Diplomatic events


These are diplomatic events regarding various incidents between empires (from Stellaris/events/diplomatic_events.txt). None of these events are able to be fired, even through console commands, as their prerequisites all have the trigger "always = no".

Insulting Admiral[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


[From.From.Owner.GetAdj] Admiral Insults Us

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt unknown ships.png

The [From.From.Owner.GetSpeciesNamePlural] are well known to have few good things to say about alien lifeforms in general. Those who do diplomacy in the [From.From.Owner.GetName] cannot afford a short temper, as they can rarely expect anything beyond a bare minimum of respect, if that. However, while traversing [Root.GetAdj] space, communications usually stay within formal protocols.

Not so earlier today, when [broadcasted_insult_leader.GetName] decided to unleash an utterly vitriolic message on our unsuspecting public while commandeering a fleet through the [From.From.GetStarName] system. The admiral appears to have picked up radio signals from one of our planets and set off on a long rant about our culture and evolutionary origins. Millions have heard the message, as clearly intended. The outrage is palpable.




500 years


Event trigger.png在以下情況下啟用:

  • Not 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist
Event button on.png
[From.From.Owner.GetName] must immediately fire this bigot!
  • Other empire gets "Admiral Insults the [From.GetSpeciesNamePlural]"

Event trigger.png在以下情況下啟用:

  • Not 極端和平主義 Fanatic Pacifist 極端和平主義Fanatic Pacifist
  • Is one of 軍國主義 Militarist 軍國主義Militarist, 極端軍國主義 Fanatic Militarist 極端軍國主義Fanatic Militarist, 排外主義 Xenophobe 排外主義Xenophobe or 極端排外主義 Fanatic Xenophobe 極端排外主義Fanatic Xenophobe
Event button on.png
[AdmiralName] must be brought to us and put to death!
  • Other empire gets "Admiral Insults the [From.GetSpeciesNamePlural]"

Event button on.png
These are just words. We can't afford to be petty.
  • Lose 50 影響力 Influence 影響力Influence

Admiral Insults the [From.GetSpeciesNamePlural]

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt throne room.png

Although few among us enjoy spending time around [From.GetSpeciesNamePluralInsult], or xenos in general, most of us try to avoid announcing our distaste at inopportune times. Admiral [AdmiralName] has apparently discarded all such concerns when broadcasting a vicious diatribe about the [From.GetSpeciesName] people while travelling [From.GetAdj] space. The list of claims about their inferior nature had made for acceptable small talk on [Root.GetHomeWorldName], but has caused a diplomatic incident with the locals.

[AdmiralName] has apologized privately, claiming to have been annoyed listening to a local radio channel. The [From.GetAdj] government are calling for the offender to resign immediately.

  • Other empire demanded that this empire fires the admiral

Event button on.png
Such an uncontrollable temperament is unsuitable for an admiral.
  • The admiral is fired.
  • Other empire gets event "[From.GetName] Retires Admiral".
Event button on.png
The broadcast sounds quite amusing. We can't fire someone for this!
  • Other empire gains -200 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion towards this empire
  • Other empire gets event "[From.GetName] Defends Admiral".

Admiral Insults the [From.GetSpeciesNamePlural]

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt throne room.png

Although few among us enjoy spending time around [From.GetSpeciesNamePluralInsult], or xenos in general, most of us try to avoid announcing our distaste at inopportune times. Admiral [AdmiralName] has apparently discarded all such concerns when broadcasting a vicious diatribe about the [From.GetSpeciesName] people while travelling [From.GetAdj] space. The list of claims about their inferior nature had made for acceptable small talk on [Root.GetHomeWorldName], but has caused a diplomatic incident with the locals.

[AdmiralName] has apologized privately, claiming to have been annoyed listening to a local radio channel. The [From.GetAdj] government are calling for the offender to be executed and want [AdmiralName] extracted to [From.GetHomeWorldName].

  • Other empire demanded that this empire executes the admiral

Event button on.png
One life is a small price to settle a dispute among millions.
  • Other empire gets event "[From.GetName] Extradites Admiral"
Event button on.png
We won't hand over one of our own for the xenos to slaughter!
  • Other empire gains -200 評價 Opinion 評價Opinion towards this empire
  • Other empire gets event "[From.GetName] Defends Admiral"

[From.GetName] Retires Admiral

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt throne room.png

After some pressure from our diplomats to choose their leaders more carefully, [From.GetRulerName] has removed admiral [AdmiralName] from duty. The admiral has not gone quietly, but sworn to clear [Admiral.GetHisHer] name, hoping that [From.GetAdj] public opinion will turn aggressively against the [Root.GetName] in the future.

The leaders of [From.GetName] have nevertheless sent a clear message about future expeditions into our territory: Even if they may not like dealing with alien species, the [Root.GetSpeciesName] are at least to be respected in their own space.

  • Other empire fired admiral

Event button on.png
They better stay that course.
  • Gains +25 影響力 Influence 影響力Influence
  • Admiral is fired

[From.GetName] Extradites Admiral

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt star yellow.png

After a short period of negotiations, [broadcasted_insult_leader.GetName] has been delivered to us for punishment. Having carefully considered what an appropriate punishment for insulting the [Root.GetSpeciesName] might be, only death and complete destruction seemed like a suitable option.

Unrepentant into [broadcasted_insult_leader.GetHerHis] last moments, the defiant admiral's passionate speech about our savage ways was cut short by the airlock closing as the pod was launched at near lightspeed into the heart of [Root.Capital.StarName]. The glorious fire that lit the nights of our ancestors will burn away every trace of those who speak ill of them.

  • Other empire extradited admiral

Event button on.png
No more slanderous [From.GetRandomSpeciesSound].
  • Gains +25 影響力 Influence 影響力Influence
  • Admiral is killed.

[From.GetName] Defends Admiral

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt throne room.png

Our request to have [broadcasted_insult_leader.GetName] removed from duty has been met with an appalling lack of understanding from [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] and the [From.GetAdj] leadership. They've responded with a message largely trying to excuse the admiral's behavior, in the process suggesting, perhaps inadvertently, that some of what [broadcasted_insult_leader.GetSheHe] said about [Root.GetSpeciesNamePlural] might have rung true.

What we assumed to be the actions of one bigot has turned out to be acceptable in [From.GetName]. They clearly think that our people can be insulted and slandered without consequence.

  • Other empire refused to fire or execute admiral

Event button on.png
The crown is as rotten as the branches.

Spying Science Ships[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


Researchers Suspect Foreign Ships

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt big landing ship.png

[Root.GetName] is known for its academic standards and drive to innovate, but staying at the bleeding edge does not only require discretion in how to perform research, but who to share it with. Our trade secrets are highly valued, domestically as well as throughout the galaxy, and some scientists are very guarded against attempts to illicitly access their data.

The presence of [From.From.Owner.GetAdj] science ships in our territory have caused many research facilities to suspect them of espionage. Some researchers have claimed that they cannot continue to operate under this perceived threat, requesting we close our borders to these suspicious [From.From.Owner.GetSpeciesNamePlural].




250 years

Event button on.png
Our scientists must feel safe from observation. Close the borders.
  • Closes borders to ship owner
  • Gains opinion modifier towards ship owner[needs clarification]
Event button on.png
Science vessels are fellow researchers, not spies.
  • Lose -50 影響力 Influence 影響力Influence

[From.From.GetAdj] Suspected of Mapping Genome

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt genetic modification.png

Being on our guard against xeno threats has been a priority since we first left [Root.GetHomeWorldName]. The [From.From.GetAdj] science ships sneaking around our territory have not gone unnoticed, but up until now, they have been assumed to be peacefully examining planets. However, a recent theory has cast doubt on this.

The [From.From.GetSpeciesName] are known to utilize genome mapping in their medical research. What if they are mapping the genomes of unsuspecting [Root.GetSpeciesNamePlural] with the intention of finding our weaknesses? Although no certain evidence has surfaced, the theory has led to calls for closing our borders to the [From.From.GetName] to prevent any possible plans from succeeding.




250 years

Event button on.png
We cannot risk future enemies gaining this data! Close the borders.
  • Closes borders to ship owner
  • Gains opinion modifier towards ship owner[needs clarification]
Event button on.png
We are not going to base foreign policy on conspiracy theories.
  • Lose -50 影響力 Influence 影響力Influence

Event trigger.png在以下情況下啟用:

  • Other empire's borders are not closed to this empire
  • This empire has 基因圖譜 Genome Mapping 基因圖譜Genome Mapping
Event button on.png
We must start a project to map their genome in retaliation.
  • Issue Special Project: Retaliatory Genome Mapping


Genome Mapping Yields Results

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt genetic modification.png

Although we have not found the specific details on the examined genome we hoped, our research has clarified much about the peculiarities of our own genetics. Some of the weapons what proved useful in the wars on [Root.GetHomeWorldName] in the past might be entirely wasted on alien lifeforms. These new insights have helped us develop updated combat doctrines.

  • Completing Retaliatory Genome Mapping Special Project

Event button on.png
If they really are targeting us, we may need it.
  • Gain Alien Genome Research modifier for 50 years

Prying [From.From.GetAdj] Scientist

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt big landing ship.png

The [Root.GetName] tries not to let spiritual concerns stand in the way of our exploration and examination of the mundane, but we know how to pay proper heed to metaphysical insights and traditions in the course of all actions. Scientists from [From.From.GetName] appear to be a bit more careless in their pursuit of new astronomic discoveries.

After taking an interest in some of the nearby stars that form constellations crucial to [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] mythology, [encroaching_research_leader.GetName] has been accused of trying to "disprove" some of the legends surrounding them. While we are confident that the spiritual significance of the constellations can hardly be touched by worldly discoveries, many have objected to the research and tried to persuade [encroaching_research_leader.GetHimHer] to leave [Root.GetAdj] space.




250 years

Event button on.png
Suspicion of ill intent is reason enough to bar them from our space.
  • Closes borders to ship owner
  • Gains opinion modifier towards ship owner[needs clarification]
Event button on.png
Our faith transcends the material realm. It cannot be harmed.
  • Other empire gets "Heretical Discovery in [From.GetName]" in 60 days with a 50% chance

Heretical Discovery in [From.GetName]

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt ship in orbit.png

Conducting research in foreign-controlled space requires tact, something we sometimes overlook in recruiting our scientists. This became apparent when [encroaching_research_leader.GetName] recently ran into trouble studying some of the stars in sacred [From.GetAdj] constellations. Locals objected to a clinical examination of the subject and hassled [encroaching_research_leader.GetHimHer] until [From.GetRulerTitle] [From.GetRulerName] made a statement sanctioning the research.

[encroaching_research_leader.GetName], apparently spiteful over the protest, appears to have taken the time to actually find material suggesting that some of the [From.GetAdj] legends surrounding the stars may be wildly inconsistent with their real age and development. This is likely to cause further outrage if published.

  • Event "Prying [From.From.GetAdj] Scientist" in other empire

Event button on.png
Is [Scientist.GetHeShe] deliberately trying to cause a scandal? Fire [Scientist.GetHimHer].
  • Fires scientist.
Event button on.png
Things like these happen in the course of research.
  • Other empire gains opinion modifier towards this empire[needs clarification]
  • Other empire gets event "[Scientist.GetName] Publishes Heresy"

[Scientist.GetName] Publishes Heresy

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt ship in orbit.png

Despite our trust in the best intentions of the [From.GetName] researcher who has been studying our ancient constellations, [encroaching_research_leader.GetSheHe] has managed to upset our people by re-evaluating the stars' age and arguing that the development of their brightness and visibility conflicts with our legends about the constellations.

The people who originally objected to the project are arguing that this was done deliberately out of malice by the scientist after they requested an end to the studies. The [From.GetAdj] government has decided to gloss over the issue and refused to take action to prevent the anger and pain the report is likely to cause among our people.

  • Other empire allowed scientist to continue

  • Gets Cultural Identity Wounded modifier for 60 months

Event button on.png
We should never have trusted them to respect us.

Exotic Woodwind[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


Exotic Woodwind

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt outpost.png

Music has taken many forms among the beings we have encountered since leaving [Root.GetHomeWorldName], and the methods and preferences continue to baffle us. Sometimes alien music is inaudible to us, while at other times, the waves are strong enough to destroy our capacity for hearing. Coming across music that we love more than its creators is a rare occasion indeed.

Such a rare occasion has occurred recently on [music_listening_planet.GetName]. Located close to the [music_origin_country.GetAdj] border, radio stations playing music from the other side have grown immensely in popularity. It appears some instrument from [music_origin_country.GetHomeWorldName] is not just pleasant, but appears to cause [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] bodies to resonate, causing a relaxing feeling in the [Root.GetSpeciesOrganName]. Whatever this instrument is, it's unlike any of our own.




400 years

Event button on.png
An excellent time to learn more about their culture.
  • Any random planet with 3 pops in a border system:
    • 3 pops gain the 親外主義 Xenophile 親外主義Xenophile ethic and the Alien Music modifier for 100 years.
Event button on.png
Let us be careful and study this instrument.
  • Issue Special Project "Woodwind Instrument Investigation"

Instrumental Biology

Outliner top 500px.png

Evt ship in orbit.png

Having taken a closer look at the alien music, we have discovered that it is made by a wind instrument made from one of the native plants native on their homeworld. The unusual internal structure of the plant is completely different from anything on [Root.GetHomeWorldName], even on molecular level. The effect of air passing through the plant on [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] bodies has advanced understanding of our own biology and how it might interact with new flora on alien worlds.

  • Completing Special Project "Woodwind Instrument Investigation"

Event button on.png
Who knows what we can find?

獲得:Society Research.png 18x 社會學研究產出(潛在的產量 350 ~ 10000)