PHI multiplayer balancing is a mod that is intended to offer a multiplayer audience a fair and interesting game-set. It takes and reworks many things already present in the vanilla game in order to make them more interesting or more balanced.
PHI also adds a lot of stuff that is still bigly missing in vanilla: breaking truces, taxing vassals, navy attrition, victory conditions and more!
The biggest changes to vanilla[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Admin Capacity and planets management[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
While playing with PHI, you'll have much less planets to manage and colonize, and you'll put much more emphasys on systems' resources (especially for science).
This is done by:
- increasing the admin capacity cost of every planet you own (they now cost 100 admin points)
- increasing the penalties you face going over your admin cap (you get +1% research and tradition cost and 0.5 crime on every planet per point over the limit)
- setting the starting admin capacity to 400
- changing the bonus to research station production you get from tech, traditions and events (you now get +100% instead of +10%)
These basic changes make the game less focused on colonizing everything you see, letting you focus on the strategic value of your systems and the quality of your planets. A bonus side effect is also that the game will run much faster as less pops are created. The increased research output of your station will more than compensate for anything you'll find yourself short.
Federations and Senate[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
PHI reworks totally the federations available in-game:
- every federation type is linked to an ethic
- having different ethics between members will have bigger penalties on the xp accumulation
- federations level up faster (1 level every 5 years, more or less)
- no vassals can be members of federation anymore, in order to solve an issue in which a fed member/vassal could never revolt against its master
- the galactic senate will pass reforms faster, allowing for a more diplo-aggressive gameplay
Vassals[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Vassals and subsidiaries are no longer integrable. Instead:
- vassals give 10% of their alloys, consumer goods and research points monthly production to their overlord
- tributaries give 10% of their energy and minerals monthly production to their overlord
- subsidiaries give 5% of their energy, minerals, alloys, consumer goods and research points monthly production to their overlord
- protectorates give a bonus +200 society research per month to their overlord
Moreover, each vassal relation will now cost 1 influence per month (with the exception of protectorates). Ultimatums to vassalize other empires no longer check against relative power.
Ships and Stations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- carriers: are now the only ship-class able to have hangars
- stations: more powerful as they field lots of hangar bays and perdition beams (at citadel level)
- ships limits: make for more varied fleets and strategy, as you can only build 1 cruiser per 25 naval capacity, 1 battleship / 50 naval capacity and 1 carrier and 1 titan per 100 naval cap!
- jump drives: limited only to the big bad boys (battleships or bigger...)
War and General Rules[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- no more border gore: any system owned by an empire must be continuously connected to a fully colonized planed owned by that empire or have their outpost disbanded
- dangerous wormholes: passing through a wormhole now gives an uncapped 12.5% hull damage to ships, and they don't count towards adiacency for the above rule (with the notable exception of the sealed system)
- no more going to the jugular: a regular empire will be able to claim systems from opponents only when those systems are adiacent to its borders or to another *claimed system. total wars empires can declare war only on neighbors
- naval attrition: fleets advancing in enemy territory take 12.5% hull damage upon entering enemy's systems (cumulative but capped at 50%)
- breaking truces: now you can break truces (from the edicts screen) but you'll become a galactic pariah
- disarm your enemies: humiliations are stingy, causing a wopping -33% influence, alloys, unity, diplo weight and naval cap for 15 years
- win with a different strategy: you can now win the game by using your overwhelming trade power to subjugate all the lesser empires into a new Galactic Empire...
- ...or you can explore the meta-dimension and leave all the losers behind while you Sublimate into a new reality!
Policies, Traditions, etc[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
- diplomatic stance completely reworked: now you have a step-by-step change process as you ready up or dismantle your industrial-military complex
- economic and drone policy completely reworked, with policies linked to tradition starters your empire unlocked
- diplomacy tradition is now stronger than ever!