Priest job weights have been tweaked
- High Priest jobs now also provide 2 society research
- Reduced Devastation needed to destroy Contingency Worlds to 50%
- Debris Analyzed research points per component increased to 20 x level
- Culture Workers, Artisans, Metallurgists, Chemists, Translucers and Gas Refiners have had slight tweaks to their job weights
- Quantum Energy States and Advanced Food Processing technologies no longer require the Colonial Centralization technology
- Quantum Field Manipulation and Nano-Vitality Crops technologies no longer require the Galactic Administration technology
- Gene Crops technology no longer requires Colonial Centralization technology
- Several planetary modifiers now force a good mineral or energy deposit to spawn
UI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Added missing modifier icons for Improved Code Standards and Production Quota Surpluses
- Fixed incorrect colony type icon on industrial worlds
- Fixed slight visual spillout of the Hive Nexus and Hive Core building icons
- Removed unnecessary and confusing close button from the caravaneer GUI
- Added proper icons for Improved Code Standards and Production Quota Surpluses modifiers, and removed placeholders
- Fixed Branch Office value not displaying if over 99.9
- When researching Paradise Domes/Organic Paradise, only the building your empire type can build will be shown
- Made the Build Megastructure menu a bit less cramped
- Fixed the UI committing seppuku if you clicked the population tab on an uninhabited world
AI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- AI now properly prioritizes starbase types it has too few of; the prime one being a shipyard
- Fixed it so AI can now attempt to counter piracy even when at war
- Made AI a lot less likely to split up its fleets in to portions so small, it then calculates it lacks sufficient strength, and will not attack when at war
- Lowered the threshold for the AI deciding whether or not to attack, so it shouldn't resort to a Fabian strategy of non-engagement in war
- Fixed some AI weights for population control (thanks for the heads-up Glavius, you're rad)
- Fixed AI not repairing ruined buildings when it had the resources to do so
- AI will now actually follow through on its well-intentioned desire to upgrade buildings
- Tweaked alloy budget for fallen empires to better match their needs
- Stopped the AI from spamming redundant colony ships
- Fixed Gestalt empires not building colony ships
- Tweaked budgeting to make the AI less reticent about hiring leaders
Performance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Performance improvement when computing pop factions
- Performance improvement on modifiers using a hybrid array
- Threaded some fleet calculations
- More pops threading for better performance
- Optimization: will no longer calculate the country modifiers at the end of the planet daily update serial, but have a pass to calculate all countries that were modified after all planet updates
- Optimization: Improved job counting
- Parallelized fleet looking for combat for slight performance increase
- Added more threading to planet handling
- Optimized population calculations some more, reduced unnecessary calculations
- Reduced amount of systems the outliner needs to check for planets to populate planet and branch office lists
- Adjusted amount of extra rendering for micro and daily ticks
Modding[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Ecumenopolises now have properly-set graphical cultures
- Updated the is_organic_species and is_robotic_species scripted triggers to use the new is_archetype trigger, to better support modded species classes
- Added "purge = purge_type" to job types. Pops doing that job are getting purged in the type indicated (purge_normal, purge_matrix, purge_neutering, purge_displacement, purge_labor_camps, purge_processing )
- Added "purge = purge_type" to pop categories. Pops in that category are getting purged in the type indicated (purge_normal, purge_matrix, purge_neutering, purge_displacement, purge_labor_camps, purge_processing )
- Added a destroy_trigger to building types
Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Tweaked wording regarding strategic resources offered by the Dessanu to no longer falsely imply they are unique to the L-Cluster
- Fixed democratic election lacking candidates due to leaders having no mandates
- Fixed being able to purchase some unique Numistic Order products more than once
- Fixed the terraforming swaps for the Geothermal Vents planetary feature
- Fixed a crash that could occur when giving fleet patrol orders in late game
- Fixed ships sometimes not being able to complete special projects when part of a multi-ship fleet
- Fixed a literally unplayable broken string in a tooltip when trying to build more than one Mega Art Installation
- Fixed figuratively unplayable typos
- Fixed missing reference to increasing Anomaly discovery chance in the tooltip for the "Diamond in the Rough" Anomaly
- Fixed text description of one of the Vengralian Trium's caravaneer deals wrongly stating it costs 1200 alloys, when in fact it deducts 2000
- Fixed triply duplicated message about needing to close branch offices before declaring war in the diplomacy screen
- Fixed pop habitability tooltip being shown as a fraction instead of a percentage, and not displaying the base number nor any of the modifiers
- Fixed event-based buildings wrongly being buildable on Thrall-Worlds
- Fixed Resource Processing Center improperly creating administrators jobs and a rulers stratum for gestalt empires, while someone played the Internationale on a mandolin in the dusty hills of Aragon
- Corporate Monuments can no longer be built (but can still be used) by Spiritualist Megacorporations, as the latter have Temples
- Fixed duplicate text in mechanized mining technology description
- Removed a bunch of formatting/line break errors all over the place
- Fixed Clone Vats being buildable on Resort Worlds (reluctantly...)
- Fixed habitability wrongly being displayed for unsurveyed worlds
- Updated Residence citizenship type tooltip. Pops can engage politically, but they have less political power
- Devouring swarm tooltip now correctly shows Biology research bonus
- Wrongly applied culture shock modifier has been removed for Gestalt empires
- Made improvements to the Alien Machine event chain to help you out if a wormhole was created to a system you've not yet surveyed
- Added missing description for the deposit added by the "Of Transmissions Decoded" event
- Rugged Woods planetary feature now properly converts to another planetary feature when the planet is terraformed, rather than simply disappearing
- Clamped research costs so they wouldn't overflow with late game repeatable techs, and become free
- Fixed the "Single-Minded" anomaly sometimes causing duplicate planet modifiers in a weird rebellion against its own name
- Fixed planets with anomalies showing the resources from them before being surveyed
- Fixed having artificial intelligence set to outlawed disabling ruler jobs after synthetic evolution
- Fixed a crash on autosave
- Fixed Economic Policy modifiers affecting a country's total income rather than just job output
- Devouring Swarms will no longer attempt to digest robots as food, and will break them down into alloys instead
- Fixed clicking on your fleet in the galaxy view also selecting alien ships in the same system, disabling giving orders until the aliens were deselected
- Fixed planet with rudimentary robots wrongly showing ethics info from the last selected player empire planet
- Fixed the plasma accelerators tech wrongly stating it would unlock caravaneer ship weapons as well
- Updated the Dessanu L-Gate outcome from Distant Stars to properly work with the 2.2 resource rework. It will now provide monthly rare resources
- Fixed some instances of orbital deposits being wrongfully placed on habitable planets, via anomalies or events (Silent Behemoth, Cunning Flora, Echoes From The Deep, etc). Also replaced some of these cases with usable planetary features
- Fixed a Vengralian Trium caravaneer deal's description text wrongly promising a 10% trade value increase, when the tooltip and gameplay result is 15%
- Fixed newly added democratic mandates not registering progress on them correctly, making them impossible to fulfill
- Federation Associate now also counts as a non-aggression pact for the purposes of faction demands (fixes an issue with pacifist faction demands)
- Fixed so that unemployed pops of the same strata are chosen for a job before promoting new pops for it
- Fixed some techs having a discrepancy between area and expertise, ie, physics techs requiring the engineering field's "materials" expertise. This also fixes issues with tech weighting
- Fixed the machines sometimes rising up twice, since there's only so many Terminator spinoffs one galaxy can take
- Fixed Offworld Trade Companies, Mineral Purification, Food Processing techs wrongly being blocked by not having access to rare resources
- Fixed Pops continuing to grow while under occupation by Crises
- Fixed so that the Subterranean Aliens event correctly spawns armies that can properly invade you
- Researcher job no longer evaluates trait_syncretic_proles because syncretic proles cannot be specialists
- Researcher job now evaluates trait_intelligent and trait_brainslug separately because a pop can have both of them
- Manager job now evaluates trait_thrifty and trait_nuumismatic_administration separately because a pop can have both of them
- Colonist job now has weights for trait_robot_domestic_protocols, trait_charismatic and trait_repugnant
- Merchant and Executive jobs now check for Thrifty and Numistic Administration separately for both modifiers and chance weights
- Heritage Sites tech path is now properly unlocked by Rare Crystals rather than Volatile Motes, although the Leaning Tower of Pisa made entirely of C4 would be pretty cool
- Criminal job types should no longer appear at all in Gestalt Empires, only Deviant Drones
- Fixed broken graphical assets for the Contingency crisis
- Fixed Cracking or Pacifying a Contingency World causing it to not be counted as destroyed
- Fixed Phaseshifted planet anomaly rerolling planet deposits every time it shifts. Will also no longer wrongly generate orbital deposits
- Gene Banks tech now grants the ability for Assimilators to produce Clone Armies once again, without needing the Clone Vats building
- The following anomalies will now clear orbital deposits if they are of an incompatible type with the anomaly outcome: Energetic Spectra, Life Electric, Blackhole Hologram, Dead God, White Hell, Heavy Metal Frost
- Titanic Life and Dangerous Wildlife blocker drop rates adjusted and made non-recursive so they don't give you planets with negative districts
- Removed obsolete reference to tiles in Docile Migrating Forests modifier
- Fixed an issue where the War in Heaven would involve Awakened Empires that had previously woken up for other reasons
- Fixed the Micro-Replicators and Self-Assembling Components techs not applying their modifiers
- Fixed finding the Galatron in every Reliquary after getting it once, which did reduce the sense of cosmic wonder a touch
- Fixed not being able to form research agreements with fellow Federation members
- Fixed the Prethoryn Scourge and Contingency Crises not purging pops properly
- Event chain objecting to construction of a Dyson sphere will no longer trigger between countries with very hostile opinion of each other
- Fixed outposts and station's tooltips showing a mystery question mark icon, for reasons
- Fixed Engineered Evolution ascension perk tooltip not mentioning unlocking Clone Vats building
- Fixed terraforming *from* Hive and Machine worlds resulting in planets with no Planetary Features
- Fixed tooltip for purges of non-organic species wrongly referring to food production
- Fixed AI using the Market causing prices to always increase, even when it was selling and not buying
- Fixed Nomadic trait not reducing resettlement cost
- Fixed Shipyard construction speed modifiers not being applied to civilian ships
- Fixed the Chthonian Planet modifier not adding a Mineral planetary feature
- More traits are checked when evaluating pops for Merchant and Manager jobs
- Fixed Contingency not purging (found something at the last minute where the last pop on a crisis occuppied world will not be purged, we'll get it sorted, but didn't want to make you wait until next week for the patch)
- Disabling sector automation now REALLY disables it. Previously it would continue to build if it had resources left. Good initiative, but...
- Fixed tooltip for the Fender Bender anomaly stating it grants 9 eng research when in fact it only gives 3
- Fixed tooltip for the Rudimentary Robots anomaly stating it grants 3, when it actually gave out 2, by just saying "hell with it give 4 instead"
- Entertainer job now properly applies the modifiers for the Domestic Protocols, Charismatic, and Repugnant traits
- Fixed a crash when hovering over empire comparisons in observer mode
- DLCs are being sent at the start of a MP game. Fixes instant OOS as well
- Fixed potential CTD when loading market and certain empires no longer exist
- Fixed issue where the Marauder Horde was not dealt with properly if the Khan died of old age
- Fixed total wars creating empty sectors
- Biotrophy deviancy will no longer cause unemployment event to trigger nor will unemployed biotrophies be affected
- Mardak Vol now spawn as a Stone Age civilization as described in the event
- Enigmatic Ascension is no longer aborted upon moving capital. Event added for when homeworld is occupied during enigmatic ascension
- Fixed crash on load when a planet you had a branch office got destroyed
- Fixed a couple of literally unplayable typos regarding the Kilik Cooperative
- Restored capital conversion when taking ownership of planets
- Returning removed orbital deposits to uninhabitable Precursor homeworlds
- Fixed broken string in tooltip for event option you absolutely should not click, you have been warned
- Colonizable planets will no longer be clear-cut and paved…
- Fixed the Horizon Signal's "waiting world" events erroneously occurring on Ecumenopolises
- Crises purge to the end now, and don't keep a spare pop just in case they have the munchies
- Fallen Empire and Awakened Empire pops get purged like everyone else
- Fixed Prethoryn purges not preventing pop growth on occupied planets
- Fixed a bunch more OOS
2.2.5[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 2.2.5 was released on 2019-03-07[5] with the checksum 05d3.
Balance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Pop growth: Reduced Random factor in pop growth, habitability has more of penalty on growth selection, lessened bias towards new species, and traits have a larger effect on Robot selection
- Strike craft now do more damage, have longer range, are faster, and turn and accelerate quicker
- Machine Empires get 50% more resources from mining bases
- Machine Empire Tech Drones now produce 6 energy (up from 4) base. Agri Drones now produce 5 food (down from 6) base. Both of these also apply to Synth Empires.
- Machine Empire Colony ships now add 2 pops to a new colony, but cost 400 alloys (up from 300)
- Machine Empire Outposts now cost 150 alloys
- Machine Empire Fabricators produce 4 alloys (up from 3) at the cost of 8 minerals (up from 6).
- New Machine Empire colonies start with 2 replicator jobs to give a bit of early boost (up from 1), upgraded capitals reduced to give the same number overall. The extra Replicator jobs beyond the 2 granted by upgraded capital buildings now depend on the planet still having >= 10/40 pops, to remove a tedious exploit with resettling pops to unlock the upgrade, then moving them again
- Machine capital planet grants +5% drone output
- Unemployed Machine Pops now use 0.25 Energy for upkeep (down from 1)
- Replicators now also produce 1 Engineering research
- Coordinators now produce 1 of each Research (was 3 Society)
- Each Coordinator on a planet now boosts Simple Drone resource output by 1%
- Energy grids/nexus' are more expensive, but give an additional 5% bonus and add 2/4 Max Generator Districts to their planet. This also applies to Synth empires
- Mineral purification plants/hubs are more expensive, but give an additional 5% bonus and add 2/4 Max Mining Districts to their planet. This also applies to Synth empires
- Robots with Emotion Emulators are now more likely to become maintenance drones
- Citizen Service civic effect on soldier unity generation increased from +1 to +2
- Eco Simulation, Gene Crops and Nano-Vitality Crops technology effect on farmer output increased from +10% to +20%
- Geothermal Fracking, Deep Core Mining, Mineral Isolation technology effect on miner output increased from 10% to 20%
- Field Modulation, Quantum Energy States, Quantum Field Manipulation technology effect on technician output increased from 10% to 20%
- The Repugnant/Uncanny trait now has less of an effect on pops avoiding amenity producing jobs
- Maintenance drone job priority now considers amenity level of the planet
- Simple drones now ponder the empire level food/mineral/energy income when choosing a job
- Made the bad outcome of the Abandoned Terraforming Project event produce a Tomb World, rather than a totally unusable Toxic World
- Added potential negative outcomes the Atomic Clock chain, since previously there was no real choice involved
- Made Fanatic Purifiers always able to choose "no retreat" war doctrine
- Scaled back bonus resources from planet modifiers to just be for chthonian planets and carbon world, for now...
- When freed from the time loop, the Prikkiki-Ti lizards will start with the same level of tech as their closest neighbour. Also their economy and fleet power has been improved
- Telepaths, head researchers, high priests, administrators, executives, researchers, enforcers and entertainers now have weights for ascension/events/uplifts related traits
- Returned removed orbital deposits to uninhabitable Precursor homeworlds
- Species with very low habitability will not generally be selected to grow new pops
- Ministry of Culture for Hive Mind empire now adds Synapse drone jobs, rather than Coordinators
UI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Added missing modifiers on army strength to some tooltips
- Fixed some text overlaps in the empire creation screen for Robot Empires in Russian language
- Fixed missing tooltip on leftmost trait, if a leader had more than three traits
- Removed some obsolete modifiers from the shipyard UI
- Fixed resource cost display in colonization menu showing all required resources as red, even if you were only short on one of them
- Updated Machine intelligence food tooltip to mention that Cyborgs need food too. Don't let your Cyborgs starve!
- Unhallowed Ground Traditionalist pop faction demand tooltip now clarifies that even terraforming tombworlds upsets them
- Clarified relative power requirement to offer subsidiary status in the tooltip for this diplo action
- Fixed the Expansion Tradition finisher effect not being displayed in tooltip about max district numbers, making the math look really broken
- Fixed bug where closing planet view side panel brings up redundant window for a split second
- Plasma Accelerators no longer display Caravan Cannon tooltips
- Migration pull tool tip now displays actual pull with factors
- Fixed tooltip that wrongly stated that only full citizens can take ruler jobs
- Fixed debug string shown in the tooltip of certain diplomacy interactions with fallen empires
- Fixed broken string in tooltip for event option you absolutely should not click, you have been warned
AI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Machine and Mechanical AI empires will favor generator districts a bit more
- AI will not build housing buildings when it doesn't need them
- AI will no longer start scrapping buildings immediately once it decides it doesn't need more of them, it will just stop building new ones for a while
- Improved AI budgeting for megastructures
- AI empires will generally not build more than 2 buildings of the same type per planet
- AI should be keen on building Organic sanctuaries if their bio-trophy pops are unemployed
- AI only becomes more interested in building commercial zones if it needs energy and amenities (was previously overbuilding these)
- AI will check for surplus population before making buildings
- AI now budgets the full total available resources into categories
Performance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Reduced performance cost of the outliner
- Threaded calculations for rendering planet icons on the galaxy map
- Cached habitability calculations for planet icons on the galaxy map
Modding[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Changed scope of the faction_approval trigger from pop scope to pop_faction scope, making it not broken anymore
Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Fixed broken targeting for strike craft that caused them to meander out to the edges of the system rather than engage enemy fleets
- Fixed some Planetary Features (and thus Districts) not surviving the terraforming process to Gaia planet class, because what's a paradise planet if you can't strip mine it and turn it in to a honeycombed shell?!
- Foundry level 3 now correctly gives Machine Empires Fabricator jobs instead of Foundry Drones
- Fixed Private Colony Ships being generated without names in some circumstances
- Fixed an issue where the "Galactic Market Hub Nomination" Decision would once again become available if a nominated planet's rating was boosted past a certain point
- Orc and cyclops portraits from the Humanoid species pack no longer have a shoulder clipping through their clothing
- Fixed an out of sync due to parallelization of pops calculation
- Fixed a source of OOS on reconnect
- Fixed OOS introduced by caching starbase related values
- Fixed clicking "colonize" on a planet not working for Machine Empires (planet naming didn't work, colony ship insta-builds but did nothing, this bug was a real champion)
- Free movement faction demand no longer cares about robots or their rights
- Pops without military service rights will no longer take soldier or enforcer jobs
- Fixed not being able to assign/unassign leader (by clicking portrait) from fleet manager view
- Fixed literally unplayable typos in certain Italian names in the human namelist
- Fixed a case where a build outpost command inside space you already own would wrongly claim you were trying to build in another empire's territory
- Finally got around to adding a proper confirmation click sound when adding claims on the galaxy map
- Fixed cases where pop growth would not overflow properly after a new pop is spawned (99+3 used to = 100), causing all sorts of weirdness with pop growth modifiers
- Fixed cases where science ships on auto-explore would just stop, or randomly choose a crazy indirect path to the next unexplored system
- Fixed the supply ship wreckage event to not fire if the other party is a genocidal empire, since it makes little sense for them
- Fixed Expansionist Overtures leader agenda appearing before you've made contact with any other empires
- Fixed an issue where a Fallen Empire's Shielded World would not spawn
- You can now build multiple habitats at the same time, in the same system
- Fixed the "Ships Lost" outcome of the Fleet Maneuvers event sometimes not having any effect, by preventing it firing if there are too few ships in the fleet to destroy
- Updated the text in some of the Synth Uprising events to better convey the scale of the disaster, since while we'll never tell how many beings compose a Pop, it's probably more than a dozen
- Removed nonfunctional and unintended "merge fleets" button for things like the lost amoeba, that are not supposed to merge with normal fleets
- Fixed a pathfinding issue that would cause fleet to not move towards their destination
- Fixed ship losses not being correctly counted in the battle list in the war overview
- Fixed a bug from 2016 (!) where if you split a fleet, then tried to drag-box select both, only one would be picked
- Atomic clock follow-up anomaly rewards that grant Engineering deposits will now correctly convert any existing Mining Stations into Research Stations
- Fixed duplicate component slot and moved slots around on the Automated Dreadnought
- Fixed bug where deposits granting districts wouldn't actually grant the districts until a game reload
- Bonus minerals from planet modifiers will no longer overwrite the dragon hoard
- Fixed bountiful plains (level 1 food deposit) not showing up on savannah worlds
- Fixed workers abandoning the mines to displace specialists, leading to basic resource starvation and a lot of unemployed high strata pops later in the game. No social mobility for you!
- No longer possible to sometimes rival countries that have pathetic relative power
- Made sure to cull the old, empty lost amoeba fleet from the fleet manager as the amoeba matures
- Ensured capital buildings can convert to the correct type when a planet of primitives/machines/hive minds is taken over by another empire type
- AH4B from Distant Stars can no longer change composition to prevent naval capacity bypass exploit
- Dead/killed slaves are now properly culled from the slave market, so no more invalid entries, you heartless monsters
- Added checks to help ensure that buildings specific to one empire type are properly destroyed/converted when the world is taken over by a different empire type
- Fixed primitives and fallen/awakened empire pops not being purged by the Prethoryn and Contingency (Valar Morghulis)
- Fixed the Horizon Signal's "waiting world" events erroneously occurring on Ecumenopolises
- Coloniziable planets will no longer be clear-cut and paved over to hold a single mineral or energy deposit by survey teams who become over-excited at their planet modifiers
- Caravaneer weapons should no longer appear at game start
- Fixed pop growth bravely continuing even while the planet was being purged by the Prethoryn
- Fixed coming across the Caravansary home base (before encountering a Caravaneer Fleet) not giving you communications with them
- Added fixes for more cases where the Scourge would sometimes stop expanding
- Fixed Contingency and Scourge not being able to purge the final pop on an occupied planet, because thoroughness is important
- Fixed An Odd Factor event triggering even if no pop had the Odd Factory Worker job, and pops not actually being removed by event despite claims to the contrary
- Fixed broken pirate ship turret graphics
2.2.6[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 2.2.6 was released on 2019-03-20[6] with the checksum 8645.
2.2 ‘Le Guin’ free features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Added a new, more user-friendly planet screen, with better organization and display of info and buttons
- Ship upgrading is now handled individually, on a per ship, per shipyard basis. This means if the process is interrupted part way, some of the ships will still be upgraded, rather than losing the entire upgrade progress. Also, alloy costs are now deducted one ship at a time, rather than for the entire fleet in one go, so you don't have to wait until you can afford everything to start the upgrade process
- Warrior Culture civic no longer reduces army upkeep, but instead makes Entertainment buildings replace Entertainers with Duelists. Duelists turn 1 alloy into 3 unity, 12 amenities and 2 naval capacity
- Added Logistical Corps tradition custom flavour text swap for Hive Minds
- Added Great Game tradition custom flavour text swap for Devouring Swarms
- Added new animation to Plantoid 13 (cactus) portrait. It will now have some butterflies as company!
- Added the Legion flag set with six new selectable flag emblems
Balance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Pop growth further adjusted to put less priority towards minority pops
- Battle Thralls can now take enforcer jobs
- Hallucinogen Removal special project cost reduced from 5000 to 3000
- Breaching the Shroud special project cost reduces from 50000 to 20000
- Transcendent Learning ascension perk effect on leader pool removed and replaced with Leader Experience Gain +50%
- Reduced the machine empire bonus to orbital station production to 10% (was 50%, which turned out to be rather OP)
- Rogue Servitor tweaks:
- Organic Sanctuary/Paradise no longer provide housing, instead Biotrophy jobs eliminate those pop's need for housing
- Artisan Drones produce 8 Consumer goods for 8 minerals (up from 6 of each)
- Biotrophy Jobs now also increase Complex Drone output on their planet by 0.2% each
- Starts with 2 additonal Nexus Districts
- Driven Assimilator tweaks:
- Bio pop growth reduced by 40%
- 1 fewer Replicator job per level of capital
- Now start with +100 food, and 100 less energy
- Ship upgrades are cheaper due to refund amount from old components being increased to 90% (was 50%)
- Pops have a wider possible range of Political power, so for example you can care less about unhappy slaves since it's not as though they can vote or anything
- Meritocracy Civic effect on leader pool size removed and replaced with specialist output +10%
- Clone Vats are no longer required to build Clone armies, they are now unlocked by the Gene Banks tech (resolves an issue where this tech had no benefit for assimilators)
- Technological Ascendancy ascension perk now also makes rare technologies 50% more common
- Shroud entities have been tweaked slightly. Corrupted Avatar now has lower total HP, but has increased regen. Shroud Avatar is now slightly stronger in its total HP and regen. End of Cycle entities have also been tweaked similarly
- Transcendence, Evolutionary Mastery, Synthetic Evolution ascension perk slot requirement reduced from 4th to 3rd
- World Shaper ascension perk slot requirement reduced from 3nd to 2nd
- Imperial Prerogative ascension perk no longer has any slot requirements
- Eternal Vigilance ascension perk no longer has any slot requirements, but instead requires the Star Fortress technology
- Eternal Vigilance ascension perk now also increases starbase hull points by 25%
- One Vision ascension perk now also reduces pop amenities usage by 10%
- Numistic shrine now costs 4000 energy to buy and 1000 minerals to build
- Clerks and Preachers job weights no longer care about being strong, weak, or proles
- Miner job weights DO care about being proles
- Synth Empires pay only alloys for Colony ships, like Machines
UI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Added missing modifier icons for mote harvesting traps and extractors, also updated old icon
- Added a bunch of shortcuts to the planet view
- Added shortcut "U" to upgrade starbase platforms button
- Added shortcuts for upgrade "U" and trade route "T" buttons in starbase interface
- Strategic resources summary on the top bar will now show in red to let you know if any are in deficit
- Fixing devastation progress bar reaching 100% and disappearing
- Fixed so that unemployment by strata icons are properly displayed and have a working tooltip
- Rogue Servitor complex drone output bonus from each Bio-Trophy was not being displayed due to lack of decimals showing, this is fixed
AI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Big rework of military AI making it a lot smarter and more aggressive in war: better selection and maintenance of the aim, better follow through on invading worlds they are bombarding, not so easy to kite with tiny decoy fleets, more willing to reinforce neighboring friendlies under attack, etc
- AI is not so maniacal about crime that it rush builds 3 precinct houses on every planet
- The sector AI should now be better at upgrading buildings relevant to its selected focus
- Improved the AI's budgeting of Alloys
- AI will now only consider enacting population control if it cannot produce more housing
- Sector automation will now clear blockers if able, and if it is not building a building or district at that moment
- Rogue Servitors Less keen on building organic sanctuaries unless bio-trophies need them
- Sector AI will now upgrade buildings if possible
- All Sector Focuses will now try to upgrade their colony capital buildings if there are no other pressing needs
- AI will no longer obsessively shuffle scientists from one role to another every few days
- Lowered the AI's mineral budget allotment for ground armies (they were producing way too many)
- AI empires with alternative cost types for colony ships will now budget the correct resource for it
- AI prefers City districts over Housing buildings a bit more
- Fixed some edge cases where the AI would attempt to build its way out of unemployment with districts and buildings that its pops can't work
- Fixed AI not repairing damaged branch office buildings
- Fixed AI fleets getting stuck when their target goes MIA
- AI will not build nanite transfusers without nanite income or build more than 2 per planet
Performance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Removed redundant double calculations related to end game crisis that caused them to very negatively affect late game performance
- Reordered some operations in the invasion calculations to make sure the most expensive are done last
Modding[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Pops now use the asset_selector again to choose their clothes
- Added new "is_scope_type" trigger that lets you know if you're a scope of a particular type: "is_scope_type = fleet"
- Removed the forced clothes index in pop categories and job types, to let the clothes selector do its magic
- There are now multipliers for previous job, previous tenants, survey and unemployment to the AI score used to fill in jobs
Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Fixed edge case where multiple megastructures could be built in the same system
- Fixed missing missions for primitive observation posts
- Fixed planets still being colonized generating emigration push to other worlds. I know the offworld colonies weren't the paradise the holovid adverts made them out to be, but give them another generation or two...
- Fixed a broken string in the tooltip for the Egalitarian ethic
- Fixed guaranteed ideal nearby systems generating based on absolute distance rather than max jumps from homeworld, which could cause them to be isolated by unlucky jump lane network generation
- Fixed population controls disabling robot construction as well, so you can now improve the meatbag to metal ratio of your society
- Planets under colonization will no longer generate low stability alerts
- Fixed Strategic Resource notifications appearing for resources hidden behind Anomalies
- Winning an "impose ideology" war will no longer overwrite the defeated empires civics
- Impose Ideology war now properly creates an ally instead of a vassal
- Fixed a crash that happened when a ship was destroyed while being upgraded
- A lack of Nanites will now properly trigger a deficit warning and stop the resource production of Nanite Transmuters
- Fixed robots/synths being treated as organic when conquered by hive mind empires, and getting locked in the livestock job
- Fixed vassal integration wrongly costing no influence
- Fixed an issue where conquering Hive Minds could take over inappropriate buildings they have no use for, like Holo-Theatres
- Maintenance drones now correctly increase in priority when amenities are negative, and now don't have increased priority from traits when amenities are high
- Slave processing centers should no longer vanish when build anywhere but a Thrall-World
- Fixed some edge cases where the Life-Seeded Civic would not create a Gaia homeworld
- Head Researcher and Executive now have Amenity output modifiers and weights for several relevant traits (Repugnant, Charismatic, etc)
- Fixed Strong, Very Strong, Weak traits not being applied properly when playing as a gestalt empire
- Fixed displacement purge type wrongly applying the genocidal diplomatic opinion penalty
- Fixed "The Shattered Loop" event firing twice upon death of the Worm-in-Waiting
- Fixed a literally unplayable localization error in the Xeno-Compatibility tooltip
- Fixed Prikkik-Ti empire spawning on a planet without enough districts to support it
- Prikkiki-Ti will no longer spam player with multiple communications established messages
- Planets taken over by the Scourge or Contingency will now swap any capital buildings to a correct Machine or Hive capital
- Preferred habitability is no longer strictly tied to starting planet class if a civic changes the starting planet
- Fixed developing colonies being hidden in the outliner's Sectors group if on completion a new sector would be created
- Fixed pre-sapient policies disappearing if you purge all of them from your space, making fulfilment of certain faction demands impossible, because what are the screams of the innocent next to that sweet, sweet influence?
- Changed wording on the Strong/Very Strong traits. It was wrongly implying that is should affect the outcome of ALL worker strata jobs, not just basic resource extraction ones. Even if your clerks never skip leg day, they probably shouldn't benefit from these traits
- Added piracy suppression values to event generated ships that were missing them
- Fixed a few more cases of techs with the wrong specialty group assignment
- Fixed a minor discrepancy in the tooltip of the Sins of a Sun anomaly vs its actual in game effects
- Fixed a nasty exploit with downgrading fleets that could result in free alloys (thanks for the heads up on this, Reddit user nonium)
- Added missing torpedo components from the Spiritualist Fallen Empire Zealot-Class ship type
- Added a basic Zro income to Spiritualist Fallen empires to allow them to properly produce reinforcements for their damaged fleets
- The modifier for Refinery worlds should also now affect Gestalt jobs
- Fixed several ship weapons which had incorrect resource costs
- Energy/Culture Habitat districts should convert properly if a gestalt empire takes it from a normal empire, or vice versa
- Fixed a crash when a country gets a trade route that used to belong to someone else
- Fixed tooltip that hilariously claimed that setting a species to purge (except neuter) was a requirement for the Decent Living Standards
- Picking Life Seeded will no longer give automatic nearby ideal worlds that are also Gaia
- Randomized empires gets their starting planets, ethics and civics correctly set up when they start as life seeded or post apocalyptic
- Fixed OOS for diplomatic upkeep upon hotjoining
- Fixed some causes of country_resources OOS
- Restored non extermination types of purging
- Fixed script checking wrong resource for automated sector upgrading to research lab lvl 3
- Fixed Prethoryn purging primitives at an incorrect, too-slow rate
- Fixed the planet screen being cut off on the left side of the screen on certain resolutions
- Fixed empires in federations wrongly budgeting for Federation fleet ships as part of their own navy, and thus underdeveloping their own fleets
- Fixed a crash when gifting planets to a vassal
- Fixed a situation where replacing a district temporarily adds to the maximum numbers of built districts, as if you were building a new district
- Speed demon event will add the red/green traits even if your species is very strong/adaptive
- Fixed planets under colonization suffering low stability events
- Fixed Crisis purging yet again (for a galaxy-threatening menace they sure seem easy to dissuade from their mission of doom)
- Fixed the end of year lag when big empires with lots of pops being assimilated convert them into proper citizen (shoutout to Glavius!)
- Fixed a crash when editing UNE template ethics
- Fixed the AI not utilizing fleet capacity
2.2.7[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 2.2.7 was released on 2019-04-04[7] with the checksum ea03.
UI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Fixed species ethics wrongly displaying the same for all empires in the empire selection screen
Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Fixed assimilation
- Fixed Machine and Hive world terraforming removing rare deposit types
- Fixed crash in tech progress tooltip while in observer mode
- Crashfix when invalid leaders are left in a country's leader pool
- Fixed broken localization for crisis purge jobs in non-English languages
References[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- ↑ Forum, [Dev Team] 2.2.1 Hotfix [checksum bbf4] and stellaris_test beta branch Released, 2018-12-07
- ↑ Forum, [Dev Team] 2.2.2 patch now live [checksum 5b48], 2018-12-20
- ↑ Forum, [Dev Team] 2.2.3 patch released, and 2.2.4 beta now available [checksums - 2.2.3=746c, 2.2.4=f25b], 2019-01-18
- ↑ Forum, [Dev Team] 2.2.4 patch released, and 2.2.5 beta now available [checksums 0019 & aab4], 2019-02-07
- ↑ Forum, [Dev Team] 2.2.5 patch released, and 2.2.6 beta now available [checksums 05d3 and 1018], 2019-03-07
- ↑ Forum, [Dev Team] Stellaris 2.2.6 Released (checksum 8645), 2019-03-20
- ↑ Forum, [Dev Team] 2.2.7 patch released [checksums ea03 and b1a8], 2019-04-04