ST NewHorizons/Citizen Jobs

Ruler Stratum[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Job Name Base Production Description Required Building Notes

Unity: +3

Admin Cap: +5

Administrators are in charge of large swathes of population, and often control entire continents. Capital Default

Unity: +3

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +8

Crime: -10

An Exarch is a powerful post holder within the Rakhari. Capital Rakhari only
Chalice Holder

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Stability: +5

The keepers of the ancient Betazoid artifacts hold a special place within Betazoid society. Palace Betazoid Houses only
Voth Elder

Influence: +0.05

Amenities: +5

The eldest of the species have seen it all, and it is with their wisdom that they shall guide us. Capital Voth Theocracy Only
Tamarian Elder

Influence: +0.05

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

The Elders of the Children of Tama often have allegories written about themselves, forming part of the unique language that makes up the species. Capital Tamarian Unity Only
Web Weaver

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Stability: +5

The web must be woven to ensure the integrity of the crystalline lattice. Capital Tholian Assembly Only

Unity: +1

Consumer Goods: +1

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

A senator is a powerful elected official who is a member of a legislative body known as the Romulan Senate. They usually represent well-populated provinces or even entire planets. Capital Romulan Star Empire Only

Food: +2

Unity: +2

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +8

Farmers Food: +1%

In Skrreean society, men are too prone to violence and emotion and so their society is led by the elder women, the Matriarchs. Capital Skrreean Republic Only
Joined Commissioner

Unity: +3

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +8

The Symbiosis Commission is ran by those Trill symbionts who have lived many lives. Capital Trill Administration Only
Protocol Master

Unity: +3

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Trade Value: +5

The importance of protocol ensures the Sheliak Corporate complies with all procedures and legislation. Capital Sheliak Corporate Only

Unity: +3

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

The most argumentative and convincing Tellarites become Demagogues in their own right. Capital Tellarite Technocracy Only
Master of Games

Unity: +3

Society Research: +8

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Masters of Games, or Master Surchids, are those members of the Wadi who excel at strategy and games such as Chula. Capital Wadi Emirates Only
High Curator

Minor Artifacts: +0.05

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

The curation of biological species is of vital importance to the insectoid Hur'Q minds. Those Hur'Q with the mind to learn from the exhibits are generally great administrators. Capital Hur'Q Stagnancy Only

Unity: +5

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Vedeks are powerful religious figures who shepherd Bajoran society. The Vedek Assembly is the governing body of the Bajoran religion and holds great political influence as well. Capital Bajoran Second Republic Only
Clan Chief

Unity: +3

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +8

The leaders of the great Acamarian clans are their chiefs, capable of leading vast swathes of the population. Capital Acamarian Sovereignty Only
High Surgeon

Unity: +3

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Pop Growth: +5%

The most capable physicians and surgeons become leaders for the Vidiian people in their search for a cure to the Phage. Capital Vidiian Sodality Only

Unity: +3

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Trade Value: +5

A Sub-nagus is the Ferengi title for a person in charge of a particular district or sector. Capital Ferengi Alliance Only

Unity: +1

Consumer Goods: +1

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Often part of a governing parliament, ministers are elected officials tasks with administering departments. Capital Special Job

Unity: +4

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Stability: +5

The chief magistrates of the Cardassian management team are known as Archons. Autochthon Monument Cardassian Union Only
Chief Botanist

Unity: +3

Food: +3

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Farmers Food: +5%

The genetic engineering of crops and plants is shepherded by the chief botanists of Brunali society. Administering everything from the correct temperature to the allocation of workers to each field, the chief botanists ensure Brunali society flourishes. Food Processing Facility Brunali Empire Only
Alpha Hunter

Crew: +4

Consumer Goods: +2

Unity: +2

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Crime: -5

Capable of leading vast packs of Hunters, an Alpha Hunter is a feared and powerful warrior. Stronghold Hirogen Hunters Only

Crew: +3

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Crime: -5

Each Maje is a leader of Kazon, a title gained through power. Stronghold Kazon Sects Only
Pirate Chief

Crew: +3

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Trade Value: +2

Pirate chiefs organise raiding parties and robberies across large swathes of space. Stronghold Nausicaan Tribes Only

Unity: +3

Admin Cap +5

Amenities: +5

Trade Value: +4

Executives control vast amounts of influence within this organisation. Galactic Stock Exchange

Admin Cap: +5

Stability: +5

Amenities: +5

Those of the royal bloodlines are often granted privileges but are charged with leading their subjects fairly. Palace
High Priest

Unity: +5

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

The religious leaders of the Fen Domar control and lead the population via their theological means. Citadel of Faith Fen Domar States Only
Temporal Researcher

Physics Research: +5

Time Crystals: +0.05

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Those who can understand temporal mechanics are rare, and are offered a special place amongst the Krenim who seek to use the timestream for their own gain. Institute Krenim Imperium Only

Physics Research: +5

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Those pairs who are offered the position of programmer are those highly skilled Bynars whom are the only ones who can touch the inner workings of the Central Computer. Institute Bynar Domains Only
Head Researcher

Physics Research: +10

Society Research: +10

Engineering Research: +10

Within certain societies, the heads of research often control a large amount of political and military power. Institute

Unity: +5

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +5

Pop Growth: +5%

The tight groups of communal families of Denobula are generally led by surgeons who are well respected and renowned. Clinic Denobulan Unity Only

Admin Cap: +5

Stability: +5

Crime: -30

Amenities: +10

Wardens ensure laws and justice are meted out accurately. Capital

Unity: +5

Crew: +1

Overseers enforce the will of the authority on the planet, ensuring the population obeys. Precinct House Tholian Assembly Only

Unity: +8

Admin Cap: +5

Amenities: +10

Leading the population on religious worlds, Abbots often have a large amount of influence. Citadel of Faith

Specialist Stratum[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Job Name Base Production Description Required Building Notes

Worker Stratum[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Job Name Base Production Description Required Building Notes