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(自由之民移动页面Diplomacy interface外交界面
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2022年3月8日 (二) 17:54的最新版本

Contacts[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Contacts view (tab 01 - Empires)

In the Contacts screen the player can see a detailed list of all the various Empires he or she has encountered. Additionally, the player can also find previously encountered enclaves and special empires (such as end game crysis) here. Empires with the Ap transcendence.png Transcendence ascension perk, which have completed the "Breaching the Shroud" special event (see Shroud events) can also access the Shroud via this screen.

The Contacts screen shows various informations about all known contacts at a glance;

On the left part of the screen, specific information about the selected contact is given, such as Ethics, Government, Population and more.

On the right part of the screen are several columns;

  • In the first column are Name and Flag of the selected contact.
  • In the second column, the Opinion of the foreign empire towards the player are shown, and, if hovered over, shows all the modifiers that make up this specific opinion.
  • The third column shows the Diplomatic Relations between the selected empire and the players empire. Treaties, such as Defensive Pacts and Research Agreements, as well as negative statuses, such as Closed Borders or Casus Belli, are represented by small icons here.
  • The fourth colomn shows the Relative power of the selected empire in comparison to the players empire. If hovered over, it expands into three subsections Fleet Power, Economic Power and Technology Level . Each subsection is evaluated independently (although there are of course connections, e.g. a better economy allows for a larger fleet, better weapons technology leads to higher fleet power, etc...) and can give valuable information to the player. The general power, displayed if not hovered over, is a combination of the ratings of the three subsections.
  • The fifth column shows wether the contact is in a Federation or not. If they are not, the entry is blank. If they are, the federations name is shown here.
  • The sixth and final column shows the War Status of the contact. It can either be blank, a shield or swords. Blank indicates that they currently are not at war, a shield shows they are in a defensive war and swords symbolise an offensive war.

By utilizing the button "Communicate" in the lower left corner of the screen, the player can quickly and easily engage in Diplomacy with the selected contact.

Diplomacy screen[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Diplomacy screen, showing a situation where the player empire has little intel on the empire

The diplomacy screen is where we communicate with other civilizations and it has a multitude of information:

  • At the top we can see a recap of the other civ Empire, similar to player's one in the Government screen
  • At the left, besides the empire comment, there 6 values (from top left to bottom right):
    • Their opinion about the player's empire. Hovering the mouse will expand it with a detailed motivation of the final value.
    • Their trust.
    • The number of colonies they have.
    • The relative power between them and the player's empire. Hovering the mouse will reveal the relative power in Economic, fleet and technology fields.
    • Their total population.
    • Their attitude toward the player's empire.
  • At the bottom we'll see the Empire Capital, their founder species and the diplomatic relationship between them and other empire, such as Wars, Defensive pacts, etc...
  • To the right, at last, we'll see all the available options with them.

Based on the type of empire the player is playing or is interacting with, some option will be greyed out due to diplomatic restrictions.

Declare War[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

War demands[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

When declaring war we also need to declare what the purpose of the conflict is, to both our enemy and any allies. These war goals determine what kind of demands we can press during peace negotiations, ranging from the ceding of orbital stations to vassalization. Presenting these goals gives the enemy an opportunity to react appropriately - they might give up immediately, present a counter-offer and truce, or defend their interests to the last man, woman, fungal spore or half-sentient herbivore. Finding out is part of the fun! To declare a war goal, click and drag it from the list and drop it onto the player's empire or any allied Empire.

War status[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The war status screen shows the current state of any ongoing galactic conflict that we are involved in. The warscore bar is a general representation of the two sides' military successes relative to each other, with a detailed breakdown of generated warscore beneath.

War negotiation[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

We may at any time use our accumulated warscore to press demands for our various war goals. Keep in mind that the enemy is unlikely to accept any demands for War Goals where the cost exceeds the warscore we have accumulated. Additionally, a potential victor might even show mercy by offering white peace, while a likely loser may propose an unconditional surrender to avoid spilling any more of the multitude of vital bodily fluids organics need to operate efficiently.

Make claims[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Similar to the Claims interface, with the exception that we'll be able to claim only this empire systems.

Offer trade deal[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

主条目:Trade#Diplomatic trade
Trade screen

Trading with an empire will increase their opinion of you if the agreement is favorable for them.

  • On the left side of the trade interface, you can choose what to give to the other empire. You can give 能量币 Energy Credits 能量币Energy Credits, 矿物 Minerals 矿物Minerals, 食物 Food 食物Food, 消费品 Consumer Goods 消费品Consumer Goods, 合金 Alloys 合金Alloys, border access, star charts, sensor access, strategic resources, star systems and other things.
  • On the right, you can choose things to ask for. You can ask for more or less the same things, however, you cannot ask for star systems. Also, if you are giving or asking for monthly resources, sensor links, and/or strategic resources, you can choose how long the deal will last.
  • In the center, you can see the other empire's willingness to accept the deal. They will accept if the number is positive and will reject with a negative number. Also in the center, you can change the deal length with a slider. You can also view what you are asking for and what you will give. Here, you can also change the amount of resources you are offering.

A good thing to know is that fallen empires will never be willing to give research agreements and will be overall less willing to trade.

Form/Break Commercial Pact[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Form a commercial pact in order to increase the value of both empire's trade network in exchange of monthly 影响力 InfluenceInfluence. This option will increase their trust to the player's empire and produce energy credits.

Form/Break Research Agreement[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Form a Research Agreement in order to increase the research speed of all the other empires' discovered technologies in exchange of monthly 影响力 InfluenceInfluence. This option will increase their trust to the player's empire, besides the basic effect.

Offer/Break Migration Treaty[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Enter in a Migration Treaty with the other empire. The player's population will be able to freely move into the other empire territory and viceversa. This option will increase their trust to the player's empire. Besides, both will be able to colonize new planets using the population of the empire with which they have the treaty.

Open/Close Borders[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

It allows to open or close the empire borders. Closed borders will deteriorate the opinion of the other empire of -20 points.

Insult[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

This option will send an insult to the other empire, deteriorating the relationship with them of -100 points

Declare rivarly[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

It will declare rivarly on the other empire, granting the Animosity causus belli and a production of 0.5 影响力 InfluenceInfluence. However, it will deteriorating the relationship with them of -100 points (Xenos are not happy when you tell them that they need some crusade on their heretic faces!)

Offer Protectorate/Tributary/Vassal/Subsidiary[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


Offer one of the above option to the other empire. Unless they are really weak compared to the player empire, they will not accept.