小 (文本替换 - 替换“Category:Patches”为“Category:补丁”) |
小 (自由之民移动页面Patch 1.3.X至1.3.X 版本) |
2022年3月10日 (四) 02:16的最新版本
Patch 1.3.X are all patches beginning with 1.3. There has been one 1.3.X patch.
1.3[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- 主条目:Patch 1.3
1.3.1[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 1.3.1 was released on 2016-10-27 with Checksum "f100"[1].
Features[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- General
- Fleets that go MIA will now prioritize retreating to spaceports they can repair at or where there are rally points
- Disabling the tutorial now recycles the Advisor's RAM, granting 2 Minerals (once per game)
- Returning MIA fleets will now appear at the edge of the system's gravity well, with an order to orbit a friendly colony queued
- Removed restriction on moving pops in sectors, as it caused some issues with resettlement
- Empires get high intel level in systems with Enclaves they have communications with
- Purging now prevents all population growth
- Diplomacy
- It is no longer possible to offer Non-Aggression Pacts while at war
Balance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- General
- Scaled spawn chance of the second Enclave station of each type has been doubled, resulting in 24/64/96/100/100% spawn rate in Tiny/Small/Medium/Large/Huge galaxies
- Scaled spawn chance of the third Enclave station of each type has been increased, resulting in 18/48/72/96/100% spawn rate in Tiny/Small/Medium/Large/Huge galaxies
- Civilian fleets can now emergency FTL much faster than military ones
- Reduced frequency of planets with Stone Age Primitives
- 'Alien Overlords' happiness modifier is now affected by policy happiness modifier
- Diplomacy & War
- Reduced the extra warscore cost for taking Capitals
- Encounters & End Game Crises
- Unbidden Escort ship base evasion reduced from 80 to 20
- Swarm orbital bombards
- Swarm changes bombardment stance
- Swarm only builds stations within borders
- Swarm sends fleet if it's small but can't be merged
- Swarm can now use Full Orbital Bombardment
AI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- War
- AI no longer uses torpedoes until cruisers are available
- Sector
- Fixed bug causing sectors to destroy empire and planet unique buildings when redevelopment is toggled off
- Fixed a case where sectors would not properly keep pops enslaved
- Sector AI now only builds military stations in systems with colonies, outpost stations and wormhole stations
- Diplomacy
- AI countries who join the League of Non-Aligned Powers will now always stay in it for at least 20 years
- AI will no longer ask you to become their vassal multiple times in a row
- Misc
- Fixed bug causing AI not to build stations
- Fixed bug causing AI to build empire and planet unique buildings just to destroy them a second after
- AI does no longer know that player is building a Spaceport
- Fixed bug that caused AI not to build armies sometimes
User Interface[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Save game incompatibility is indicated by gray text
- Expansion planner shows colony ship type
Graphics[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Added new environment for Gaia planet, added new surface tiles for savannah and alpine, and fixed the LUT for alpine and savannah planets
- Stellar Devourer spawn VFX duration reduced to 1 day
- Added missing tech icon for tomb world adaptation
Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Frontier Hospital technology now properly requires Frontier Health
- Fleets can now attack during warp drive wind-down
- Added missing localization for Kicked from Federation notification text
- Added missing localization for Federation Association Request
- Added missing localization for Federation Association Ended
- Added missing component set for Enigmatic Disruption Field which broke localization
- Display all DLCs enabled by the host for clients in the multiplayer lobby
- Fixed Fallen Empires spamming threats and remove flag effect being shown in tooltips
- Transports now also showing fleet status
- Fixed some events attempting to spawn removed ship designs
- Slaver mandate is no longer valid if the country's policies disallow slavery
- Fixed a bug where Colony Influence Cost would sometimes be too high
- Fixed Alpine and Savannah worlds not counting towards the Habitable Worlds Survey event chain
- Fixed CTD caused by ships trying to shoot at entities that did not exist
- Fixed an issue with a slave faction tooltip
- Fixed CTD when an event timed out without any valid options
- The event window will now properly close when the event times out
- Fixed visual artifacts on pulsar and neutron stars
- Added missing localization for Plantoid 4 name list
- Launcher DLC tab scrollbar appears with correct position and size when content overflows container
- Founder species now changes when no pops of that species exist after gene modification
- No longer possible to generate infinite resources by trading non-existent resources
- No longer possible to trade last resource via multiple trade deals
- Tooltip for sector settings was missing localization
- Fixed bug causing ship designer to choose components that haven't yet been researched by player
- Rebuilding Automated Dreadnought now gives you a ship with the same FTL system you have
- Fixed a bug where robots could sometimes get ethics
- Don't send double notification messages when notifying all communications
- Fixed mapicons showing 100% habitability after building a robot pop
- Colonization orders only cancel if player lacks resources when resources haven't yet been allocated. Canceling colonization order for colony ship built via expansion planner returns allocated resources.
- Special projects in the same option group which time out on the same day no longer get blocked from failing properly
- Fix an Infinity Machine event bug where a Spiritualist empire modifier from the Infinity Machine would be removed from one empire if the Infinity Machine killed a fleet from another empire
- Second Infinity Machine contact event will no longer occur if Infinity Machine is hostile
- Wrong event will no longer fire if fleet is destroyed by Infinity Machine
- Dimensional Horror special project now appears in system view
- DPS calculator and military power now take ship firing speed modifiers into account
- Fixed missing graphics on sanctuary guardians
- Fixed conflicting traits for Kel-Azaan
- Fixed materialist Fallen Empire task not giving opinion boost
- Fixed bug causing wrong player to get removed from federation in multiplayer
- Fixed CTD when using polish or russian on Linux/OSX
- Fixed CTD caused by game not having write privileges to its cache files
1.3.2[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Patch 1.3.2 was released on 2016-11-10 with Checksum "2620"[2].
Balance[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- General
- Particle Lance damage increased from 74-213 to 144-273
- Tachyon Lance damage increased from 85-232 to 169-331
- Arc Emitter damage increased from 1-170 to 1-184
- Focused Arc Emitter damage increased from 1-190 to 1-221
- Mega Cannon damage increased from 111-249 to 92-300
- Giga Cannon damage increased from 133-265 to 121-350
- Shield Capacitors now increase shield regeneration by +50% instead of a fixed +15.0
- Guardians
- Infinity Machine rewards are now distributed more even-handedly
- Now possible to get the best result for helping Infinity Machine regardless of ethos
AI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- War
- Federation AI is now better at picking wargoals for non-conqueror federations, will focus on retaking planets and liberating larger countries
- Sector
- Fixed some more cases of Sector AI removing +happiness buildings from planets
- Fixed a budgeting issue that was causing sectors to sometimes not build buildings when space construction was toggled on
- Diplomacy
- Fixed an issue where AI would guarantee and then almost immediately revoke their guarantee towards a nation they are protective of
- Fixed an issue where the 'Wary' and 'Receptive' attitudes would sometimes not be used
- AIs that are in Federations are now more likely to stay neutral during the War in Heaven
- Slowed down AI requests for federation membership/association status to cut down on message spam
- Misc
- Fixed a bug where AI would not rebuild depleted navies while at war because it prioritized armies first
- Fixed a bug where AI was not budgeting for buildings and colonies in some circumstances in early game
Bugfixes[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Fixed a bug where the first federation member would leave, if any player tried to leave a federation, instead of the player leaving
- Fixed auto-generated ship designs getting wrong combat computers
- Ships and weapon components targeting logic now correctly accounts for evasion
- Fixed armor absorbing too much damage if the ship also had shields left
- Pops working on guardian buildings no longer appear unemployed
- No longer possible to guarantee an empire while at war with them
- Fixed missing localisation key FEDERATION_ACCEPTANCE_FACTOR
- Fixed a bug where the Non-Aligned League winning the War in Heaven could result in endless event spam
- Enclave governments now get a new ruler when the first one dies
- Non-playable countries can no longer win the game
- Fixed an issue where Awakened Empire subjects would not join the War in Heaven if they became a subject before it started
- Fixed a case where declared wars would become invalid due to attackers' subjects guaranteeing the target
- Fixed an issue where some Awakened Empires would have their 'crisis fighter' AI kick in during a War in Heaven
- Fixed some cases where Diplomatic Incident events were firing inappropriately
- Infinity Machine interaction events should no longer fire if the Infinity Machine has been destroyed
- Fixed Enigmatic Fortress event chain not reacting appropriately when special projects time out
- Fixed Drake Egg Incubation project not timing out properly
- Fixed Infinity Machine destruction event triggering after destroying non-Infinity Machine fleets in some circumstances
- Fixed Terraforming achievement not working
- Fixed Continental, Savanna and Alpine worlds not being used for primitive civs
- Fixed CTD that could happen when building tooltip for relative power in the diplomacy screen
- Fixed rare CTD that could happen when changing policies
- Fixed rare CTD related to anomalies
- Fixed CTD when completing a certain Special Project