Founder Species
Empire Capital
Background[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= 90igLxuxaDk | description= At the Hands of Espionage. ASpec and The Templin Institute represent our first team and are here to show you the power of the new Espionage features in this expansion. See what a few capable agents are able to achieve as the Divine Imperium begins its ascension. | alignment= right | container=frame }}
“ | The sacrifice of our ancestors is the spear of victory.
— The Sovranità Militare, Imperial Homeworld.
” |
With its origins shrouded by carefully crafted religious myth and legend, the Divine Imperium is founded on strict principles of political and religious purity. The central figure is the Emperor, stated by script and holy writ to be immortal and all-knowing, yet how this has been achieved (possibly by genetic manipulation, cloning or life extending technology) is unknown. To even consider the question of his veracity is a great heresy. The Emperor is, if not god, certainly god-like. His dictates are vouchsafed as holy and inspired revelations of divine providence. As such they become the focus of daily life for the Emperor’s subjects.
Sacred devotions, flagellation and blood-letting is an integral part of the daily routine of the “Foresworn”, as citizens of the Imperium call themselves. Bonds are made, not by family or friendships, but through service and sacrifice. Honour is gained by furthering the dictates of the Emperor; there is no thought to personal advancement. The will of the Emperor is the sole purpose of a citizen’s existence.
With the Emperor’s will unarguable, the political structures that formed within the Imperium are merely vassals, extending his grasp and furthering his aims, whether military, social or administrative. Where there is ambiguity, the Emperor rules upon the subject.
With the discovery that there were other lifeforms in the galaxy, a decree was put out guiding the “Foresworn” as to their rightful (Xenophobic) conduct. A plaque was placed on every military vessel built and it is rumoured that all crewmembers are required to read it at dawn (based upon the clocks of the homeworld). The text is reproduced below for reference. “The Emperor is pure, the Emperor is holy. There is none other than the Emperor. Anything else is impure and false. That which does not conform to his image must perish. The universe must be cleansed. So it is written, so it will be.”
Goals[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- Reclaim what you can of your empire:
- Conquer up to 2 AI.
- Then vassalise whoever you can near you.