Founder Species
Empire Capital
Background[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= qmQhQsWZ2to | description= A Demonstration of Our Capabilities. The beautification of the galaxy is the sole purpose of Late Night Shift, comprised of BurkeBlack, GassyMexican, Venalis, CrReam, Classypax, and CletusBueford. Anything that is not beautiful may be subjected to the Star Eater. | alignment= right | container=frame }}
An empire must expand to survive, but what is to be done when the bounds of the galaxy are reached? With nowhere left to grow, the Emperor decided that the only direction to turn was inward, and in order to keep the Empire alive, the progress necessary would be literally astronomical. He approached the Ministry of Research with a vague ultimatum: for untold resources, he demanded wonders.
This took form as a planet dedicated almost entirely to the progress of research, and of the many fields, the genetic work proved the most fruitful, and the majority of the money was funneled into these laboratories, some more brutal than others. Those brought to work were often kept ignorant of the true nature of their creations. Their most impactful result was a race of sterile, servile creatures ideal for manual labor, but most famously, the Emperor’s impossibly beautiful concubines would come from this planet. These figures became the new standard of beauty, and the nomenklatura of the Empire came to the planet to be utterly transformed.
As time went on, new standards began to evolve, straying further and further from the conventional human form. A new frontier had been discovered: the frontier of beauty. After the hyperlanes fell, the impulse to explore became only stronger. Now that they have been isolated from the rest of the galaxy for over two millennia, there’s no telling what form they have now taken.
Goals[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Gotta Catch 'Em All:
- Have 1 of every species that you can get in your empire by the end of day 1.
- Unlock full genetic modification