SW Fallen Republic/Teasers

Who would win, The Galactic Empire or The Borg?
主条目:SW Fallen Republic

This page contains all pre-release teasers in relation to the development of the SW Fallen Republic Stellaris total conversion mod.
Disclaimer: Every teaser is Work in Progress (WIP) and are subject to change. Some of the renders are from Substance Painters IRay, they will therefore not look exactly the same in-game.

Videos[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • Feb 22, 2018: Announcement Teaser: YouTube
  • May 04, 2018: Introduction Trailer: YouTube
  • Jun 10, 2018: Pre-alpha in-game teaser: YouTube
  • Jul 03, 2019: In-game teaser: YouTube
  • Nov 06, 2019: Coding session #1 with Akyla: YouTube
  • Nov 08, 2019: Coding session #2 with Akyla: YouTube
  • Nov 08, 2019: Coding session #3 with Akyla: YouTube
  • Dec 07, 2019: Developer Interview: YouTube

Map[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Full Galaxy Core and South Core and North Core and Hutt Space
Galaxy Empires
SWFR Teaser Map Empires 3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Map Empires 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Map Empires 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Map Empires 4.jpg
Hyperlanes Core Worlds Outer Rim 1 Outer Rim 2
Hyperlanes and Systems
SWFR Teaser Map Hyperlanes.jpg
SWFR Teaser Map Core World 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Map Outer Rim 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Map Outer Rim 2.jpg

Pre-Scripted Empires[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

SWFR Teaser empires 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser empires 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser empires 3.jpg
  • Credits: Textures by HerrDoktorDire and Snapstyle.

Species Portraits[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

SWFR Teaser species 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser species 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser species 3.jpg
SWFR Teaser species 4.jpg
SWFR Teaser species 5.jpg
SWFR Teaser species 6.jpg
SWFR Teaser species 7.jpg

In-game Teasers[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

ISD Empire Ships Executor CR90 Mandalorian Station Ship Combat 1 Ship Combat 2 Ship Combat 3 Ship Combat 4
SWFR Teaser Ingame.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ingame1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ingame2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ingame3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ingame4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ingame5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ingame6.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ingame7.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ingame8.jpg

Planet UI[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Decisions Decisions 2 Cloud City Habitat Colony Types 1 Colony Types 2 Colony Types Bonus Ecomunopolis (Old version) Ecomunopolis (New)
Planet UI
SWFR Teaser Planet View 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Planet View 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Planet View 3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Planet View 4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Planet View 5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Planet View 6.jpg
SWFR Teaser Planet View 7.jpg
SWFR Teaser Planet View 8.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ecumenopolis UI .jpg

Technology Selection[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Teasers for some of the new researchable technologies.

Physics Society Engineering
Technology UI
SWFR Teaser Tech1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Tech2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Tech3.jpg

Envoys[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

A new feature in SW:FR is the ability to send envoys.
Sending a diplomatic envoy will allow you to increase the opinion of another country relative to your own. Each leader will have a diplomacy skill that will improve gradually as they run diplomacy missions.
There's also a small chance of a leader causing a diplomatic incident, which will increase if they have negative traits.

Envoy Feature
SWFR Teaser UI Envoy1.jpg
SWFR Teaser UI Envoy2.jpg
SWFR Teaser UI Envoy3.jpg
SWFR Teaser UI Envoy4.jpg
SWFR Teaser UI Envoy5.jpg
SWFR Teaser UI Envoy6.jpg
SWFR Teaser UI Envoy7.jpg

Army Icons[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Empire Rebels
Custom Army Icons
SWFR Teaser Army1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Army2.jpg
  • Credit: Made by Shuulo.

Ships Designer[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

CR90 Venator Kandosii Imperial Star Destroyer Executor
Weapon Slots
SWFR Teaser WeaponSlot1.jpg
SWFR Teaser WeaponSlot2.jpg
SWFR Teaser WeaponSlot3.jpg
SWFR Teaser WeaponSlot4.jpg
SWFR Teaser WeaponSlot5.jpg

Ships[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Ship Weapons[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Weapon Development
SWFR Teaser Weapons.jpg
SWFR Teaser Weapons2.jpg
  • Credits: Made by Elratie.

The Galactic Empire[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The Galactic Empire is the empire with the most amount of released teaser ships, ranging from corvettes and frigates all the way up to the Executor ship class.

Corvette Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Custome CR90 Indictor Electronic Warfare vigil
Corvette Class
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire Corvett Custome.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire CR90.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire indictor electronic warfare.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire vigil corvette.jpg

Frigate Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Arquitens Lancer Nebulon-B Escort-Carrier Velox
Frigate Class
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire Arquitens.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire Lancer.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire Nebulon-B.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Imperial Escort Carrier.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Velox.jpg
  • Credits: Arquitens model by ArvisTaljik and textures by Elratie, Lancer Low/ High Poly model by Westbend, Textures/ UV and Model edits by Elratie, Nebulon-B model/ textures by DICE, Imperial Escort Carrier model by Geroenimo and textures by Elratie, Velox Model by Elratie and Design by Fractalsponge.
Arquitens Development
SWFR Teaser Ship Arquitens 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Arquitens 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Arquitens 3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Arquitens 4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Arquitens 5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Arquitens 6.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Arquitens 7.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Arquitens 8.jpg
Lancer Development
SWFR Teaser Ship Lance1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Lancer2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Lance3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Lance4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Lancer5.jpg
Velox Development
SWFR Teaser Ship 12 Velox.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Velox 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Velox 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Velox 3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Velox 4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Velox 5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Velox 6.jpg

Cruiser Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Broadside Gladiator Kontos Victory Mark II
Cruiser Class
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire Broadside.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire Gladiator.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire Kontos.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire VictoryMKII.jpg
  • Credits: Broadside by Evilejedi, Gladiator model by Geronimo and model edits/ Texture by Elratie, Kontos design by Fractalsponge model/ texture by Elratie, Victory MK II by Yuuzahn Vong at War Team.

Heavy Cruiser Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Victory I Victory II Dreadnought Acclamator Vindicator All
Heavy Cruiser Class
SWFR Teaser Ship HeavyCruiser 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship HeavyCruiser 3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship HeavyCruiser 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship HeavyCruiser 4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Vindicator.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship HeavyCruiser all.jpg
  • Credit: Models by Elratie and Jeronimo.
Acclamator Development
SWFR Teaser Ship Acclamator.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Acclamator1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Acclamator2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Acclamator3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Acclamator4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Acclamator5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Acclamator6.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Acclamator7.jpg
  • Credits: Model/UV/Height map by Doci and changed height map/texture by Elratie.
Vindicator Development
SWFR Teaser Ship Vindi1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Vindi2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Vindi3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Vindi.jpg
  • Credits: Design by Fractalsponge and model by Elratie.

Interdictor SD and Heavy Interdictor Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Dominator SD Immobilizer 418
Interdictor SD and Heavy Interdictor Class
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire DominatorSD.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Empire Immobilizer418.jpg
  • Credits: Dominator SD model by Geronimo and textures by Elratie, Immobilizer 418 by Elratie.

Star Destroyer Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Imperial Star destroyer Imperial Star destroyer II Tector Procursator Venator All
Star Destroyer Class
SWFR Teaser Ship SD 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SD 3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SD 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SD 4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SD 5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SD all.jpg
  • Credit: Models by Elratie and Jeronimo.
ISD Development
SWFR Teaser Ship ISD 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship ISD 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship ISD 3.jpg
Procursator Development
SWFR Teaser Ship Procursator dev.jpg
Venator Development
SWFR Teaser Ship Venator 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Venator 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Venator 3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Venator 4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Venator 5.jpg

Battlecruisers Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Allegiance Titan
Battlecruisers Class
SWFR Teaser Empire Allegiance.jpg
SWFR Teaser Empire Titan.jpg
  • Credits: Both models by Geronimo and both Textures by Elratie ( Titan normal map lines by Geronimo).

Executor Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Executor Class Renders
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD 3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD 7.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD 8.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD 09.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD 10.jpg
  • Credits: Original model by Fractalsponge.
Executor Renders 2
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD 4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD 5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD 6.jpg
Executor Development
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship SSD 11.jpg

Rebels[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Corvette Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

CR90 DP20 Hammerhead
Corvette Class
SWFR Teaser Ship rebel CR90 Corvette.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship rebel DP20-Corvette.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship rebel Hammerhead Corvette.jpg

Frigate Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

MC30c CG-273 Nebulon-B
Frigate Class
SWFR Teaser Ship MC30c Frigate.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CG-273HevyGunship Frigate.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship NebulonB Frigate.jpg

Cruiser Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Cruiser Class
SWFR Teaser Ship MC40 Cruiser.jpg

Heavy Cruiser Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Assault Frigate MK I MC55
Heavy Cruiser Class
SWFR Teaser Ship AssultFrigateMkI HeavyCruiser.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship MC55 heavyCruiser.jpg

Star Destroyer Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

MC75 MC80a MC80b
Star Destroyer Class
SWFR Teaser Ship MC75 SD.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship MC80a SD.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship MC80b-Liberty SD.jpg

Battlecruiser Class[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

MC80 - Home One
Battlecruiser Class
SWFR Teaser Ship MC80HomeOne battlecruiser.jpg

Confederate Remnant[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Lucrehulk-class Battleship
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS6.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS7.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS8.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS9.jpg
  • Credits: Base model by Geroenimo, model edits, UV mapping and textures by Elratie, lights generator made by Doci.
SWFR Teaser Ship Munificent 1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Munificent 2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Munificent 3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Munificent 4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Munificent 5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Munificent 6.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Munificent 7.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Munificent 8.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Munificent 9.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Munificent 10.jpg
  • Credits: Model by Maxloef, much model edits, UV mapping and textures by Elratie and lights generator by Doci.
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS colonyship.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS colonyship1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS colonyship2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS colonyship3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS colonyship4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS colonyship5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS colonyship6.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS colonyship7.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship CIS colonyship8.jpg
  • Credits: Model by WarbNull and provided by Barlex, Textures by Elratie.

Mandalorian Clans[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Centurion1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Centurion2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Centurion3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Centurion4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Centurion5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Centurion6.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Centurion7.jpg
  • Credits: Model by Geronimo and UV mapping/texture by Elratie.
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Kandosii7.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Kandosii2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Kandosii3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Kandosii4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Kandosii5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Kandosii6.jpg
SWFR Teaser Ship Mandalorian Kandosii1.jpg
  • Credits: Model/height map by Geroenimo and texture by Elratie.

Chiss[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

There are currently only one teaser for the Chiss, who knows what ships the unknown region hides!.

SWFR Teaser Ship Chiss.jpg

Space Stations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

The Galactic Empire[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Space Station
SWFR Teaser Structure Empire Station1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Empire Station2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Empire Station3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Empire Station4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Empire Station5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Empire Station6.jpg
  • Credits:
Space Station
SWFR Teaser Structure Empire1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Empire2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Empire3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Empire4.jpg
  • Credits: Made by Westbend.

Mandalorian Clans[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Space Station
SWFR Teaser Structure Mandalorian Battlestation1.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Mandalorian Battlestation2.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Mandalorian Battlestation3.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Mandalorian Battlestation4.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Mandalorian Battlestation5.jpg
SWFR Teaser Structure Mandalorian Battlestation6.jpg
  • Credits: Model/height map by Geroenimo and textures by Elratie.