Building modding
== Data Structure == {| class="wikitable" |- ! width="20%" | Property ! width="40%" | Buildings ! width="40%" | Districts |- | '''base_buildtime = <int>''' | colspan=2 | Determines the number of days it takes to build this Building or District. If Building, this also determines the days it takes for a Building to upgrade into this. |- | '''icon = <building_key>''' | colspan=2 | Optional. The file name (without extension) of the icon to use from {{Path|gfx/interface/icons/buildings}}. By default, the icon <code>gfx/interface/icons/buildings/(key of building).dds</code> will be used for buildings. |- | '''category = <category_key>''' | Determines the building category. It can be used to filter Buildings in the planet construction GUI. Only one of the following nine can fit here, sorted by their in-game order. * pop_assembly, government, resource, manufacturing, * research, trade, amenity, unity, army | rowspan=11 style="text-align: center;" | {{icon|no}} |- | '''capital = <yes/no>''' | Default no. Whether this Building is considered a Capital Building. If yes, not even a Fortress with <code>add_to_first_building_slot = yes</code> can be added before this Building. |- | '''branch_office_building = <yes/no>''' | Default no. If yes, this Building is considered a Branch Office Building. |- | '''can_build = <yes/no>''' | Default yes. If no, this Building can't be built. Capital buildings and upgraded buildings have "no" for this property. |- | '''can_demolish = <yes/no>''' | Default yes. If no, this Building can't be demolished. Capital buildings have "no" for this property. |- | '''can_be_ruined = <yes/no>''' | Default yes. If no, this Building can't be ruined because of the planet having not enough building slots. |- | '''can_be_disabled = <yes/no>''' | Default yes. If no, this Building can't be manually turned off. Capital buildings have "no" for this property. |- | '''planetary_ftl_inhibitor = <yes/no>''' | Default no. If yes, this Building will become a planetary FTL inhibitor once relevant technology has been researched. Fortresses use this. |- | '''position_priority = <int>''' | Default 200. Determines which building slot this Building will be placed in, with lower values closer to the front and Buildings with the same value placed in the order in which they were built. * 0: Capitals. * 100: Strongholds, Fortresses, Planetary Shield Generators, and certain civic and origin buildings. |- | '''base_cap_amount = <int>''' | Default no cap. The max number of Buildings of this type a planet can have. |- | {{Collapse list | type= '''empire_limit = {''' | body= :'''base = <int>''' :'''modifier = {''' ::'''<add/factor> = <int>''' ::'''<trigger>''' :'''}''' '''}''' }} | Default no limit. The total number of Buildings of this type an empire can have.<br>Multiply by a factor of -1 to remove the limit. |- | '''is_capped_by_modifier = <yes/no>''' | Default no. If yes, a modifier that increases the max number of this Building will be generated for use. In addition, if this property is yes while the <code>base_cap_amount</code> is unspecified, it will be considered 0. | Default yes. If yes, a modifier that increases the max number of this District will be generated for use. |- | '''min_for_deposits_on_planet = <int>''' | rowspan=2 style="text-align: center;" | {{icon|no}} | rowspan=2 | Unclear. They seem likely to determine the minimum / maximum number of this District a planet should try to have upon galaxy generation before modifiers, but this is actually not respected. When used in vanilla, min is either 1 or 3 and max is always 15. |- | '''max_for_deposits_on_planet = <int>''' |- | '''prerequisites = { "<key>" }''' | colspan=2 | A list of technology keys to determine the technology prerequisites to construct this Building or District. |- | '''show_tech_unlock_if = { <conditions> }''' | A block of [[Conditions]]. If evaluated false, this building is hidden from the tooltips of the technologies listed above. | rowspan=2 style="text-align: center;" | {{icon|no}} |- | '''upgrades = { "<building_key>" }''' | A list of Buildings that allow this to be upgraded into. Multiple allowed. |- | '''potential = { <conditions> }''' | A block of [[Conditions]] to determine is this Building buildable on a planet. If evaluated false, it's hidden from the GUI. | Similar to Buildings, except if this property is evaluated false, the District is not only hidden from the GUI, but will also be removed from the planet, or be replaced by a District in <code>convert_to</code>. Check the planet type here by <code>uses_district_set</code> rather than <code>is_planet_class</code>. |- | '''show_on_uncolonized = { <conditions> }''' | style="text-align: center;" | {{icon|no}} | A block of [[Conditions]] to determine if this District is shown in the GUI while the planet has no owner. For example, a {{iconify|Hive Mind}} will see Hive District on an uncolonized planet while a regular Empire will see City District. (Planet scope, use FROM as a potential owner) Check the planet type here by <code>uses_district_set</code> rather than <code>is_planet_class</code>. |- | '''allow = { <conditions> }''' | A block of [[Conditions]] to determine is this Building buildable on a planet. If evaluated false, it's visible from the GUI but is shown disabled. Can also be used in combination with <code>hidden_trigger = { OR = { owner = { is_ai = no } <conditions> } }</code> to set rules specifically for the AI to follow, so it's better at knowing when it should build this Building. | Similar to Buildings, except if this property is evaluated false, the District is not only prevented from building, but will be replaced by a District in <code>convert_to</code>. |- | '''abort_trigger = { <conditions> }''' | A block of [[Conditions]]. If it returns true the Building will be removed the construction queue. | rowspan=3 style="text-align: center;" | {{icon|no}} |- | '''ruined_trigger = { <conditions> }''' | A block of [[Conditions]]. If it returns true the Building will be set to ruined. |- | '''destroy_trigger = { <conditions> }''' | A block of [[Conditions]]. If it returns true the Building will be removed from a planet, or be replaced by a Building in <code>convert_to</code>. |- | '''conversion_ratio = <float>''' | style="text-align: center;" | {{icon|no}} | If this District will be converted into another type of District, the number of new Districts it can convert into is multiplied by this. For example, if District A can be converted into District B at a <code>conversion_radio = 0.5</code>, once the <code>potential</code> of District A is evaluated false, a planet with 10 District A will lose all of them and gain 5 District B. The number is rounded down. |- | '''convert_to = { building_key }''' | A list of Buildings that can replace this Building if it would have been removed by fulfilling the <code>destroy_trigger</code>. | A list of Districts that can replace this District if it would have been removed by not meeting the <code>potential</code> and <code>allow</code>. |- | '''planet_modifier = { <modifiers> }''' | colspan=2 | A block of [[Modifiers]] to be applied on the Planet. |- | {{Collapse list | type= '''triggered_planet_modifier = {''' | body= :'''potential = { <triggers> }''' :'''<modifiers>''' '''}''' }} | colspan=2 | Similar to the above, except it only applies if the <code>potential</code> property evaluates true. Multiple allowed. (Planet scope) |- | '''country_modifier = { <modifiers> }''' | A block of [[Modifiers]] to be applied to the Empire. Used by Resource Silos, Embassies, and Branch Office Buildings in vanilla. {{red|Buildings currently do not support "triggered_country_modifier".}} | style="text-align: center;" | {{icon|no}} |- | '''resources = { <economy_unit> }''' | colspan=2 | An [[Economy_modding#Economy_Units|Economy Unit]] to determine the category, construction cost, resource upkeep, and production of this Building or District. |- | '''triggered_desc = {''' :'''trigger = <conditions>''' :'''text = "localisation_key"''' '''}''' | colspan=2 | This property adds additional tooltips for this Building or District. Vanilla use this to add brief job descriptions summarizing total output if all jobs are filled. Multiple allowed. * trigger: (Optional, default true) A block of [[Conditions]] to determine if this text should be in the tooltip. (Planet scope) * text: A localisation key. Job descriptions are generally in the format "job_<job_key>_effect_desc", e.g. job_culture_worker_effect_desc. |- | '''on_queued = { <effects> }''' | A block of [[Effects]] to be executed when the Building is added to the construction queue. Does not apply if added to the construction queue as an upgrade. (Planet scope) | rowspan=4 | It's unclear if Districts support these features. |- | '''on_unqueued = { <effects> }''' | A block of [[Effects]] to be executed when the Building is removed from the construction queue. Does not apply if added to the construction queue as an upgrade. (Planet scope) |- | '''on_built = { <effects> }''' | A block of [[Effects]] to be executed when the Building is built. (Planet scope) |- | '''on_destroy = { <effects> }''' | A block of [[Effects]] to be executed when the Building is desroyed or demolished. (Planet scope) |- | {{Collapse list | type= '''ai_weight = {''' | body= :'''<factor/weight> = <int>''' :'''modifier = {''' ::'''<factor/weight> = <float>''' ::'''<conditions>''' :'''}''' '''}''' }} | colspan=2 | Rules for how likely the AI is to construct this Building or District. Multiple modifiers allowed. Note: As of 2.6, these weights [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/stellaris-dev-diary-172-reworking-the-ai.1348837/#post-26324770| only come into play when the AI has no other economic plans]. Only used by Branch Office Buildings in vanilla. |- | {{Collapse list | type= '''ai_resource_production = {''' | body= :'''<resource_key> = <int>''' :'''trigger = { <conditions> }''' '''}''' }} | colspan=2 | Determines what kind of resources the AI should view this Building or District being able to produce. Multiple allowed. |} Vanilla Buildings and Districts do not usually produce resources themselves. They provide [[Jobs]]. See [[Pop_Job_modding#Jobs|Pop Job modding]] for details.