AI 玩家


AI players refers to regular empires that are controlled by the AI. Unlike human players the AI is relatively predictable as it follows scripted guidelines.

Expansion[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • AI players will always build Starbases in systems that have various features in the following order: Gateway/Wormhole/Colonizable > Natural resources > Other systems
  • AI players will always upgrade Starbases in systems that have various features in the following order: Gateway/Wormhole > Megastructure > Colony > Habitable planets > Choke point > Uninhabitable systems
  • AI players will only build starbases up to two hyperlanes away from their controlled system
  • AI players will only colonize worlds that have at least 35% 宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability for any of their species
  • AI players will always try to have 1 colony ship, 4 construction ships and 4 science ships

Claims[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • AI players that are independent will only make Claims on systems up to 4 hyperlane jumps from their borders
  • AI players that are subjects will only make Claims on systems up to 2 hyperlane jumps from their borders
  • AI players will always claim systems that have various features in the following order: Bordering them > Colony > Gateway/Wormhole > Natural resources > Other systems

Aggressiveness[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • AI players are 2 times more likely to declare war if they can't expand in systems with habitable planets
  • AI players are 4 times more likely to declare war if they can't expand in any system
  • AI players are 10 times more likely to declare war if they can't expand and are 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind or 同化鬥士 Driven Assimilator 同化鬥士Driven Assimilator

Warfare[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • AI players will only declare war when they use at least 50% of their naval capacity and have at least 6 assault armies
  • AI players will only attack systems if their Fleet Power is 20% stronger than that of the opponent’s
  • AI players will always retreat when they lost 50% of a fleet in a space battle
  • AI players will never retreat if they own less than 3 systems
  • AI players will never defend attacked systems if their Fleet Power is lower than that of the opponent’s
  • AI players will never upgrade ships while at war
  • AI players will always use Selective orbital bombardment stance if their attitude is not hostile
  • AI players will always use highest available orbital bombardment stance if their attitude is hostile
  • AI players will never Jump into an enemy system unless its fleet has at least 33% more Fleet Power
  • AI players will always attack targets in the following order: Occupied systems > Fleets weakened by use of Jump Drive > Systems with colonies > Upgraded Starbases / Fleets / Systems they claimed > Other targets

Slave Market[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • AI players will not buy slaves if they have less than 2000 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits
  • AI players will not sell slaves if they have more than 5000 能量幣 Energy Credits 能量幣Energy Credits
  • AI players will always sell a Pop if they have at least 3 Unemployed Pops on a planet
  • AI players will always sell a Pop if they have at least 6 Unemployed Pops across the empire

Other[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • AI players will always use private colony ships if they can build them
  • AI players will never use Ambition Edicts until they unlocked all Traditions
  • AI players will never Embrace a Faction unless more than 50% of its population belong to it
  • AI players will never sell more than 30% of their stockpile for any resource
  • AI players will not send a diplomatic request of the same type for 27 years if the previous one was rejected
  • AI players will only consecrate habitable planets that have below 35% 宜居性 Habitability 宜居性Habitability
  • AI players will only attack Leviathans if they have at least 40k Fleet Power
  • AI players that are 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal will attack enclaves once their Fleet Power is twice stronger
  • AI players will wait until they accumulate 105 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts 稀有文物Minor Artifacts and then always use an artifact action
  • AI players will only use Sacrifice Edicts if at least 60 years passed and they have at least 3 Mortal Initiate jobs taken
  • AI players will infiltrate empires in the following order: Rival > Crisis Level 2 > Neighbor (not same federation) > Other empires

Economy[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

AI players will always try to have the following surplus:

Income Condition
能量幣 Energy Credits +25 Energy Always
礦物 Minerals +30 Minerals Always
異星天然氣 Exotic Gases +4 Exotic Gases Always
稀有水晶 Rare Crystals +4 Rare Crystals
易爆微粒 Volatile Motes +4 Volatile Motes
食物 Food +10 Food Yes.png Uses the resource
Engineering research +70 Engineering Research
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods > +10 Consumer Goods if not 格式塔意識 Gestalt Consciousness 格式塔意識Gestalt Consciousness
  • 礦物 Minerals > +30 Minerals if 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits > +25 Energy if 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
物理學研究 Physics Research +70 Physics Research
社會學研究 Society Research +70 Society Research
合金 Alloys +15 Alloys 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
消費品 Consumer Goods +10 Consumer Goods
  • Yes.png Uses the resource
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits > +25 Energy
  • 礦物 Minerals > +30 Minerals
  • 食物 Food > +10 Food if uses the resource
食物 Food +20 Food
  • Engineering research > +70 Engineering Research
  • 物理學研究 Physics Research > +70 Physics Research
  • 社會學研究 Society Research > +70 Energy Society Research
人口 Pop +9000 Pops
  • 能量幣 Energy Credits > +25 Energy
  • 礦物 Minerals > +30 Minerals
  • Engineering research > +70 Engineering Research
  • 物理學研究 Physics Research > +70 Physics Research
  • 社會學研究 Society Research > +70 Society Research

Once all objectives aside from pops and advanced resources have been achieved the AI will increase all values by the following:

  • 能量幣 Energy Credits +10 Energy
  • 礦物 Minerals +10 Minerals
  • 凝聚力 Unity +10 Unity
  • 合金 Alloys +10 Alloys
  • Engineering research +25 Engineering Research
  • 物理學研究 Physics Research +25 Physics Research
  • 社會學研究 Society Research +25 Society Research
  • 消費品 Consumer Goods +1 Consumer Goods if uses the resources

Once all new values have been reached the AI will increase them again, repeating the process.

Fleet Composition[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

AI players will use the following weights when building new ships for its fleets:

Size Weight
  • 100
  • 75 if researched 驅逐艦 Destroyers 驅逐艦Destroyers
  • 30 if researched 巡洋艦 Cruisers 巡洋艦Cruisers
  • 25 if researched 戰列艦 Battleships 戰列艦Battleships
  • 50
  • 35 if researched 巡洋艦 Cruisers 巡洋艦Cruisers
  • 25 if researched 戰列艦 Battleships 戰列艦Battleships
  • 35
  • 25 if researched 戰列艦 Battleships 戰列艦Battleships
Battleship 25
Menacing corvette
  • 100
  • 75 if crisis level 3
  • 30 if crisis level 4
Menacing destroyer
  • 50
  • 35 if crisis level 4
Menacing cruiser 35

The AI will always build a titan if it has the technology. It will build a second one if it has the resources but will never try to have more than two.

The AI will only build a star-eater if both initial ones were destroyed.

Army Composition[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

AI players will always try to have 10 armies, with an additional army for every 50 Pops up to a cap of 50 armies. They will always recruit only one type of army, with the following conditions:

Army Conditions
進攻部隊 Assault Army 進攻部隊Assault Army
  • No.png 心靈感應 Telepathy 心靈感應Telepathy 科技
  • No.png 基因種子純化 Gene Seed Purification 基因種子純化Gene Seed Purification 科技
  • No.png 神經植入體 Neural Implants 神經植入體Neural Implants 科技 and uses slaves
  • No.png 智能人 Droids 智能人Droids 科技 and Artificial Intelligence policy is set to Citizen Rights
  • No.png 基因庫 Gene Banks 基因庫Gene Banks 科技 and 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist or 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
奴隸部隊 Slave Army 奴隸部隊Slave Army
  • Yes.png 神經植入體 Neural Implants 神經植入體Neural Implants 科技 and uses slaves
  • No.png 心靈感應 Telepathy 心靈感應Telepathy 科技
  • No.png 基因種子純化 Gene Seed Purification 基因種子純化Gene Seed Purification 科技
  • No.png 基因庫 Gene Banks 基因庫Gene Banks 科技 and 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist or 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
Army robotic.png Robotic Army
  • Yes.png 智能人 Droids 智能人Droids 科技 and Artificial Intelligence policy is set to Citizen Rights
  • No.png 心靈感應 Telepathy 心靈感應Telepathy 科技
  • No.png 基因種子純化 Gene Seed Purification 基因種子純化Gene Seed Purification 科技
克隆人部隊 Clone Army 克隆人部隊Clone Army
  • Yes.png 基因庫 Gene Banks 基因庫Gene Banks 科技 and 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist or 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • No.png 心靈感應 Telepathy 心靈感應Telepathy 科技
  • No.png 基因種子純化 Gene Seed Purification 基因種子純化Gene Seed Purification 科技
靈能部隊 Psionic Army 靈能部隊Psionic Army
  • Yes.png 心靈感應 Telepathy 心靈感應Telepathy 科技
  • No.png 基因種子純化 Gene Seed Purification 基因種子純化Gene Seed Purification 科技
基因戰士部隊 Gene Warrior Army 基因戰士部隊Gene Warrior Army Yes.png 基因種子純化 Gene Seed Purification 基因種子純化Gene Seed Purification 科技
Army assault m.png Hunter-Killer Army No.png 自適應作戰算法 Adaptive Combat Algorithms 自適應作戰算法Adaptive Combat Algorithms 科技
Army assault m.png Battle Frame Army Yes.png 自適應作戰算法 Adaptive Combat Algorithms 自適應作戰算法Adaptive Combat Algorithms 科技

Relics[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

AI players will use the following weights when activating a Relic:

Relic Weight
R contingency core.png Isolated Contingency Core 100
R prethoryn queen.png Prethoryn Brood-Queen 100
R worm scales.png Scales of the Worm 100
R war forge.png Cybrex War Forge 100
R pox sample.png Javorian Pox Sample 100
R orb insight.png Vultaum Reality Perforator 100
R cryo core.png Yuht Cryo Core 100
R dragon trophy.png Ether Drake Trophy 100
R ancient sword.png Blade of the Huntress 100
R severed head.png Head of Zarqlan 100
R baol.png The Last Baol 100
R surveyor.png The Surveyor 120
R zro crystal.png Psionic Archive 200
R galatron.png The Galatron 200
Relic Weight
R unbidden warlock.png Extradimensional Warlock 10
0 if it has neither version of Jump Drive
R rubricator.png The Rubricator 75
150 if below 30 稀有文物 Minor Artifacts 稀有文物Minor Artifacts
R khans throne.png Khan’s Throne 100
x2 if 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist or 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
x3 if at war
R mechano calibrator.png The Defragmentor 100
115 if 機械智能 Machine Intelligence 機械智能Machine Intelligence
R galaxy.png Miniature Galaxy 100
150 if 唯物主義 Materialist 唯物主義Materialist or 極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist 極端唯物主義Fanatic Materialist
R omnicodex.png The Omnicodex 100
200 if 親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile or 極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile 極端親外主義Fanatic Xenophile

Megastructures[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

AI players will only construct megastructures when at peace and generally only in systems that are surrounded by other owned systems. They will always prioritize upgrading over constructing new megastructures. They will use the following weights when deciding which megastructure to construct:

Relic Weight
Tech gateway construction.png Gateway 5
Tech ring world.png Ring World 10
Tech dyson sphere.png Dyson Sphere 15
Tech matter decompressor.png Matter Decompressor 15
Tech interstellar assembly.png Interstellar Assembly 15
Tech mega art.png Mega Art Installation 15
Tech strategic coordination.png Strategic Coordination Center 15
Tech mega shipyard.png Mega Shipyard 15
Tech think tank.png Science Nexus 10
20 if 唯物主義 Materialist 唯物主義Materialist or 極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist 極端唯物主義Fanatic Materialist
Tech spy orb.png Sentry Array 10
20 if 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist or 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist

Edicts[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

AI players will use the following weights when deciding which Influence Edict to activate:

Edict Weight
Nutritional Plentiude 100
Capacity Subsidies 100
Forge Subsidies 100
Peace Festivals 100
Drone Overdrive 100
Expanded Breeding Program 100
Evacuation Protocols 100
Greater Than Ourselves 100
Extended Shifts 100
150 if 威權主義 Authoritarian 威權主義Authoritarian
200 if 極端威權主義 Fanatic Authoritarian 極端威權主義Fanatic Authoritarian
Map the Stars 100 if less than 50 years passed
Edict Weight
Information Quarantine 3
Fortify the Border 10
Fleet Supremacy 10
Research Subsidies 10
Mining Subsidies 10
Industrial Subsidies 10
Farming Subsidies 10
Veneration of Saints 10

Traditions[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

AI players will use the following weights when deciding which tradition tree to adopt. Once it has adopted a tradition tree it will not focus on another one until it finishes the current one.

Tradition tree Weight
Tradition icon adaptability.png Adaptability
  • ×2 if 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal
  • ×2 if 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe
  • ×2.5 if 蜂巢思維 Hive Mind 蜂巢思維Hive Mind
  • ×3 if 極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe 極端排外主義Fanatic Xenophobe
Tradition icon diplomacy.png Diplomacy
  • ×0 if 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal
  • ×2 if 親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile
  • ×3 if 極端親外主義 Fanatic Xenophile 極端親外主義Fanatic Xenophile
  • ×5 if part of a 聯邦 Federation 聯邦Federation
Tradition icon discovery.png Discovery
  • ×2 if 唯物主義 Materialist 唯物主義Materialist
  • ×3 if 極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist 極端唯物主義Fanatic Materialist
  • ×5 if less than 10 years passed
Tradition icon expansion.png Expansion ×5 if less than 10 years passed
Tradition icon harmony.png Harmony
  • ×2 if 威權主義 Authoritarian 威權主義Authoritarian
  • ×2 if 平等主義 Egalitarian 平等主義Egalitarian
  • ×2 if 唯心主義 Spiritualist 唯心主義Spiritualist
  • ×3 if 極端威權主義 Fanatic Authoritarian 極端威權主義Fanatic Authoritarian
  • ×3 if 極端平等主義 Fanatic Egalitarian 極端平等主義Fanatic Egalitarian
  • ×3 if 極端唯心主義 Fanatic Spiritualist 極端唯心主義Fanatic Spiritualist
  • ×3 if 屍化體 Necrophage 屍化體Necrophage
Tradition icon mercantile.png Mercantile
  • ×2 if 唯物主義 Materialist 唯物主義Materialist
  • ×3 if 極端唯物主義 Fanatic Materialist 極端唯物主義Fanatic Materialist
  • ×3 if 企業政府 Corporate 企業政府Corporate
Tradition icon prosperity.png Prosperity
  • ×2 if 和平主義 Pacifist 和平主義Pacifist
  • ×3 if 極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist 極端和平主義Fanatic Pacifist
  • ×5 if less than 10 years passed
Tradition icon subterfuge.png Subterfuge
  • ×1.5 if 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe
  • ×2 if 極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe 極端排外主義Fanatic Xenophobe
Tradition icon supremacy.png Supremacy
  • ×2 if 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist
  • ×2 if 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe
  • ×3 if 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
  • ×3 if 極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe 極端排外主義Fanatic Xenophobe
  • ×5 if 種族潔癖 Fanatic Purifiers噬殺蜂群 Devouring Swarm鐵心滅絕者 Determined Exterminator Genocidal
  • ×20 if Ap become the crisis.png Become the Crisis
Tradition icon synchronicity.png Synchronicity ×3 if 屍化體 Necrophage 屍化體Necrophage
Tradition icon unyielding.png Unyielding
  • ×2 if 內聖之道 Inward Perfection 內聖之道Inward Perfection
  • ×2 if 和平主義 Pacifist 和平主義Pacifist
  • ×3 if 極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist 極端和平主義Fanatic Pacifist
  • ×3 if bordering an empire with negative relations and Superior or Overwhelming relative power
Tradition icon versatility.png Versatility ×2 if 失控機仆 Rogue Servitor 失控機仆Rogue Servitor