Empire modding
== Prescripted countries == 99_prescripted_countries.txt is a file contained in a folder Stellaris->prescripted_countries, which is the base file you need to modify in order to make your custom empire appear correctly in a Stellaris New Game empire selection screen. Modding that file is enough to add the most basic custom empire to the game. By default, 99_prescripted_countries.txt contains code for the game's default empires, beginning with United Nations of Earth. The order of empires coded in this file is also the order of those empires displaying on the New Game scrolled list of empires, so uppermost humans display first. In your mod you can either delete default prescripted countries and replace them with your own, or simply add your own to the bottom of the list so they will display after default ones. <pre> tzynn = { name = "tzynn" adjective = "PRESCRIPTED_adjective_tzynn" spawn_enabled = yes # yes / no / always ship_prefix = "PRESCRIPTED_ship_prefix_tzynn" species = { class = "REP" portrait = "rep9" name = "PRESCRIPTED_species_name_tzynn" plural = "PRESCRIPTED_species_plural_tzynn" adjective = "PRESCRIPTED_species_adjective_tzynn" name_list = "REP1" trait = "trait_strong" trait = "trait_resilient" trait = "trait_talented" trait = "trait_rapid_breeders" trait = "trait_nonadaptive" } room = "personality_slaving_despots_room" authority = "auth_imperial" civics = { "civic_police_state" "civic_slaver_guilds" } government = gov_star_empire ethic = "ethic_authoritarian" ethic = "ethic_fanatic_militarist" planet_name = "PRESCRIPTED_planet_name_tzynn" planet_class = "pc_desert" system_name = "PRESCRIPTED_system_name_tzynn" graphical_culture = "reptilian_01" city_graphical_culture = "reptilian_01" empire_flag = { icon= { category = "pointy" file = "flag_pointy_2.dds" } background= { category = "backgrounds" file = "v.dds" } colors={ "red" "black" "null" "null" } } ruler = { name = "PRESCRIPTED_ruler_name_tzynn" gender = male portrait = "rep9" texture = 1 clothes = 4 } } </pre> === Empire and species name === *PRESCRIPTED_species_name_xanid: "Xani" *PRESCRIPTED_species_plural_xanid: "Xanis" *PRESCRIPTED_species_adjective_xanid: "Xanid" *PRESCRIPTED_adjective_xanid: "Xanid" *PRESCRIPTED_planet_name_xanid: "Xanth" *PRESCRIPTED_system_name_xanid: "Dir-Xan" *PRESCRIPTED_ruler_name_xanid: "Zaox Huketkin" *PRESCRIPTED_ruler_title_xanid: "Suzerain" Self-explanatory part. "humans1" in this case is the base code for the empire, it will be referenced in other files but won't display in game. Name = "humans1" means the full name of that empire displaying in the game - such as United Nations of Earth or Human Commonwealth - is coded in the localisation files this way. Species_name is the name a singular pop of those species will have, plural form is used in appropriate moments in game. The difference between species_adjective and adjective is, the first one applies to species and the second one to imperial adjectives. This shouldn't matter in most cases though. *PRESCRIPTED_ship_prefix_xanid: "XAN" This is a ship prefix appearing before name of every single starship in the game. For example, if namelist contains starship name "Discovery" and you type "USS" as United States Ship in prefix, then the result in game will be USS Discovery. You can invent whatever abbreviation and prefix you want - for extra immersion check rules of real life ship prefixes here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_prefix These scripted names are localised in the prescripted_countries_names.yml === Species class and portrait === species_class = "REP" Here you put the phenotype of your species, one of the following: mammalian, reptilian, avian, molluscoid, arthropoid, fungoid, robotic and machine. You have to type the phenotype of your empires species portrait here, or portraits of your species may display wrongly. The code for species classes is: mammalians - MAM, reptilians - REP, avians - AVI, arthropoids - ART, molluscoids - MOL, fungoids - FUN, plants - PLANT, machine - MACHINE, robotic - ROBOT. portrait = "rep9" You put the codename of portrait here. For reference, code for all default Stellaris portraits is in file Stellaris->common->species_classes->00_species_classes.txt === Traits === trait = "trait_strong" trait = "trait_resilient" trait = "trait_talented" trait = "trait_rapid_breeders" trait = "trait_nonadaptive" Reference file for traits is in Stellaris->common->traits->00_species_traits.txt, here is everything you need to know while assigning traits to your custom race. You just need to paste here all traits you want your race to have. '''Remember about default trait limits and rules.''' It is impossible for species to have more than 4 positive and negative traits, some of traits exclude each other (quick learners-slow learners etc.) and traits need to fit under trait points limit. If you break one of those rules then empire may be bugged or not display. 00_species_traits.txt contains cost of each traits point cost and list of traits contradicting each other, so use it for reference. === Government and ethics === authority = "auth_imperial" civics = { "civic_police_state" "civic_slaver_guilds" } government = gov_star_empire ethic = "ethic_authoritarian" ethic = "ethic_fanatic_militarist" The names of government types and general gov references are in common->governments->00_governments.txt. [[Ethics]] are in common->ethics->00_ethics.txt Remember about default government-ethics restrictions: democracies are not allowed with authoritarian ethics, autocracies with egalitarian, oligarchies with fanatic egalitarianism or fanatic authoritarianism etc. If you make the inappropriate combination of gov type and ethics, then custom empire may not work. === Starting solar system === planet_name = "Earth" system_name = "Sol" planet_class = "pc_continental" initializer = "sol_system_initializer" First two names are self-explanatory, here you input whatever names you want starting planet and system of your empire to have. As for the planet class, here you choose type (climate) of planet preferred by your species; code of allowed planet classes is pc_desert, pc_tropical, pc_continental, pc_ocean, pc_arctic, pc_tundra and pc_arid. As you probably care what climates your Xenomorph species want to inhabit, remember about the Habitability Wheel while assigning base planet class. Setting planet class is mandatory and lack of it breaks the country, planet and system names are mandatory unless you want them to be blank. Initializer is an optional and more complicated thing. "System initializer" is a custom-made solar system with each celestial body in it and distances between them separately designed and named. If you created such system initializer, put its code name here. If you aren't that kind of perfectionist, delete the entire "initializer" line of code - then your custom empire will spawn in entirely randomly generated system, except custom name of it, homeworld planet and its class. === Graphic style of spaceship and city === graphical_culture = "mammalian_01" city_graphical_culture = "mammalian_01" Each phenotype in Stellaris has different 3d models of ships and different 2d graphics of cities displayed on planetary view. The first line applies to ship 3d models, the second one is self-explanatory. You can freely mix phenotypes of your species portraits, starship graphics and city graphics, so don't worry about that. Code names of graphical cultures are simple: humanoid_01, plantoid_01, mammalian_01, reptilian_01, avian_01, molluscoid_01, fungoid_01, arthropoid_01. === Modding empire flag === In a new game screen, using graphical interface, editing flag of an empire is easy, but to code this flag in txt - using default Paradox flag symbols, patterns and colors - you need to know code names for all those elements. For reference, use [[Colors_and_flags_reference_guide|this separate guide]] - it makes this task incomparably easier. === Modding starting leader of an empire === Remember, modding leader of an empire matters much more for autocracies and oligarchies than for democracies where he/she can change after 5 years anyway. ruler = { name = "PRESCRIPTED_ruler_name_humans1" gender = female portrait = "human_female_05" texture = 0 hair = 1 clothes = 0 } Class should be left as "ruler" and experience as 1200, name is self-explanatory (if you don't type it here, it won't be imported from namelists - your starting ruler will display blank in game!), few other nuances are less obvious. "Texture" means color variations of aliens (they are in game to make alien leaders have more individual character), this line doesn't matter for humans at all. Portrait of a leader should be usually the same as species portrait - humans are exception here, as humans have different portraits for sex and skin color. Regarding skin color of human portraits, 01 is "eastern white" (?), 02 "asian", 03 "brown", 04 "western white" and 05 "black". Regarding clothes and hair, check this illustrated reference guide [LINK TO THE GUIDE] === Custom start screen flag === flags = { human_1 custom_start_screen } If you don't want your custom empire to have a custom introductory text, just delete this mysterious line. Then your mod empire will have auto-generated introduction similar to that of all normally generated species. If you do want a custom introduction, later part of this guide covers that issue in detail. === Empire spawn enabled - how to make empires appear in random games as AI opponents === spawn_enabled = no # yes / no / always This may be one of the most confusing aspects of modding empires in Stellaris. Spawn_enabled is a setting that decides whether the empire you create will be available to appear in a random new game, controlled by AI, instead of usual randomized AI species. If you type "spawn_enabled = no", then your mod empire will be still possible for human player to chose, edit it and play it in the new game, but otherwise it will never appear randomly in galaxies under AI control (as an opponent to human player). Use this setting if you want your custom empires to be playable only for human, never possible to show up under AI control. If you type "spawn_enabled = yes", then the empire may (or may not) randomly spawn in the new game under AI control. If you type "spawn_enabled = always", then that empire is forced to appear in every random game as an AI nation instead of randomized race. The last option means, if you have created 1 mod empire, set "spawn_enabled = always", then start a new game and set 1 AI opponent, then this opponent will always be that custom empire - because mod empires with "spawn_enabled = always" setting always have priority over default randomly generated species. If you created 16 mod empires, set "spawn_enabled = always" for all of them and then launch a new game with 16 AI opponents, every single of those AI opponents will be one of these mod empires. However, if you created 16 mod empires with that setting and then launch a new game with less than 16 AI opponents, then only some of your mod empires will appear in that game - but again, every AI opponent will be one of them, as I said: custom empires with spawn_enabled = always setting always have a priority over randomized ones. '''WARNING''' - if human player on a new game screen chooses one of mod empires to play as, then this custom empire will not spawn in the game as AI opponent even with spawn_enabled = always, because it is already in game: human-controlled. '''Unless''' you change (edit) the name on the new game screen (then game thinks it is entirely different empire, and populates the galaxy with originally named one because of spawn_setting = always) - so don't change the name and everything will be fine.