2.7 版本
== Bugfixes == * Fixed minor problem with options being greyed out in the Golden Rule Federation Challenge. * Events about interdimensional trade increasing or decreasing now have a tooltip describing their effects. * Added a location to the Drums of War event, so that you don't need to search for the Great Khan * Enclave and Marauder species now have habitat habitability preferences. * Random effects should display correctly in tooltip even if scope changes are hidden. * Fixed from scope in on_cancel in special projects * Unrelated ambient objects are no longer nuked when restoring a ruined Mega Shipyard. * Fix if more than one planet is missing at the beginning of On the Shoulders of Giants Origin. * Fixed issues with the formation of the Non-Aligned League where countries that were rivals of or at war with existing members would be added, leading to various bugs. * The Non-Aligned League is now a defensive rather than aggressor party in the War in Heaven * Updated the description of the Trade League benefit. * Fixed so Juggernauts can now be followed properly. * Rudimentary Robots are now spawned only when the planet finishes colonisation, solving a number of UI and gameplay issues caused by having pops on the planet during the colonisation process. * Fixed a case where attacking certain neutral fleets e.g. tiyanki could cause them to not turn hostile to you. * Tooltip for the breach icon in galactic community now includes info on which resolutions the country is in breach of, and which modifiers are being applied to it. * Added better information for federation votes. * Fixed an issue where if multiple countries started with the Scion origin with 0 preset Fallen Empires in multiplayer, one country might end up lacking a Fallen Empire overlord. * Fixed the bug where Envoys could become faction leaders. * Fixed a bug where changing planet owner (i.e. through revolts) didn't release slaves on the market. * When voting in the galactic community, favors no longer apply if you are both voting for the same side. Also, you can no longer call in favors from empires voting for the same side. * Kicking an Empire from a Federation now triggers a truce. * Fixed a minor loc error in a primitive observation event. * Prosperous Unification will now give exactly 4 extra start pops in exactly every case. * Being Lithoid is now a reason to want to serve in soldier jobs * There is now a Void Dweller version of the Sol System that can be manually picked by the Player on the Creation screen. * Fixed context switch tooltip creation erroneously reporting invalid switches. * The results of the Psionic Federation election are now announced after 60 days rather than 10 days, giving you time to react in multiplayer. * You will no longer get rewarded for defeating the Prethoryn if you merely crush the vanguard but the main force is yet to arrive. * Slaves of xenophobic Fallen Empires will no longer start without a planetary habitability trait. * Fallen Empire fleets now have admirals. * Galactic Focuses relating to the War in Heaven will now all only last for as long as the War in Heaven lasts * Fixed various irregularities that could happen if you started the Zroni precursor chain later in the game: The arc sites are now spawned closer, in systems that you are more likely to be able to access, and definitely not next to a fallen empire. * In the Time Loop event, the research station is now removed when the planet loses its deposit. * The Memorex now appears on your capital, not your home world (which might have been destroyed in the meantime...) * Sentinels events now check if you have resources before giving you the option to spend them. * Fixed a bug where playing Shoulders of Giants in multiplayer with multiple people picking the origin would lead to you getting the arc sites multiple times. * The event "Eat or be Eaten" now establishes communication with an empire with all the normal messages and content being triggered. * The slaves of the xenophobe Fallen Empire can no longer be robots with biological traits. * Factions now need at least 5 pops to have their ethos before they can be spawned. * Imperialist faction loyalty boost "Leviathan Slayer" will no longer disappear if all leviathans are dead, i.e. people won't suddenly have collective amnesia about the terrible horrors they have just freed the galaxy from. * Variants of a country's founder species should now be allowed to have different rights. * The title of various diplomatic events is no longer "?" * Fixed an error with the Gateway Construction tech weight that made it almost always appear as soon as its prerequisites were met. * The "Relic Activation Alert" is no longer shown when you can't afford to activate a relic. * Ships start in orbit around the starbase (for real, this time). * The Galactic Focus to resolve the War in Heaven is now resolved if one of the combatants defeats the other. * envoy_events.16 will no longer improve relations with unlikely suspects such as the Caravansary Coalition. * Fixed the bug when the policy in breach alert hasn't been updated in UI properly. * The "Claim" CB for Conquest wars now mention that you have x claims on the enemy and their allies, to reduce the confusion in the case where you have claimed one of the defenders, but none the one you are actually attempting to declare the war on. (You must declare the Conquest war on a target which you have claims on.) * Fixed so that the Space Storm negative modifier went away once the event was over. * You can no longer select Void Dweller Sol without the Voidborn origin. * Changed default auto open on diplo messages to be minimized for player ones and popup for others (3rd party messages). * Don't show "lasts until" for Edicts that have no end date. * Use correct tooltip for edict checkbox when active * Divinity of Life resolutions no longer incorrectly trigger breach events from the Rules of War line. * The Dessanu systems are now set to correctly collect resources from space. Also, their planets' population is up to 30 from 8 (presumably 8 was the pre-Megacorp figure) and now have buildings on them. * It is now possible to remove the last shipyard from star bases. * Brought the way pops ethics chances are displayed and the way they are calculated when chosen in sync. * Ensure modifiers were properly calculated before calculating Ethics attraction when creating original pops in empires. * Planet modifier Safety Checked Alien Factory now adds 15% to local building costs rather than +25% to local edicts cost (local edicts no longer exist). * Proposing a resolution now requires you to confirm the selection in a pop up. * The planet modifier "Shroud Deviance" now has a proper modifier icon rather than a placeholder. * The Enigmatic Fortress will no longer spawn on choke points. * Fix Empire without a name and civics created due to revolt. * Fixed Prikki Ti, Nomads, Machine Uprisings and Awoken Robots sometimes not establishing communications. * Space storms and other modifiers on systems are listed as environmental effects when inside the system. * Fixed an error in which the Bemat Thalassocracy species adjective was not properly assigned during setup, and so would not appear in some options texts. * Adding some invasion weight to non edible pops for swarm AI so it just do not ignore planets with just robots. * Fixed missing localisation for class-T Brown Dwarf stars. * Fixed numerous incorrect script tags, where names would fail to show in pirate.155 (communicae from the Bemat Thalassocracy). Also fixed the event location. * The menu ambient sound cuts at the right time (on the loading screen). * The pool of candidates for oligarchic elections is selected correctly.