Empire Name

- United Earth

- Human
Natural Sociologists
Spirit of Exploration
Description[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
United Earth is a planetary state created through the unification of the nations of Earth following first contact with the Vulcans. With its capital based in Paris, the United Earth government administers the entire Sol system.
The horrors of the Third World War and the subsequent prosperity provided by the Vulcans has shaped Human society to value peaceful coexistence and the exploration of the unknown.
The United Federation of Planets[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
When playing as United Earth you can bring the canon Federation founding nations together to form the United Federation of Planets.
To form the Federation you must form an Alliance with at least 2 nations from the following list:
- United Earth
- Vulcan High Command -or- Confederacy of Surak
- Andorian Empire
- United Planets of Tellar
After at least 15 game years have passed, provided that the Alliance is not at war and the Xindi or Terra Prime event chains are not in progress, the option to form the United Federation of Planets will be presented.
If the Alliance contains any other nations, these will also be offered the choice to join the newly founded Federation as Member Worlds, but may refuse.
Member Worlds are a special subject type who retain ownership of the planets in their home system but cede all other owned starbases, systems, planets, and fleets to the UFP. Member Worlds pay taxes to the UFP in the form of Crew and do not participate independently in galactic diplomacy.
After the Federation has been founded, you can incorporate other nations as Member Worlds via the Federation Accession process.
Your subjects and all nations that are in an Alliance or have Association Status with the Federation are Accession candidates.
To view a list of Federation Accession candidates, go to the Institutions menu (via the Edicts menu) and open the Federation Council. Select the option to view accession candidates and select a candidate to be begin the process.
Your selected candidate will be offered membership but may refuse. This decision is influenced by the following factors:
Accession will take several years, or decades depending on the size of the target nation, but can be accelerated via the following:
- Assign an Envoy to Improve Relations
- Choose the Shared Destiny Ascension Perk
- Increase Accession Focus via the Federation Council Institution
When the nation is ready to join as a Member World you will receive a notification and can complete the Accession Process through the Federation Council Institution.
Alternatives[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
The following empires can replace the United Earth in certain circumstances:
Available Starships[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Type |
Tier |
Name |
Attack Wing |
7 |
Peregrine |
Support Wing |
4 |
Archer |
Support Wing |
8 |
Danube |
Support Wing |
10 |
Arrow |
Scout |
0 |
Freedom |
Scout |
3 |
Hernandez |
Scout |
4 |
Pioneer |
Scout |
5 |
Oberth |
Scout |
8 |
Firebrand |
Scout |
9 |
Nova |
Scout |
10 |
Aegean |
Scout |
11 |
Juno |
Scout |
12 |
April |
Frigate |
0 |
Emmette |
Frigate |
1 |
Ganymede |
Frigate |
2 |
Icarus |
Frigate |
3 |
Engle |
Frigate |
3 |
Magee |
Frigate |
4 |
Akula |
Frigate |
4 |
Saladin |
Frigate |
4 |
Frigate |
5 |
Strider |
Frigate |
7 |
Leander |
Frigate |
8 |
Challenger |
Frigate |
9 |
Saber |
Frigate |
10 |
Ferrus |
Frigate |
11 |
Aquarius |
Destroyers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Type |
Tier |
Name |
Destroyer |
1 |
Intrepid-type |
Destroyer |
1 |
Mercury |
Destroyer |
2 |
Daedalus |
Destroyer |
3 |
Hoover |
Destroyer |
3 |
Walker |
Destroyer |
4 |
Gral |
Destroyer |
4 |
Kelvin |
Destroyer |
5 |
Orkney |
Destroyer |
5 |
Destroyer |
6 |
Centaur |
Destroyer |
7 |
Chichester |
Destroyer |
8 |
Cheyenne |
Destroyer |
8 |
New Orleans |
Destroyer |
9 |
California |
Destroyer |
9 |
Norway |
Destroyer |
10 |
Iwo Jima |
Destroyer |
12 |
Abante |
Heavy Escort |
1 |
Saturn |
Heavy Escort |
2 |
Minuteman |
Heavy Escort |
4 |
Heavy Escort |
4 |
Heavy Escort |
6 |
Larkin |
Heavy Escort |
9 |
Amut Adri
Heavy Escort |
9 |
Defiant |
Heavy Escort |
11 |
Valiant |
Light Cruiser |
1 |
NX |
Light Cruiser |
1 |
Poseidon |
STNC Ship Starfleet Poseidon 2.png
Light Cruiser |
4 |
Miranda |
Light Cruiser |
7 |
Spokane |
Light Cruiser |
8 |
Niagara |
Light Cruiser |
9 |
Intrepid |
Light Cruiser |
9 |
Steamrunner |
Light Cruiser |
10 |
Seeker |
Light Cruiser |
12 |
Vivace |
Type |
Tier |
Name |
Cruiser |
2 |
Yorktown |
Cruiser |
3 |
Bonaventure |
Cruiser |
3 |
Crossfield |
Cruiser |
3 |
Farmer |
Cruiser |
4 |
Ares |
Cruiser |
4 |
Cruiser |
6 |
Curry |
Cruiser |
7 |
Constellation |
Cruiser |
7 |
Pegasus |
Cruiser |
8 |
Springfield |
Cruiser |
8 |
Zodiac |
Cruiser |
10 |
Luna |
Cruiser |
10 |
Olympic |
Cruiser |
10 |
Fisher |
Cruiser |
11 |
Parliament |
Heavy Cruiser |
3 |
Nimitz |
Heavy Cruiser |
3 |
Constitution |
Heavy Cruiser |
7 |
Lexington |
Heavy Cruiser |
8 |
Kiri Kin Tha
Heavy Cruiser |
9 |
Insignia |
Heavy Cruiser |
10 |
Typhon |
Heavy Cruiser |
10 |
Korolev |
Heavy Cruiser |
11 |
Venus |
Heavy Cruiser |
12 |
Inquiry |
Battlecruiser |
3 |
Cardenas |
Battlecruiser |
6 |
Excelsior |
Battlecruiser |
9 |
Akira |
Battlecruiser |
9 |
Battlecruiser |
10 |
Prometheus |
Battlecruiser |
11 |
Battlecruiser |
11 |
Battlecruiser |
11 |
Battlecruiser |
12 |
Edmonton |
Battlecruiser |
12 |
Leonidas |
Battleships[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Type |
Tier |
Name |
Battleship |
4 |
Icon |
Battleship |
9 |
Sovereign |
Battleship |
10 |
Obena |
Command Cruiser |
4 |
Federation |
Command Cruiser |
5 |
Ark Royal |
Command Cruiser |
7 |
Ambassador |
Command Cruiser |
8 |
Galaxy |
Command Cruiser |
8 |
Nebula |
Command Cruiser |
10 |
Century |
Command Cruiser |
10 |
Vesta |
Command Cruiser |
11 |
Velox |
Dreadnoughts[编辑 | 编辑源代码]
Type |
Tier |
Name |
Dreadnought |
10 |
Argonaut |
Dreadnought |
10 |
Polaris |
Fleet Command Cruiser |
4 |
Proxima |
Fleet Command Cruiser |
10 |
Excalibur |
Fleet Command Cruiser |
11 |
Odyssey |