One item in a list of icons (achievements, disasters, etc.). The box name is sent as a referencable anchor on the page, so you don't need to also use id="" to link to it.
Parameter | Description | Required | Default |
1 | Box name and hovertext | required | none |
2 | Description | optional | The description of the achievements |
image | Image file | optional | <parameter 1>.png |
template | Uses an assembled template in place of an image | optional | image |
link | Puts a link in the box name
optional | No link |

{{iconbox|Brave New World|Colonize a planet.}}

Brave New World
Colonize a planet.
{{iconbox|Break On Through...|Research a Rare technology.|link=on}}

Research a Rare technology.
{{iconbox|Shipyard|A Shipyard may build one ship at a time, in parallel with other Shipyards.|image=sb shipyard.png|link=on}}

A Shipyard may build one ship at a time, in parallel with other Shipyards.
{{iconbox|Lush|Life thrives here, the fauna is plentiful and the flora grows rapidly.|template={{planet modifier|pm_lush|1}}|link=on}}