Console commands/Planetary features examples and descriptions
=== Blockers === {{SVersion|2.2}} Blockers are obstacles that block Planetary Features. Until a Blocker is cleared the obstructed Planetary Feature cannot be exploited. Each also reduces the maximum number of Districts on the planet by 1 or more, so they are worth clearing even if the extra possible districts are never built. Blockers can be cleared for a modest cost in minerals, energy, and time, if the player has researched the required technology. There are 9 such technologies, one for every normal blocker type, and they are all relatively easy to research. All normal blockers cost the same amount of resources to remove. Taking the [[File:Ap mastery of nature.png|21px]] Mastery of Nature ascension perk will reduce the cost of clearing blocks by 33%. {| class="mildtable plainlist" ! width="1%" | !! width="12%" | Blocker ! width="15%" | Key code ! width="15%" | Spawn chance ! width="11%" | Removal cost ! width="25%" | Required removal tech ! width="20%" | Description |- | [[File:d_active_volcano.png]] || Active Volcano | <code>d_active_volcano</code> | * x0.5 if [[File:Planet alpine.png|28px]] Alpine * x0.5 if {{iconify|Planet Size}} < 15 * x0 if world is a moon | {{icon|enc}} 1000 {{icon|time}} 270 | [[File:TB Removal.png|Tile Block Removal|21px]] {{icon|Volcano Removal|21px}} Deep Crust Engineering | ''There is an active volcano in this region, spewing forth lava and volcanic gases.'' |- | [[File:d_crater.png]] || Bomb Crater | <code>d_bomb_crater</code> | * x0 if not [[File:Planet nuked.png|28px]] Tomb World | {{icon|enc}} 800 {{icon|time}} 270 | | ''This massive crater was created by the detonation of a particularly devastating hydrogen bomb.'' |- | [[File:d_city_ruins.png]] || City Ruins | <code>d_city_ruins</code> | * x0 if not [[File:Planet nuked.png|28px]] Tomb World | {{icon|enc}} 1200 {{icon|time}} 360 | | ''Once a great city, now just a metal boneyard stretching as far as the eye can see.'' |- | [[File:d_dangerous_wildlife_blocker.png]] || Dangerous Wildlife | <code>d_dangerous_wildlife_blocker</code> | * x2 if {{iconify|Hostile Fauna}} modifier * x10 if {{iconify|Titanic Life}} modifier * x0.5 if {{iconify|Planet Size}} < 15 * x0 if world is a moon | {{icon|enc}} 500 {{icon|time}} 270 | [[File:TB Removal.png|Tile Block Removal|21px]] {{iconify|Dangerous Wildlife Removal|21px}} | ''The wildlife in this region is particularly lethal, with many dangerous predators and poisonous plants.'' |- | [[File:d_deep_sinkhole.png]] || Deep Sinkhole | <code>d_deep_sinkhole</code> | * x2 if [[File:Planet arid.png|28px]] Arid * x2 if [[File:Planet savannah.png|28px]] Savannah | {{icon|enc}} 500 {{icon|time}} 180 | [[File:TB Removal.png|Tile Block Removal|21px]] {{icon|Deep Sinkhole Removal|21px}} Subterranean Colonization | ''A colossal sinkhole covers most of this region.'' |- | [[File:d_dense_jungle.png]] || Dense Jungle | <code>d_dense_jungle</code> | * x2 if [[File:Planet tropical.png|28px]] Tropical * x2 if [[File:Planet continental.png|28px]] Continental | {{icon|enc}} 500 {{icon|time}} 180 | [[File:TB Removal.png|Tile Block Removal|21px]] {{icon|Dense Jungle Removal|21px}} Selective Defoliants | ''This entire region is completely overgrown with thick, impassable jungle.'' |- | [[File:d_massive_glacier.png]] || Massive Glacier | <code>d_massive_glacier</code> | * x2 if [[File:Planet alpine.png|28px]] Alpine * x2 if [[File:Planet arctic.png|28px]] Arctic | {{icon|enc}} 500 {{icon|time}} 180 | [[File:TB Removal.png|Tile Block Removal|21px]] {{icon|Massive Glacier Removal|21px}} Climate Control Network | ''An immense body of dense ice covers this region.'' |- | [[File:d_mountain_range.png]] || Mountain Range | <code>d_mountain_range</code> | * x2 if [[File:Planet alpine.png|28px]] Alpine * x0.5 if {{iconify|Planet Size}} < 15 * x0 if world is a moon | {{icon|enc}} 1000 {{icon|time}} 270 | [[File:TB Removal.png|Tile Block Removal|21px]] {{icon|Mountain Range Removal|21px}} Planetary Resurfacing | ''A vast range of tall and impassable mountains stretches across this region.'' |- | [[File:d_noxious_swamp.png]] || Noxious Swamp | <code>d_noxious_swamp</code> | * x2 if [[File:Planet tundra.png|28px]] Tundra | {{icon|enc}} 500 {{icon|time}} 180 | [[File:TB Removal.png|Tile Block Removal|21px]] {{icon|Noxious Swamp Removal|21px}} Xeno-Hydraulic Mastery | ''Treacherous swamplands and bogs surrounded by putrid gases.'' |- | [[File:d_quicksand_basin.png]] || Quicksand Basin | <code>d_quicksand_basin</code> | * x2 if [[File:Planet desert.png|28px]] Desert | {{icon|enc}} 500 {{icon|time}} 180 | [[File:TB Removal.png|Tile Block Removal|21px]] {{icon|Quicksand Basin Removal|21px}} Soil Remediation | ''A vast body of quicksand covers this region, making construction impossible.'' |- | [[File:d_radioactive_wasteland.png]] || Radioactive Wasteland | <code>d_radioactive_wasteland</code> | * x0 if not [[File:Planet nuked.png|28px]] Tomb World | {{icon|enc}} 800 {{icon|time}} 270 | | ''Few organisms can survive in this desolate, irradiated wasteland.'' |- | [[File:d_toxic_kelp.png]] || Toxic Kelp | <code>d_toxic_kelp</code> | * x2 if [[File:Planet ocean.png|28px]] Ocean | {{icon|enc}} 500 {{icon|time}} 180 | [[File:TB Removal.png|Tile Block Removal|21px]] {{icon|Toxic Kelp Removal|21px}} Ocean Ecology Management | ''A thick forest of kelp that is toxic to most forms of life covers the ocean in this region.'' |} ==== Special blockers ==== {{SVersion|2.2}} These blockers are not generated randomly. They are either a result of particular actions, other are tied to events or created in preset systems. A few blockers cannot be removed, with the upside being that they add adjacency bonuses or unique effects. {| class="mildtable plainlist" ! width="1%" | !! width="12%" | Blocker ! width="15%" | Spawn chance ! width="15%" | Key code ! width="11%" | [[File:TB Removal.png|21px|link=Tile Blocker|Tile Block Removal]] Clear cost ! width="15%" | Notes !! width="30%" | Description |- | [[File:Ancient ruins.png]] || Ancient Ruins | <code>PLEASE_FILL_ME_UP</code><i>I was too lazy to search by hand, when simple searching name in file gives no record... </i> | Keepers of Knowledge ringworlds without Synthetic Dawn | {{icon|enc}} 300 {{icon|time}} 180 | | ''Once a great city built with highly advanced technology, now just ruins and rubble that has been abandoned for centuries.'' |- | [[File:d_crater.png]] || Impact Crater | <code>d_crater</code> | [[File:Planet nuked.png|28px]] Tomb world | {{icon|enc}} 300 {{icon|time}} 100 | Can appear on tomb worlds with the orbital debris modifier | ''Something collided with the surface of this world at some point, creating this massive impact crater.'' |- | [[File:D_deep_sinkhole.png]] || Rifts | <code>d_egg_cracking</code><i>Not sure...</i> | * [[File:Planet arid.png|28px]] Arid * [[File:Planet desert.png|28px]] Desert * [[File:Planet savannah.png|28px]] Savannah | {{icon|enc}} 100 {{icon|time}} 120 | Generated by the Voidspawn event | ''Seismological phenomena are causing the planet crust to crack, spewing out sulfuric gases and toxic slime.'' |- | [[File:Ancient ruins.png]] || Ruined Stasis Chambers | <code>PLEASE_FILL_ME_UP</code><i>I was too lazy to search by hand, when simple searching name in file gives no record... </i> | Ancient Caretakers ringworlds | {{icon|enc}} 300 {{icon|time}} 180 | | ''A sprawling, partially ruined complex containing millions of stasis chambers. The complex is unpowered and only trace biomatter remains in the chambers' occupants, who appear to have come from dozens of distinct biological species.'' |- | [[File:D_deep_sinkhole.png]] || Subterranean Entrance | <code>d_living_subterraneans / d_dead_subterraneans</code> | Any | {{icon|enc}} 300 {{icon|time}} 100 | Generated by the Subterranean Civilization event | ''A large hole in the ground that leads into the extensive cave network stretching beneath the surface of this world.'' |- | [[File:D_dangerous_wildlife_blocker.png]] || Titanic Lifeforms | <code>d_titanic_life_blocker</code> | {{iconify|Titanic Life}} | style="text-align: center;" | {{icon|no|32px}} | Generated via events | ''Numerous Titanic aliens make this area their home, it would be wise to avoid it.'' |- | [[File:d_infestation.png]] || Toxic Wasteland | <code>d_radioactive_wasteland<i>Not sure...</i></code> | [[File:Planet gaia.png|28px]] Gaia | {{icon|enc}} 60 {{icon|time}} 120 | Generated by the Paradise Lost event | ''A noxious slush of chemical solvents and dissolved organic matter make this area uninhabitable.'' |- | [[File:Dense jungle.png]] || Wandering Forest Reserve | <code>PLEASE_FILL_ME_UP</code><i>I was too lazy to search by hand, when simple searching name in file gives no record... </i> | * [[File:Planet arid.png|28px]] Arid * [[File:Planet continental.png|28px]] Continental * [[File:Planet savannah.png|28px]] Savannah * [[File:Planet tropical.png|28px]] Tropical * [[File:Planet tundra.png|28px]] Tundra | style="text-align: center;" | {{icon|no|32px}} | * {{icon|adjacency bonus}} {{icon|soc}} {{green|+3}} Society research * Created by choosing to study the Migrating Forests | ''A nature reserve that covers the vast expanse of territory where the wandering forests range.'' |- | [[File:Dense jungle.png]] || Wandering Forests | <code>d_wandering_forests</code> | * [[File:Planet arid.png|28px]] Arid * [[File:Planet continental.png|28px]] Continental * [[File:Planet savannah.png|28px]] Savannah * [[File:Planet tropical.png|28px]] Tropical * [[File:Planet tundra.png|28px]] Tundra | style="text-align: center;" | {{icon|no|32px}} | * Generated by the Migrating Forests event * Will move periodically to any free space | ''The mobile forests of this world frequently migrate en masse to new regions, disrupting efforts at building roads, power lines and other infrastructure.'' |- | [[File:Xeno preserve.png]] || Xeno Preserve | <code>PLEASE_FILL_ME_UP</code><i>I was too lazy to search by hand, when simple searching name in file gives no record... </i> | [[File:Planet gaia.png|28px]] The Preserve | style="text-align: center;" | {{icon|no|32px}} | * Can be replaced with a building as a result of Enigmatic Observers requests | ''This entire region has been set aside as a reservation for endangered alien species.'' |- | [[File:d_infestation.png]] || Exofungus Infestation | <code>d_exofungus_blocker</code> | * {{planet modifier|pm_unstable_tectonics|3|w=24px}} Exofungus Infestation | {{icon|enc}} 300 {{icon|time}} 100 | Generated on planets with the Exofungus Infestation planet modifier | ''The exofungus that has invaded this planet spreads like a cancer, choking the terrain and interfering with infrastructure.'' |} ==== Homeworld blockers ==== Two or three of each of these blockers are automatically generated on every empire's homeworld. They don't require technology to be removed and all cost 300 {{iconify|Energy}} and take 120 days to remove. {| class="mildtable plainlist" ! width="1%" | ! Blocker ! Key code ! Clear rewards ! Source ! width="29%" | Description |- | [[File:Sprawling slums.png]] || Sprawling Slums | <code>d_decrepit_dwellings</code> | {{icon|pop}} 1 Pop | * Organic homeworlds * Can also appear from the Lost to Bureaucracy event | ''This region is covered by vast shanty towns and slums filled with the poor and the outcast. It contributes nothing to society.'' |- | [[File:Metal boneyard.png]] || Industrial Wasteland | <code>d_failing_infrastructure</code> | | * Organic and homeworlds * Can also appear from the Lost to Bureaucracy event | ''This region is covered by ruined industrial complexes and toxic soil; detritus from a past age of progress.'' |- | [[File:Deep sinkhole.png]] || Collapsed Burrows | <code>d_collapsed_burrows</code> | {{icon|pop}} 1 Pop |{{iconify|Hive Mind}} homeworlds | ''This site once housed extensive underground tunnel systems inhabited by the Hive, but was abandoned due to overexploitation of local resources and wildlife.'' |- | [[File:Crater.png]] || Abandoned Strip Mine | <code>d_strip_mine</code> | |{{iconify|Machine Intelligence}} homeworlds | ''This area was heavily strip mined in the past, by older and more primitive machine models that unfortunately were not programmed to take future development of the region into account.'' |- | [[File:Sprawling slums.png]] || Unsupervised Settlement | <code>d_unsupervised_settlement</code> | {{icon|pop}} 1 Pop |{{iconify|Rogue Servitor}} homeworlds | ''A pocket of organic society on this world still exists outside of machine supervision. Violence, disease and starvation runs rampant inside the settlement's walls, whose inhabitants have regressed technologically by several centuries.'' |- | [[File:City ruins.png]] || Silent Ruins | <code>d_assimilators_ruins</code><i>Not sure...</i> | [[File:Organic landfill.png|24px]] Organic Landfills Planetary Feature |{{iconify|Driven Assimilator}} homeworlds | ''This once major settlement is now a crumbling ruin, occupied only by the decaying bodies of those organics that chose self-termination rather than be assimilated.'' |- | [[File:City ruins.png]] || Former Organic City | <code>d_irradiated_ruins</code><i>Not sure...</i> | [[File:Metal boneyard.png|24px]] Metal Boneyards Planetary Feature |{{iconify|Determined Exterminator}} homeworlds | ''The charred and irradiated ruins of what was once a major organic population center. Those buildings that still remain standing contain nothing but ashes now.'' |- | [[File:Radioactive wasteland.png]] || Battlefield Remains | <code>d_exterminators_ruins</code><i>Not sure...</i> | [[File:Organic landfill.png|24px]] Organic Landfills Planetary Feature |{{iconify|Determined Exterminator}} homeworlds | ''Tens of thousands of burnt warmachines and the twisted skeletal remains of organic soldiers litter the ground at this former battlefield. Residual pockets of radiation interfere with most electronics.'' |- | [[File:City ruins.png]] || Settled Ruins | <code>d_tomb_world_ruins</code> | {{icon|pop}} 1 Pop |{{iconify|Post-Apocalyptic}} homeworlds | ''A scattered population of scavengers are eking out a desperate existence in the ruins of this once major city.'' |- | [[File:Radioactive wasteland.png]] || Radiation Zone | <code>d_tomb_world_wasteland</code> | |{{iconify|Post-Apocalyptic}} homeworlds | ''A region that was the target of numerous nuclear warheads. Though the radiation in this area has gone down since the initial impact, it is still unfit for habitation barring a major clean-up effort.'' |- | [[File:Boggy fens.png]] || Great Pacific Algae Tract | <code>d_great_pacific_garbage_patch</code> | [[File:Toxic kelp.png|24px]] Pacific Algae Tracts Planetary Feature | Earth | ''A swirling miasma of plastic refuse covers a good portion of Earth's largest ocean.'' |} [[Category:模组制作]]