Special projects 1:修订间差异

(文本替换 - 替换“Category:Events]]”为“Category:事件]]”)
(文本替换 - 替换“Category:Exploration”为“Category:探索”)
第1,891行: 第1,891行:
<references />
<references />

[[Category: 探索]]

2022年3月9日 (三) 00:51的最新版本

This is the list of special projects found in Stellaris/common/special_projects/00_projects_1.txt.

Analyze Dead Space Creatures

Outliner top 500px.png

We have found the dead remains of several large creatures in orbit around the gas giant [From.GetName]. Our scientists would like to study them more closely to determine their origins.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Mount Deep Sea Expedition

Outliner top 500px.png

There is a large ocean hidden beneath the ice mantle of [From.GetName]. Our scientists would like to mount an expedition to study the unique life forms of this environment.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Investigate Gigantic Skeleton

Outliner top 500px.png

A gigantic skeleton dating back more than three billion years has been found on the lifeless surface of [From.GetName]. Our scientists are eager to get to the bottom of this mystery.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Mount Graveyard Expedition

Outliner top 500px.png

We have stumbled upon a starship graveyard on the surface of [From.GetName], the result of a titanic battle that occurred in close orbit thousands of years ago. A scientific expedition to study these ancient hulks and see if anything can be salvaged has been proposed.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Resume Process

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] was partially terraformed thousands of years ago by an unknown agency. The terraforming equipment can still be found on the [From.GetPlanetMoon], and our scientists are looking for a way to resume the process.



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 2000 社会学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Dismantle Equipment

Outliner top 500px.png

Despite its age, the abandoned terraforming equipment on [From.GetName] appears to be quite advanced. Some of our engineers have asked for permission to dismantle and analyze the equipment, to see what can be learned from its technology.



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • Engineering research 1000 工程学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Kill Marauding Creature

Outliner top 500px.png

A mutated creature is terrorizing the population of our colony on [From.GetName]. Many have died and the colonists are asking for help in their efforts to hunt down and eliminate the creature.



  • Has at least 2 armies on the planet
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 5000 社会学研究

Time.png 过期:

  • 730 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

Translate Alien Mural

Outliner top 500px.png

An ancient mural covered in alien letters has been found on [From.GetName]. If they are given enough resources, our linguists are confident they can translate the writing.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Disarm Nuclear Bomb

Outliner top 500px.png

An abandoned hydrogen bomb has been inadvertently activated by our colonists on [From.GetName]. We need to disarm it before the timer runs out!



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • Engineering research 2000 工程学研究

Time.png 过期:

  • 200 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

Study Migrating Forests

Outliner top 500px.png

Several of our scientists are hoping that a solution which doesn't involve the destruction of the forests can be found by continued studies of this alien flora.



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 10000 社会学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Burn Migrating Forests

Outliner top 500px.png

The presence of these forests cannot be tolerated. An effort must be made to cleanse them from the [Root.GetPlanetMoon]'s surface.



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • Engineering research 10000 工程学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Establish Communications

Outliner top 500px.png

We need to find some way to communicate with the subterranean aliens. Perhaps we can find a way to coexist with their civilization.



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 1000 社会学研究

Time.png 过期:

  • 360 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:

Preemptive Strike

Outliner top 500px.png

The aliens digging their way to the surface are a threat that must be dealt with. We will launch a preemptive strike against their underground cities.



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • Engineering research 5000 工程学研究

Time.png 过期:

  • 360 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:
  • Ends the "subterranean_civilization_chain" event chain.
  • One of the following will happen:

Destroy Subterranean Civilization

Outliner top 500px.png

The subterranean alien civilization on [From.From.GetName] is a clear threat to our colony and must be destroyed. We need to find a way to strike at their cities underground.



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • Engineering research 5000 工程学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Open Underground Vault

Outliner top 500px.png

We have discovered a large underground vault on [From.GetName]. Our scientists are looking for a way to open the vault's reinforced doors so that we may learn what is inside.



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • Engineering research 5000 工程学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Remove Orbital Debris

Outliner top 500px.png

The orbital space around [Root.GetName] is cluttered with debris that is interfering with the development of the colony on the [Root.GetPlanetMoon]. Mapping the extensive debris field will require the powerful sensors of a Science Ship.



  • Has at least one science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Repair Automated Shipyard

Outliner top 500px.png

The remains of an old automated shipyard have been found orbiting [From.GetName]. Our engineers believe that they can restore power to the shipyard's sole surviving manufacturing bay.



  • Has at least one construction ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Salvage Gas Giant Ship

Outliner top 500px.png

A derelict ship has been found deep within the atmosphere of the gas giant [From.GetName]. Some of our scientists and engineers have proposed a project to raise the vessel to the upper atmosphere and salvage it.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Observe Moon Impact

Outliner top 500px.png

One of the moons circling [From.GetName] will soon impact the surface of the gas giant. This extremely rare event should be recorded for posterity.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:

Isolate Signal

Outliner top 500px.png

We have picked up a weak signal coming from the interior of the gas giant [From.GetName]. It may be a transmission of some kind, but we have not yet been able to isolate the signal.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

Dathnak Relocation

Outliner top 500px.png

We have agreed to transport the Dathnak from their doomed homeworld to the gas giant [baldarak_planet.GetName], where they will make a new home. Time is short.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

Establish Dathnak Colony

Outliner top 500px.png

The Dathnak would like to found a new colony on [NewBaldarak.GetName], a gas giant with an atmosphere suitable to their physiology. We have agreed to assist them in this endeavor.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Investigate New Baldarak

Outliner top 500px.png

The Dathnak authorities on Baldarak have lost contact with their colony on New Baldarak, and they fear the worst. We have agreed to investigate the planet.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Infiltrate Commando Unit

Outliner top 500px.png

The Dathnak revolutionaries on New Baldarak have asked us to transport one of their commando units to Baldarak, where they will try to incite some kind of revolt.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Land Expeditionary Force

Outliner top 500px.png

The Dathnak government on Baldarak is determined to restore control over their rebelling colony on New Baldarak. We have agreed to transport an expeditionary force to the planet.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Bring Chabky Home

Outliner top 500px.png

The Dathnak colonist Chabky Raddh is apparently homesick and wishes to return to Baldarak. We have reluctantly agreed to arrange this.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Rescue Shuttle Survivors

Outliner top 500px.png

One of our shuttles was shot down by the natives on [From.GetName], and we need to rescue any surviving operatives before they are captured by local forces."



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

Extract Rogue Scientist

Outliner top 500px.png

One of our scientists has gone rogue and is being worshiped as a god by the natives on [From.GetName]. An operation must be launched to remove him - by force if necessary.



  • Has at least 2 transport ships in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

Probe Aliens

Outliner top 500px.png

Our scientists would like to gather test subjects from the native civilization on [From.GetName]. After the tests have been conducted, the subjects will be returned to the [From.GetPlanetMoon]'s surface with no memory of the experience.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

The Elusive Tarblac

Outliner top 500px.png

Tarblacs are found deep beneath the waves on the ocean world [This.GetName].



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

The Mighty Tassargoid

Outliner top 500px.png

Tassargoids have been sighted in the humid jungles of [This.GetName].



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

The Vile Orinthi

Outliner top 500px.png

Orinthi have been reported in large numbers across most of [This.GetName].



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

The Insidious Sniran

Outliner top 500px.png

Snirans are unique to the great dune seas of [This.GetName].



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

The Malleable Goolantha

Outliner top 500px.png

Goolantha herds may only be found on the open steppes of [This.GetName].



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

The Wily Uddloran

Outliner top 500px.png

Uddlorans can be found racing through the snowy wastes of [This.GetName].



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

The Ravenous Zulcor

Outliner top 500px.png

Zulcor swarms are native to the dry canyons of [This.GetName].



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Recover Probe

Outliner top 500px.png

We have sighted one of our old sublight space probes in the [space_probe.GetStarName] system. It must be recovered as soon as possible.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Board Cultist Ship

Outliner top 500px.png

One of the cultist ships has been disabled by our forces. We should conduct a boarding operation to secure prisoners and any intelligence assets we find.



  • Has at least 1 military ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Board Cultist Flagship

Outliner top 500px.png

We have disabled the cultist flagship! A substantial number of troops will be needed to successfully board and capture the vessel.



  • Has at least 1 transport ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Cultist Warship Debris

Outliner top 500px.png

The cult has been developing some new type of weapon, and the trace to their base of operations have ended here. If we investigate their technology we might find some clues to their leader's whereabouts.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Raid Smuggler Base

Outliner top 500px.png

Smugglers have established an illegal outpost on the surface of [From.GetName], a primitive sanctuary world under our protection. They must be removed before they cause lasting harm to the [From.GetPlanetMoon]'s native civilization.



  • Has at least 1 transport ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

Eliminate Rogue Agent

Outliner top 500px.png

Our rogue covert infiltration operative on [From.GetName] has finally been tracked to a safe house in the suburbs of a large city. We need fleet assets in orbit to bombard his position from space.



  • Has at least 1 military ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

Avert War on [From.GetName]

Outliner top 500px.png

Due to an incident related to our covert infiltration program on [From.GetName], the [From.Owner.GetSpeciesNamePlural] have been brought to the brink of nuclear war. Our infiltration cells on the [From.GetPlanetMoon] require a Science Ship in orbit to calm the situation.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

Lower Shield on [From.GetName]

Outliner top 500px.png

For reasons unknown, someone or something has encased [From.GetName] in an impenetrable energy shield. We must find some way to nullify the barrier and discover what lies beneath!



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 730 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Investigate [Prev.From.GetName]

Outliner top 500px.png

We need to learn more about the mysterious aliens we have code-named §Y[Prev.From.GetName]§!. If they possess a language, we must decipher it and establish communications.\n\nReward: £influence£ §GInfluence§! or §SSpecial Project§!



  • None

Abort Trigger

  • One of the following is true:
    • The aliens does not exist
    • Has communications with the aliens
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 500 社会学研究

Yes.png 成功:
  • Establish communications with FROM.

Investigate [Prev.From.GetName]

Outliner top 500px.png

We need to learn more about the mysterious aliens we have code-named §Y[Prev.From.GetName]§!. If they possess a language, we must decipher it and establish communications.
Reward: £influence §GInfluence§! or §SSpecial Project§!



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 500 社会学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Investigate [Prev.From.GetName]

Outliner top 500px.png

We need to learn more about the mysterious aliens we have code-named §Y[Prev.From.GetName]§!. If they possess a language, we must decipher it and establish communications.
Reward: £influence §GInfluence§! or §SSpecial Project§!



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 500 社会学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Investigate [Prev.From.GetName]

Outliner top 500px.png

We need to learn more about the mysterious aliens we have code-named §Y[Prev.From.GetName]§!. If they possess a language, we must decipher it and establish communications.
Reward: £influence §GInfluence§! or §SSpecial Project§!



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 500 社会学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Investigate [Prev.From.GetName]

Outliner top 500px.png

We need to learn more about the mysterious aliens we have code-named §Y[Prev.From.GetName]§!. If they possess a language, we must decipher it and establish communications.
Reward: £influence §GInfluence§! or §SSpecial Project§!



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 500 社会学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Investigate [Prev.From.GetName]

Outliner top 500px.png

We need to learn more about the mysterious aliens we have code-named §Y[Prev.From.GetName]§!. If they possess a language, we must decipher it and establish communications.
Reward: £influence §GInfluence§! or §SSpecial Project§!



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 50 社会学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Investigate [Prev.From.GetName]

Outliner top 500px.png

We need to learn more about the mysterious aliens we have code-named §Y[Prev.From.GetName]§!. If they possess a language, we must decipher it and establish communications.
Reward: £influence §GInfluence§! or §SSpecial Project§!



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 500 社会学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Investigate [Prev.From.GetName]

Outliner top 500px.png

We need to learn more about the mysterious aliens we have code-named §Y[Prev.From.GetName]§!. If they possess a language, we must decipher it and establish communications.
Reward: £influence §GInfluence§! or §SSpecial Project§!



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 500 社会学研究

Yes.png 成功:

Board the Hyacinth

Outliner top 500px.png

The Hyacinth has been located above [hyacinth_planet.GetName] and appears to be structurally intact. We will have to assemble a boarding party to learn what has happened to the ark ship.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Abduct Scientist

Outliner top 500px.png

A brilliant scientist has been identified among the primitive [From.Owner.GetSpeciesNamePlural] on [From.GetName]. His considerable skill is wasted on his native civilization, but he would be quite a boon to our own research programs. Plans have been put into motion to abduct him and then "convince" him to work for us instead.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Remove Malfunctioning Implants

Outliner top 500px.png

We are having problems with the brain implants that were given to several test subjects among the primitive [From.Owner.GetSpeciesNamePlural] on [From.GetName]. There have been a number of malfunctions, resulting in violent behavior and, in some cases, fatalities. We need to remove these implants before they can cause any more problems.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

Destroy Primitive Defense Force

Outliner top 500px.png

The [From.Owner.GetSpeciesName] nation states on [From.GetName] have banded together and formed an anti-alien task force with the mission to thwart our operations on their homeworld. This cannot be tolerated. We must launch a punitive strike against the main base of this organization.



  • Has at least 1 transport ship in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Synth Detection Method

Outliner top 500px.png

Synthetic infiltrators disguised as [Root.GetSpeciesNamePlural] are operating within the [Root.GetName]. We need to come up with some kind of reliable and efficient method of identifying them.



  • None
研究 Research 研究花费:
  • 社会学研究 Society Research 2000 + (100 x total 人口 Pop 人口Pop) 社会学研究

Yes.png 成功:


Capture the Queen

Outliner top 500px.png

After a recent space battle in the [queen_system.GetName] system, a Prethoryn Queen was badly injured and left for dead by the rest of the Scourge. The creature is still alive, however. Capturing it would be a major intelligence coup.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit

Abort Trigger

  • Has the country flag "queen_snatched"

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 60 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Conduct Fleet Maneuvers

Outliner top 500px.png

Major fleet maneuvers have been planned in the [exercise_system.GetName] system, close to the border of the [exercise_neighbor.GetName]. The purpose of this exercise is to simulate a hostile probe by significant [exercise_neighbor.GetSpeciesName] forces into our space, as a possible prelude to an invasion.
The exercise will begin once all of the allocated forces have reached the initial staging area in orbit of [exercise_location.GetName].



  • Has fleet with admiral and 1600 fleet power in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

On Start

On 50% Progress

Conduct Fleet Maneuvers

Outliner top 500px.png

Major fleet maneuvers have been planned in the [exercise_system.GetName] system, close to the border of the [exercise_neighbor.GetName]. The purpose of this exercise is to simulate a hostile probe by significant [exercise_neighbor.GetSpeciesName] forces into our space, as a possible prelude to an invasion.
The exercise will begin once all of the allocated forces have reached the initial staging area in orbit of [exercise_location.GetName].



  • Has fleet with admiral and 4000 fleet power in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

On Start

On 50% Progress

Conduct Fleet Maneuvers

Outliner top 500px.png

Major fleet maneuvers have been planned in the [exercise_system.GetName] system, close to the border of the [exercise_neighbor.GetName]. The purpose of this exercise is to simulate a hostile probe by significant [exercise_neighbor.GetSpeciesName] forces into our space, as a possible prelude to an invasion.
The exercise will begin once all of the allocated forces have reached the initial staging area in orbit of [exercise_location.GetName].



  • Has fleet with admiral and 10000 fleet power in orbit

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Time.png 过期:

  • 1080 天后过期

Yes.png 成功:
No.png 失败:

On Start

On 50% Progress

Precursor archaeological projects[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Signs of Vultaum Activity

Outliner top 500px.png

We have learned that there may have been Precursor activity on §H[precursor_planet.GetName]§! at some point in the galactic past. The sphere of influence of the ancient Vultaum Star Assembly is known to have extended to this region of space, making this world a promising lead in our ongoing efforts to learn more about their civilization.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:
  • Triggers ship event precursor.302

Signs of Yuht Activity

Outliner top 500px.png

We have learned that there may have been Precursor activity on §H[precursor_planet.GetName]§! at some point in the galactic past. The sphere of influence of the ancient Yuht Empire is known to have extended to this region of space, making this world a promising lead in our ongoing efforts to learn more about their civilization.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:
  • Triggers ship event precursor.303

Signs of First League Activity

Outliner top 500px.png

We have learned that there may have been Precursor activity on §H[precursor_planet.GetName]§! at some point in the galactic past. The sphere of influence of the ancient First League is known to have extended to this region of space, making this world a promising lead in our ongoing efforts to learn more about their civilization.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:
  • Triggers ship event precursor.304

Signs of Irassian Activity

Outliner top 500px.png

We have learned that there may have been Precursor activity on §H[precursor_planet.GetName]§! at some point in the galactic past. The sphere of influence of the ancient Irassian Concordat is known to have extended to this region of space, making this world a promising lead in our ongoing efforts to learn more about their civilization.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:
  • Triggers ship event precursor.305

Signs of Cybrex Activity

Outliner top 500px.png

We have learned that there may have been Precursor activity on §H[precursor_planet.GetName]§! at some point in the galactic past. The sphere of influence of the ancient Cybrex is known to have extended to this region of space, making this world a promising lead in our ongoing efforts to learn more about their civilization.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:
  • Triggers ship event precursor.306

Mining Base

Outliner top 500px.png

A crater on [From.GetName] was once the site of an ancient Vultaum mining base. An archaeological dig site will be established nearby to search the ruins for anything useful.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:


Outliner top 500px.png

There was once a Vultaum observatory on [From.GetName], a [From.GetPlanetMoon] that lies quite some distance away from their ancient empire. Archeologists are eager to study the abandoned ruins.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Space Elevator

Outliner top 500px.png

A collapsed Vultaum space elevator can be found near the equator on [From.GetName]. There are surely many artifacts to be found if an archaeological dig site is established on the [From.GetPlanetMoon]'s surface.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:


Outliner top 500px.png

A collection of large craters on [From.GetName] was once a major Vultaum metropolis. An archaeological dig site is needed to excavate potential artifacts.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Tunnel Network

Outliner top 500px.png

There was once a vast tunnel network on [From.GetName] that housed a major Vultaum colony before its collapse. An archaeological dig site is needed to excavate the ruins.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Gas Mining Facility

Outliner top 500px.png

The partial remains of a Vultaum gas mining station still orbit [From.GetName]. The derelict facility has been looted before, but our archeologists are confident there are still discoveries to be made.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Trade Post

Outliner top 500px.png

A Vultaum trade post could once be found on [From.GetName]. The abandoned ruins need to be properly excavated, but our archeologists assure us it would be worth the effort.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:


Outliner top 500px.png

An ancient Vultaum satellite was stumbled upon in orbit of [From.GetName]. Its transmitter array has been salvaged, and our data engineers are anxious to analyze the equipment.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Splinter Colony

Outliner top 500px.png

We have discovered what appears to be the ruins of a Vultaum splinter colony on [From.GetName]. Once a dig site has been set up, our archeologists can begin excavating the ruins for valuable artifacts.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Orbital Complex

Outliner top 500px.png

The metal skeleton of a massive Vultaum orbital complex has been found above [From.GetName]. Its purpose seems to have been virtual reality research, but a proper archaeological survey needs to be conducted if we are to learn more.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Asteroid Base

Outliner top 500px.png

A massive crater is all that remains of an ancient Vultaum mining base on asteroid [From.GetName]. Preliminary scans suggest that some of their mining tunnels may have survived, however.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Hatchery World

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] has been identified as a former Yuht hatchery world, where their infants were left to slowly mature on their own. An archaeological dig on this world is certain to produce valuable fossils.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Listening Arrays

Outliner top 500px.png

Several massive listening arrays were built on this world by the Yuht millions of years ago. Though they have long since stopped working, an archaeological excavation of the surrounding area could produce significant findings.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Museum Ruins

Outliner top 500px.png

An ancient Yuht museum dedicated to 'alien frauds' was discovered on [From.GetName]. It once exhibited dozens of supposedly alien artifacts, and our archeologists would like to study the few that still remain.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Ancient Graveyard

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] was once home to a thriving Yuht colony, and we have identified what appears to be a massive graveyard in an isolated region of the [From.GetPlanetMoon]. It may be worth the effort to establish an archaeological excavation site there.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Ancient Battlefield

Outliner top 500px.png

Millions of years ago, [From.GetName] was the scene of a devastating ground campaign between the Yuht and another species. Our archeologists would like to scour the ancient battlefields for valuable artifacts.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Ancient Satellite

Outliner top 500px.png

The Yuht placed a satellite in orbit of [From.GetName] to commemorate the first time they encountered another sentient alien species. A team of archeologists have requested resources to conduct a full analysis of it.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Derelict Cruiser

Outliner top 500px.png

A derelict Yuht cruiser was apparently abandoned in orbit of [From.GetName] after a battle. Our archeologists would like to board and analyze what remains of this ancient vessel.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Derelict Colony Ship

Outliner top 500px.png

The wreckage of what appears to be a Yuht colony ship was discovered in orbit of [From.GetName]. An analysis of the vessel by a team of archeologists could yield interesting findings.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Asteroid Dwelling

Outliner top 500px.png

Asteroid [From.GetName] appears to house the remains of an ancient Yuht dwelling. An away team must be organized and sent to investigate the asteroid's caverns to learn more about it.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Naval Base

Outliner top 500px.png

The remnants of a First League naval base have been located above [From.GetName]. Some of the debris appears stable enough to support an archaeological mission.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Derelict Cruiser

Outliner top 500px.png

We have detected what appears to be the bow section of an old First League cruiser orbiting [From.GetName]. A boarding party will need to study the remains if we are to learn more.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Khamdai Homeworld

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] appears to be the homeworld of the extinct Khamdai, one of the founding members of the ancient First League. The [From.GetPlanetMoon] is covered in ruins ready to be excavated.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Chassago Homeworld

Outliner top 500px.png

We have identified [From.GetName] as the ancient homeworld of the serpentine Chassago, one of the founding members of the First League. There are still ruins from their subterranean cities to be found on the [From.GetPlanetMoon]'s surface.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Migir-Yan Homeworld

Outliner top 500px.png

Two million years ago, the Migir-Yan were among the founding members of the First League, and we believe [From.GetName] was their homeworld. Even after all these years, a few of their towering archologies are still standing.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

V'ropak Homeworld

Outliner top 500px.png

The ancient V'ropak were founding members of the First League, and evidence suggests that [From.GetName] was their homeworld. These avians built great cities within hollowed out mesas, and our archeologists would like permission to investigate their ruins.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Research Base

Outliner top 500px.png

The ruins of a large ground installation can be found on the surface of [From.GetName]. We believe these buildings were part of a major research base built by the ancient First League, but the ruins need to be studied more closely to be certain.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Colony Ruins

Outliner top 500px.png

The First League established a colony on [From.GetName] at some point, populating it with settlers from all of its member species. It would seem the colony failed, but we will have to excavate the ruins to determine why.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Trade Center

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] was once a major center of trade in the ancient First League. The [From.GetPlanetMoon] was heavily urbanized, and there are still plenty of ruins left for our archeologists to study.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Battle Wreckage

Outliner top 500px.png

A massive fleet battle involving the First League occurred two million years ago near [From.GetName]. Some of the wreckage found its way to the [From.GetPlanetMoon]'s surface, and our archaeologists suggest the establishment of a base camp nearby.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Penal Colony

Outliner top 500px.png

The hostile [From.GetPlanetMoon] of [From.GetName] served as a penal colony in the ancient First League, and some of the prison facilities could be excavated if we establish an archaeological dig site.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Observation Outpost

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] was the homeworld of an early Bronze Age civilization that appears to have been under observation by the First League. Several promising dig sites have already been identified.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Orbital Blockade

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] was the homeworld of an unidentified species that seems to have been the subject of an orbital blockade by ships from the First League. An archaeological mission will hopefully reveal more.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Smuggler Asteroid

Outliner top 500px.png

Asteroid [From.GetName] was apparently used as hidden port by smugglers, pirates and other criminal elements within the First League. We should comb through the interior of this asteroid for First League artifacts.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Orbital Blockade

Outliner top 500px.png

The Irassian colony on [From.GetName] fell to the Javorian Pox, but there is evidence that the [From.GetPlanetMoon] was subjected to a blockade just before this happened. To learn more, we will have to examine the orbital debris more closely.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Bombarded Colony

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] was subjected to massive orbital bombardment 1.2 million years ago, but before that the [From.GetPlanetMoon] was a flourishing Irassian colony. Perhaps an archaeological expedition can learn more.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Joggra Homeworld

Outliner top 500px.png

The molluscoid Joggra originated on [From.GetName], a subjugated client species of the Irassian Concordat. Little is known of them, but perhaps an archaeological expedition can remedy this.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Ti'Derg Homeworld

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] was the ancient homeworld of the Ti'Derg, but it suffered a comprehensive orbital bombardment 1.2 million years ago. It is known that the Ti'Derg were one of several Irassian client species, but exactly what prompted this bombardment remains a mystery.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Colony Ruins

Outliner top 500px.png

Only ruins and fossils remain of the Irassian colony on [From.GetName]. It appears to have been another victim of the Javorian Pox, but perhaps an archaeological mission can shed some more light on the colony's fate.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Mining Base

Outliner top 500px.png

The deep boreholes on [From.GetName] indicate the former presence of an Irassian mining base. Our archeologists would like to investigate them further.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Colony Remnants

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] was an early victim of the Javorian Pox, and our archeologists would like to study the former Irassian colony for clues as to the origin of the disease.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Derelict Cruiser

Outliner top 500px.png

We have encountered a derelict Irassian cruiser orbiting [From.GetName]. A team of archeologists stand ready to board the vessel.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Orbital Station

Outliner top 500px.png

The shattered remains of an Irassian orbital station was found above [From.GetName]. It appears to have served as the headquarters of their Disease Control authority, but to learn more we will need to conduct an extensive search of the debris field.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Asteroid Listening Post

Outliner top 500px.png

An abandoned military listening post has been found on asteroid [From.GetName]. We believe it may have been constructed by the ancient Irassian Concordat.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Gas Giant Research Station

Outliner top 500px.png

Orbital debris from an ancient Irassian research station has been found above [From.GetName]. The Irassians appear to have been studying the gas giant for some reason.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Kuur Homeworld

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName], the former Kuur homeworld, is yet another victim of the rampaging Cybrex. A few crumbling ruins are all that remains of the Kuur civilization, but they should be investigated.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Indimak Homeworld

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] was once the homeworld of the ancient Indimak civilization, before the warforms of the Cybrex machine consciousness descended upon it leaving only destruction in their wake. There may be important archeological findings here.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Broken Cybrex Warforms

Outliner top 500px.png

Two ruined Cybrex warforms have been found in orbit around [From.GetName]. They should be investigated more closely.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Cybrex Invasion

Outliner top 500px.png

A ground war of massive proportions took place on [From.GetName] long ago, when the Cybrex invaded the [From.GetPlanetMoon]'s original owners. This ancient battlefield should be searched for artifacts.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Cybrex Ruins

Outliner top 500px.png

[From.GetName] was heavily developed by the Cybrex, but for unclear reasons they left a large rectangular area near the equator mostly untouched. Our archeologists should investigate why.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Cybrex Listening Post

Outliner top 500px.png

Asteroid [From.GetName] is actually not an asteroid, but an artificially constructed object made by the Cybrex. It served them as a concealed listening post roughly 600,000 years ago.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Cybrex Refinery

Outliner top 500px.png

Debris from a large Cybrex refinery complex floats in orbit over [From.GetName]. It seems like the machines were engaged in some kind of mining operation here.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Battle Debris

Outliner top 500px.png

A space battle of truly colossal proportions took place near [From.GetName] 600,000 years ago with ships from at least five different fleets involved. One of these fleets belonged to the Cybrex.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Ancient Cybrex Base

Outliner top 500px.png

There was once a large Cybrex base on the surface of [From.GetName], until it was reduced to a crater. We should investigate what happened.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Organic Remains

Outliner top 500px.png

The corpses from almost a thousand aliens have been found in orbit above [From.GetName]. They appear to have died around the same time as the Cybrex controlled this portion of the galaxy.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

Cybrex Research Station

Outliner top 500px.png

A module from a Cybrex research station was found orbiting [From.GetName] containing the remnants of some kind of cybernetic creatures.



  • Has at least 1 science ship in orbit
  • 科学家 Scientist 科学家Scientist

Time.png 研究时间:

  • 180 天内完成

Yes.png 成功:

References[编辑 | 编辑源代码]