Research areas & fields[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
There are three different research areas in-game, representing the different types of technological progress an Empire can make.
- Researchers produce
Empirical Evidence to come up with new Theories to understand how the Universe works. Theories don't often have direct impact on our Empire, but require Engineers or Sociologists to develop applications for our new Knowledge. When we discover a new Theory, we will usually be given an option to choose a new possible application out of several options, and gain 20% advancement in that application and it becomes a permanent Tech Alternative. Theories fall into the following Fields:
Information Processing: Advances in Mathematics, Critical Thinking and Artificial Intelligence. New ways to understand or process Empirical Evidence.
Physics: Advances in understanding Energy and other Dimensions.
Chemistry: Advances in the interaction of molecules and development of new Elements
Biology: Advances in understanding living organisms and biochemistry.
- Engineers produce
Empirical Knowledge to apply known Theories to practical use and Invent new applications. Each Invention usually has several pre-requisite Theories and/or Inventions we must have knowledge of before it can appear as a Tech Alternative to Develop. Upon completion, Inventions will have a passive effect or allow us to build something new. Some will require completing a Prototype first. Prototypes appear as a Project in our Situation Log that must be completed by either a Science Ship or Construction Ship. Inventions fall into the following Fields:
Planetary Constructions: Buildings, Districts and Planetary Infrastructure
Space Installations: Starbases, Defense Platforms, Orbital Stations and Megastructures
Voidcraft: Ships and Ship Components
Weapon Systems: New Weapon systems or upgrades, to then be applied to our Ships, Space Installations, Planetary Constructions, or Ground Troops.
- Sociologists produce
Social Data to increase our understanding of societies. Some Theories or Inventions have to be integrated into our society before they give a benefit, and it is our Sociologists that achieve that integration. Most Findings of our Sociologists give immediate benefit to our Empire in some way. Each Finding fall into the following Fields:
Logic ethic and Unified Field Theory[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]
When an Empire is created, besides their normal Ethics, they also choose a Logic system. This Logic system will lead to one of three Physics Theories based on other Dimensions, which will then lead to one of three Unified Field Theories. This choice will have a major impact on what Theories and Inventions the Empire will gain access to throughout the game.
- Multi-valued Logic and Loop Quantum Gravity
- Leads to advances in Mult-Dimensional Physics, Antimatter and Gravitons. Antimatter is that which keeps Parallel Dimensions separate, while Gravitons are what hold them together. They specialize in mastery of Gravitic Waves, allowing them to interact with our infinite Multiverse of Parallel 4-Dimensional Realities.
- Enigmatic Logic and Supersymmetric String Theory
- Leads to advances in Hyper-Dimensional Physics and Zero Point Power, which draws from Quantum Realities. Qunatum Realities are higher Dimensional Realities that only exist at the Quantum Scale. They specialize in technologies that require vast amounts of energy.
- Perceptive Temporal Logic and Quantum Graphity
- Leads to advances in Subjective Temporal Physics and Dark Matter. Dark Matter is that which fills the void between Dimensional Realities. They specialize in exotic technologies that traditional science can't fully explain.