2.0.X 版本
=== Bugfix === * Fixed system/colony tradition costs being multiplied on each other instead of additive * Fixed additional potential out of sync issues in multiplayer * Afterburners can no longer be installed on defense platforms, as lovely as it was to uselessly vent fuel in to space as a gesture of contempt to environmentalists * Deep Space Black Site now requires you to own a planet in the system, instead of erroneously using the same trigger as trading hub * All Satrapies are now properly liberated when the Horde fractures into the Diadochi * Fixed bug where the planet class transition effect started too late * Fixed adopting the Domination tradition tree not unlocking certain diplomatic actions for eligible Machine Empires * Fixed auto-exploring science ships doubling up (exploring the same system simultaneously) * Fixed a CTD. Could sometimes try to merge invalid fleets. * No longer possible to hold Casus Belli on non-empire factions such as Crises and Marauders * Galactic core visibility is now lifted when you explore all systems adjacent to it, instead of just one * Fixed empires not being able to see primitives in other empires' space due to lack of comms spread * Ships merging in to fleets directly from stations now behave properly * Fixed scientists not dying when their science ship was destroyed in battle * Fixed raiding stance not having bombardment graphics on planet being raided * Fixed tooltips for status column in contacts view to accurately reflect what they represent * Fixed raiding not always abducting pops when it should, due to bad habitability calculation * Fixed raiding stance not having the correct pop limit (would abduct at >6 instead of >4 pops) * Fixed a freeze when trying to upgrade technologies more than their max levels * Fixed Determined Exterminators starting with a farm building * Construction is now paused for starbases in combat * Fixed force ethics not correctly calculating a government for the defeated empire's new ethics * Enigmatic fortress now properly disables even after saving and loading the game (status was not properly saved) * Iron Fist governor trait is no longer available for Hive Minds, making it disabled for all types of Gestalt Consciousness-empires * Fixed being unable to land armies on a colony seized by Mutants * Fix bug where queued items wasn't moved to the new fleet design when a design upgrade gets available * Fixed Slaving Despots being far too common an AI personality because of wrongly scripted weights * Disables the bypass cache when calculating the distance to capital modifier, hopefully solving an OOS issue * Fix a crash when quitting to the main menu in the middle of a war * It should no longer be possible to try to spawn a star system with an invalid star class * Fixed crash when comparing the relative power of a country that has no power * Prevented fake country from trying to initialize a technology module it does not have for some reason * UNE now uses correct name list when spawned in Commonwealth games * Fixed revolting slaves greedily snatching the capital planet when they're not supposed to * No longer possible to force ideology on Fallen Empires * Fixed Omega Theory tech sometimes not appearing at the end of the Horizon Signal chain * Fixed an event-spawned science ship not getting a hyperdrive * Fixed planet unrest modifiers not being properly recalculated * Fixed Ascension Theory tech not being available to players who do not own Apocalypse * Fixed being able to build Trading Hubs in primitive systems * Defense platforms that are over cap are now deleted when downgrading a starbase * Unless a megastructure is set to be built outside gravity wells it MUST have a planet set to be built * Description texts for the exterminator civic updated to reflect ship build cost * Colony ships now also get reduced ship cost if there is a modifier for it * Fixed a bug where tradition cost did not increase per planet, but rather cost per system twice instead * Fixed issue where Prethoryn Defeated happiness modifier was not applied to militarists correctly * Fixed a crash when sorting the war logs more than once * Crashfix when trying to send a message that couldn't be created * You can no longer stop the building of other empire's robot * You can no longer save a ship design if that name is already used by a ship design for another ship size * Fixed a bug where polytechnic education tradition effect did not match tooltip * Fixed so that expansion traditions adopt bonus is now the same for all types of empires, instead of using the old value for hive minds and machine empires * Contingency sterilization hubs can now be properly neutralized by World Crackers and Global Pacifiers * Fixed species being able to spawn with Serviles trait * Fixed Colossus and Containment CBs not being correctly applied * No longer possible to lose a rival you're at war with due to strength differences * Growing pops are now always killed when a planet is bombarded into a tomb world * Fixed a bug where Prethoryn could end up with non-infested planets which could not be bombarded * Fleet capacity now displayed correctly for fleets that should not have any. Also, the "open fleet manager" button in the fleet view is disabled for fleets that the player does not have a fleet template for (alliance fleets) * Fixed misaligned constructed ringworld segments * Fixed Casus Belli notification spam * Synthethically Ascended empires no longer get the Ghost Signal modifier on newly constructed Pops * Fixed issue with Gateway construction event incorrectly firing when someone else activated a Gateway in your system * Wormholes and Gateways are now taken into consideration when checking if empires are neighbors * Fixed "Go To" location and typo in "Habitat Complete" event * Event ships now get proper fleets with templates, but are blocked from cheat building through fleet manager * Marauder raiding fleets now go after mining/research stations of their intended target, and scale properly according to difficulty * Robotic workers are now automatically allowed when you synthetically ascend * Fixing the bug when foreign starbases weren't shown at all * Wormholes in systems owned by non-regular empires such as Marauders are now accessible * Removed faulty reference to Tributaries from Inward Perfection tooltip * Fixed bug where the Empire modifier wasn't localized * Fixed bug where the FTL inhibitor icon was not always at the rightmost slot in the galaxy view * Fixed some broken localization in the "Of Transmissions Past" anomaly chain * Fixed issue where Cultist systems to be searched were too far away * Fixed union map modes not having the same inner country colors * Fixed a rare case of Horizon Signal buildings not spawning as intended * Fixed Curators giving wrong advice about some versions of the Wraith * Updated the Armor and Shield tooltips to better reflect new gameplay mechanics * Fixed issue where Horde auxiliary fleets failed to get a proper name * Fixed issue where Feral Prethoryn systems were inaccessible * Fixed issue where AI trying to hire mercs that weren't available resulted in error log spam * Fixed issue where empires would sometimes not turn into a Divine Empire upon turning their Chosen One into God-Emperor * Fixing the issue when opening star base view was not closing other views * The event where AI empires submit to the Khan can no longer fire for players * Fleets in orbit now show the in orbit status icon * Fixed scrollbar being outside of ship section selector window * Fixed bug where Ion Cannons might spawn without a weapon and made the ship type designable * Fixed edge-case issue with some event options in "Grimacing" anomaly * Fixed bug where post-apocalyptic machine empires would spawn with an incorrect capital building * A proper cost breakdown is now displayed in the tooltip for civilian ships * Systems that have space monsters, leviathans or enclaves in them no longer contribute to piracy risk * Fixed error log spam related to Pirates, should work even in already-affected saved games * Fixed abducting pops not properly removing the pop from the planet, resulting in various weird bugs * The fleet manager now clarifies why ship designs cannot be added to fleet templates * Fixed inconsistency in displayed ship evasion in the ship designer vs. the ship view * Fixed bug where all colonizer species weren't listed in the expansion planner filter * Made sure ethics costs have a cap of 1000000 * Fixed bug where it was possible to inspect leviathans * Fixed bug where ship disengage mult modifiers were not display as percentages * Multiplying resources should no longer overflow * Fixed root cause for being able to get and lose CBs constantly * Fixed triggers for Stop Colossus CB to work properly * Fixed piracy risk interface * The correct maintenance cost is now displayed when building starbases * Awakened Empires can no longer freely colonize within other empires' borders * Battle losses from emergency FTL are properly registered * Found and fixed more out of synch issues in multiplayer * Fixed arcane and mysterious code happenings * Fixed a crash when loading certain older saves * Fixed ships getting stuck when they lost the sector they belonged to, they now revert to core sector control * Fixed numerous things that were conspiring to make weapon range modifiers not work * Army power should now always be displayed consistently regardless of whether they're on a planet, in space, in ground combat * Fixed "Rift Sealed" achievement sometimes not being awarded properly * Subject tax mult modifier is now *actually* multiplicative, so so a tax multiplier of 50% on a 25% tax results in 37.5% tax, not 75% tax * Fixed another case where displacement would not result in pops moving due to incorrect game rules check * Fixed a freeze when trying to add armies by accelerating name comparisons for armies * Asteroid Hivers are no longer unidentified when they appear * Fixed subspecies wrongly becoming undesirables when doing Psionic Ascension * Fixed Awakened Empire subjugation Casus Belli not working properly * Fixed scaled difficulty bonuses being reversed * Fixed a crash in border calculations where systems are generated outside the galaxy * Fixed issue where Enigmatic Fortress special projects would sometimes fail to appear * Fixed typo in research header localization * Claims no longer give opinion penalties between vassals and overlords (both ways) * Ideology CB is no longer available against Fallen and Awakened empires * No longer possible to abduct growing pops * Rampaging trees can no longer into space if you lose control of a planet to them * Tweaked loc in a few existing events to better match current game systems * Fixed the machine empire resource boosting society tech having a bad pre-req, resulting in it not being researchable * Fixed a case where a fleet with a very small number of ships could not be split * Fixed issue where event announcing destruction of Marauders failed to include their name * Fixed expansionist ruler trait not reducing mineral cost of outposts * Fixed army building progress bar overlapping upgrades available icon in the outliner * Fixed missing 'go to' button in the "Fender Bender" anomaly * Ships with auto-best ship designs will no longer try to upgrade into non-auto-best designs (unless retrofitted) * Removed a bunch of cases of "the the" in loc that made the game literally unplayable * Fixed being unable to land armies on colonies controlled by Marauding Creatures (not retroactive, requires New Game) * Fixed not being able to cancel a potential claim on the galaxy map if you can't afford a second claim * Fixed long empire names overflowing in Federation view * Fixed Hull Points getting truncated in the Federation view Fleets tab * Fixed misaligned Rename Federation button (e.g. the clickable Federation name) * Fixed issue with gap in ringworld structures * Devouring Swarms, Purifiers, Assimilators and Exterminators will no longer get claims on systems they lose in war under most circumstances * Fixed communication bug where primitives would get communications with everybody in the galaxy (resulting in silent establishment of communication with empires you've never met) * Fixed crash when bombarding a planet into a tombworld * Fixed wrong numbers displayed when reinforcing fleets in the fleet manager * Clicking a design entry in fleet manager no longer opens retrofit menu * Fixed naval capacity usage being incorrectly calculated for non fully reinforced fleets * Fixed trade deals failing without explanation if a resource was added and then removed, following asking the same side for that resource * Fixed cases where the "Unbidden" event wouldn't let you contact them * Wormholes/Gateways are ignored when looking at closest systems (should reduce cases of events spawning too far away) * Fixed an issue where reducing the number of ships to zero in the fleet manager while ships of that type were building could produce negative numbers of ships in the manager